#1February 1st, 2010 · 07:04 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,848 posts
Rewrite of the battle system
So dear Ampers,

Now that I realized that the scripts of the old battle system don't have a proper function, I decided to rewrite the battle system. Well it's not that difficult but it has to be done.
All informations are stored in the database and we simply have to select these informations and put them together like a puzzle.
After surviving a sleepless night I suggest the following:

1. Entering Into A Battle
The battle starts by entering a song. The decision which battle will be entered is up to the system. As far I've seen it's the 15th of a month.
Enter date = 2010-02-13 -> Battle 2010-02
Enter date = 2010-02-17 -> Battle 2010-03

2. Date Of Voting
Only the votes of the current battle will be counted.
That means:
Your song is in the battle 2010-02
Don't matter if it's an old song from 2003 with 123 votes, the battle starts by entering it.
Some of us enter the battle before the new month has started and the votes have been made
To be fair to the song, all votes of the previous month will also be considered.
So every song has the same chance to win regardless of high or low votes made before.
i.e. A song entered the battle on 2010-01-12, all votes from 2010-01 and 2010-02 run into the calculation:
The following voting table shows what I mean (percent * 100)
2006-10-15 ... 0.85 ... out
2007-03-24 ... 1.00 ... out
2008-04-05 ... 0,67 ... out
2009-08-12 ... 0.77 ... out
2009-12-31 ... 0.44 ... out
2010-01-03 ... 0.87 ... in
2010-01-06 ... 0.76 ... in
2010-01-12 ... 0.82 ... in
2010-01-18 ... Entering Battle 2010-02
2010-01-31 ... 0.86 ... in
2010-02-10 ... 0.67 ... in
2010-02-20 ... 0,75 ... in
2010-02-28 ... 0,79 ... in (last day of the month)
2010-03-01 ... 1.00 ... out

As you can see the song of the battle 2010-02 has seven (7) votes. The average is 0.79 = 79%.
All votes made before, during and after the battle, will be registered and calculated separately and shown in the Music section.

3. Count Of Votes
A song can win if the count of votes is more than X.
We should make X variable to make the battle system more attractive.
In the moment X=14 that means the system considers a song when it has more than 14 votes.
Even in the moment this is unreachable. We discussed this thing and I'd suggest that we drive back that X to 4. Means a song must have more than 4 votes in the suggested time-frame. (see 2.)
It's easy to increase the X variable to align it to increased votes and members

4. Agreement
Now please sign it and kick my a** to launch the programming
#2February 1st, 2010 · 03:03 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Any one who has a sleepless night, with their head in databases and php and then comes up with this gets my vote every time...
I never really got into the whole battle thing when I first got here and then it seamed to have pooped out anyway.

If your breathing new life into it...and having read how it works I could even get into entering a song every now and then ...................... if everyone knows THAT it works and HOW it works it can become an exiting element of the site again.
#3February 1st, 2010 · 03:32 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
#4February 2nd, 2010 · 03:48 PM
177 threads / 27 songs
2,345 posts
United Kingdom
There has to be a prize!!!

i have an idea!!
#5February 2nd, 2010 · 03:57 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
whats your idea!!
btw i would LOVE for the battle to come back
#6February 2nd, 2010 · 05:08 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
swordfish wrote…
There has to be a prize!!!

i have an idea!!
What?   enter the battle , win an idea !

Could this be the ball that finally gets this little place rockin' n rollin ?!
#7February 2nd, 2010 · 05:56 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
i sure hope so
#8February 4th, 2010 · 05:37 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Can you make something that when you are reviewing a song that's in the Battle when you click on "Post!" and you haven't voted yet it reminds you to do it?
I happens to me always that I forget to vote for the songs even though I make a good review. That would help a lot.

              > Iszil
#9February 6th, 2010 · 02:00 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
Iszil wrote…
Can you make something that when you are reviewing a song that's in the Battle when you click on "Post!" and you haven't voted yet it reminds you to do it?
I happens to me always that I forget to vote for the songs even though I make a good review. That would help a lot.

              > Iszil

It may not be technically possible,but I think it should be compulsary to RATE a song you review, that way, members will get more votes, thus more members qualifying in the battle, that would be AWESOME
#10February 6th, 2010 · 02:09 PM
15 threads / 8 songs
322 posts
Do songs that win in the battles get entered into the Hall of Fame?
#11February 7th, 2010 · 06:53 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
fais54 wrote…
Do songs that win in the battles get entered into the Hall of Fame?

Interesting point, it's great motivation for a member to be entered into the Hall of Fame, it's something we need to moniter now and then, hopefully know TK has some time on his hands, he'll review it.

I believe it is set-up in order of the highest percentage overall vote, but I don't think it's working at the moment, the list appears to have remained the same since I joined 3 years ago.

I'm sure once he's sorted out the Battle, he'll sus it out.
#12February 7th, 2010 · 01:30 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Was checking the Hall of Fame and noticed that Taka and Chester have both about 5 or more songs there, each.
Those guys are amazing. I just hope with all this rewriting and redesigning the site they will comeback like many other members who were great musicians.

            > Iszil
#13March 27th, 2010 · 07:27 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Way to go TK...Its a very good idea to start all songs at a even count entering a battle....the old system just didnt make sense to me...
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