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#16November 20th, 2008 · 12:18 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Dark wrote…
Aparently "synth pop" doesn't have meaning? Or "Alternative Rock"


Not sure what you mean... I think "Alternative Rock" is just the joining of 2 words that were already genres anyway.  "Rock" and "Alternative".  I'm hoping that the members of the site have enough understanding of the two words separately that they would understand them when put together.  Same with "synth" "pop".

That's precisely why I've suggested we allow for 2 genres for a song.  To me, 1 genre of "Alternative Rock" is the same as 2 genres of "Alternative" and "Rock".   If every song made use of specialized genres, the stats would be useless.  We would have 6 songs site-wide in "synth pop", but if we split them into 2 genres, we could have 400-something in "synth", and 50-whatever in "pop".

I hope you understand that I'm with you in terms of adding genres to the songs.  I just think it's needless to be redundant with WHICH genres we include.
#17November 24th, 2008 · 06:48 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
This is a tiny feeling what comes up if you want to identify a special music STYLE!!!
there hundreds of styles

from Di to Dr
Digital hardcore
Dirty rap
Dirty South (also known as Southern rap)
Disco house
Disco polo - Polish nightclub dance music.
Dixieland jazz (Chicago jazz)
Dodompa - Japanese tango
Dondang sayang - slow folk music that mixes Malaysian forms with Portuguese, India, Chinese and Arabic music
Donegal fiddle tradition
Dongjing - Chinese Naxi form of folk music, related to silk and bamboo music from Chinca
Doo wop
Doom metal
Dream pop
Drone doom (Also known as Drone metal)
Drone music
Drum and bass (DNB)

maybe this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_genre helps to stop this discussion about classifying music in genres. Not even the artist himself knows exactly which genre his works belong to.
Otherwise someone must take the artist by the hand and show him the direction his music might go. Personally I dont want this.
To underline my point of view that I wouldnt listen to music which is categorized to a genre that I am usually not listening to would give away the chance to hear the artist's work.
A work is categorized as "Classic". Usually I'd skip this genre... but a random click on the link opens my heart to the most beautiful music I ever heard as a film score or movie sound track. So what would it be categorized then?
Hope you understand what I am saying
But I like the idea by PuppetXeno to give the listener the chance to tag the artist's work

analog synth pop = 70s?
digital synth pop = top 40?
#18November 24th, 2008 · 07:47 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
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United States of America
I have to agree with TK on this one.  Labeling our music is going to cut way down on reviews and just listening in general.  Honestly, How many of you would have ever listened to my stuff if it had been labeled "Drum and Bass" or the dreaded and overused "Techno"?  I come across new music that I never would have listened to had it been labeled "Synth Pop" or something similar.  I think Dark's idea of labeling so that he can avoid any music he doesn't want to be accidentally exposed to is reprehensible and goes against the very mission we have here, which is to get all of our music listened to by as many ppl as possible!?  Dark, again man...i consider you a friend but im starting to get an elitist a$$ vibe from you man!
#19November 25th, 2008 · 01:48 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
I have followed the thread and I feel that both sides to this argument stand true.
I dont like the idea of 'pick and choose' your own criteria, thats not bandAmp but I do believe some way of 'organising' the mass of songs on the Amp is essential, as are 'tools' to make those songs more accessible.

I like the idea if the tags or the 'uploaders 3 choices of description' if they were on the song (project) page and not on the main audio forum page so a visitor either knows and makes a 'genre' search or they just have to open the page and take a look.

Then again the tags could not be displayed anywhere and a good working search function can be implemented into the site.
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