#1January 11th, 2007 · 03:02 AM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
I May Buy Electric Soon
While on holidays I checked out some music stores and saw some great left handed electrics, although, they weren't really in my price range, like the $1000 Fender. One guitar that caught my eye was a left handed Gibson Epiphone for $500, but my parents aren't keen on spending that much money, seeing I owe them for my car... I also know theres a decent guitar in my local guitar shop, but I have yet to check the price, but, seeing as I know the man running it I may get a fair deal  . One thing I saw around the place were the starter packs, I don't know what to make of these, but there were some for about $250, and the cheapest being $199. If it turns out I can't afford this guitar in the shop, what are the recommendations on getting the shop owner to order in a cheap left handed starter pack?
#2January 11th, 2007 · 07:36 AM
113 threads / 58 songs
464 posts
A good fender/gibson compromise
The squier tele custom 2 is a very good compromise between fender and gibson
It's a really good guitar a a small price
I don't know if they have a left hand model but it's worth checking out
#3January 12th, 2007 · 08:33 PM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
Yes they do, however...
I saw one on holidays for $600, but even that is too much for me, being a student with very casual work and a car to pay off, so yesterday, I went to my local shop which had a second hand $200 guitar in good shape (can't remember the brand, I'll tell you when I get it). So, I'll go and grab it soon, then try it out, then tell you how it plays. As for the Squire, even if I could afford it, it would be too much trouble to order it in or drive 900km to the shop where I saw it.

I also saw a $500 Gibson Epiphone that looked good, it had a wide bridge, something I noticed when playing an electric after spending 6 years just on acoustic.
#4January 13th, 2007 · 02:39 AM
6 threads
138 posts
the Yamaha PAC012 is a good idea. it comes pretty cheap.but don't know if they have left handed ones. another option i would look into are the guitars from Ibanez. there are a lot of duplicate Ibanez on the market sites these days, so watch out.

do a search for the prices on the net and I'm sure you'll find something that suites you.

good luck.
#5February 14th, 2007 · 09:22 PM
35 threads / 26 songs
107 posts
United States of America
You're from Auatraila, the home of AC/DC! I say, an Epiphone Starter pack SG is youre best bet, I've got it, it was only 250 U.S. Dollars. Of coures it takes a while to save that, but...

#6February 16th, 2007 · 03:18 AM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
I should probably say...
I've made a purchase. A second hand monterey strat $200 AU, just need a job, so I can get an amp (I could probably get a small good quality one for $100). I'll try to find a pic somewhere later.

Cheers guys,

#7February 16th, 2007 · 06:58 PM
113 threads / 58 songs
464 posts
orange crush are execelent for cheap money!
The marshall MG mini stack is worth a listen as well if you want a mini wall of marshall!
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