#1June 7th, 2011 · 05:41 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,841 posts
Creative Common Legal Code
Is there anybody out there who is strictly involved into legal stuff of CC licensing?
Meanwhile V3 is out and Bandamp has an outdated description

if you can find the time please follow the rules of CC Legal Code.
An artist's upload (music, video etc.) should be declared in the guidelines of CC licenses.
any questions? pm me please
Have certain ideas....
#2June 7th, 2011 · 07:52 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Hereīs a link to a discription of current cc-licences.

and thisone is the complete judical accomplishment...............puuuh


These terms are the current contracts on every modern platform as "soundcloud" , "Jamendo", "Phlow"
and many many more..............
CC can be compatible to Movies, TV and seperately available.
CC-licence allows an artist also selling his music. Itīs a case of individuel hearing or "Pro"-conditions as they are available on jamendo for example.

#3June 8th, 2011 · 04:51 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
i-petition for musicians rights
We all know about the difficulties of independant musicians to distribute their music and keep their rights at the same time. No matter if you provide your music for free or if you want to sell your product.
When you havenīt signed a member contract with Collecting societies sometimes it comes to a collision of interests. Especially the german society GEMA is quite restrictive.
For example :
A musician who plays a gig must
1. pay for his own works (if heīs GEMA member). He looses his rights in all his  previous and prospective works. 
2. or (if he isnīt) he must prove that heīs the rightīs owner and that he is not member of a Collecting society. The artist is always in  "burden of proof ". In german itīs called "GEMA-Vermutung"

These are just two examples which demonstrate the  artistīs "struggle" against these societies.

Now, Iīve found a petition for the European Commission which jamendo has initiated to support artistsī interests and strengthen their (our) rights.
And because bandamp members also release their works under CCL I think it might also be interesting for us ampers. Perhaps some members have some experiences with Collecting societies.

If anyboby wants to know more or to subscribe the petition hereīs the link


#4June 8th, 2011 · 01:46 PM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
safe creative
I donīt know if you have heard about "safe ceative" copyright registry.
Safe Creative is the first copyright registry that informs about copyrights allowing rights holders to manage their rights in the Digital Era.
When registering a work, Safe Creative provides information, security and also self-management of copyrights.

For U.S.A. safe ceative plan some innovations :
There are 4 identification levels which confirm an artist as creator or copyrights owner of the registered works.

If you want to know more about safe ceative here the links :


#5February 23rd, 2012 · 02:33 AM
thanx for sharing................
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