#1August 26th, 2011 · 05:06 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
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Being cack-handed makes ugly
Ungeschickt macht häßlich.

Newest news of a silly olīman.
Had a bicycle accident on tuesday.  My own fault.
I flew over my handle bar and fell on my thorax. Ooooomphh.      
Result : 2 broken ribs and 3 days in hospital.  

I always heard about how painful this kind of injuries can be , but now I know how painful it is.  
Canīt laugh, cough, sneeze or lie / sleep on my left side.

I guess I need a more secure bike-model.....

........or support next time........

#2August 26th, 2011 · 06:37 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
re: Being cack-handed makes ugly
ULI wrote…
Ungeschickt macht häßlich.

Newest news of a silly olīman.
Had a bicycle accident on tuesday.  My own fault.
I flew over my handle bar and fell on my thorax. Ooooomphh.      
Result : 2 broken rips and 3 days in hospital.  

I always heard about how painful this kind of injuries can be , but now I know how painful it is.  
Canīt laugh, cough, sneeze or lie / sleep on my left side.

I guess I need a more secure bike-model.....


........or support next time........

Yeah, two years ago this silly old man decided to go Go-Karting with the guys from work - it was great fun until somebody accidentally drove in to the side of me resulting in two cracked ribs. Never before had I broken a single bone. Needless to say I carried on until it was over - I think I must have been running on old adrenaline. After it had all finished it was only then I realized I had severe pain in my ribs.

When I think back to how much fun it was, I'd crack another rib. Just takes six weeks to heal - no problem :razz
#3August 26th, 2011 · 11:55 AM
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Cymru (Wales)
re: re: Being cack-handed makes ugly
Denis wrote…
When I think back to how much fun it was, I'd crack another rib. Just takes six weeks to heal - no problem

That's the spirit .. !!!!! 

ULI ... wow ! Diving off bikes at your age is a definite NO NO!
Though you physically cant laugh you still have your wonderful wonderful humour .... you can smile cant you?

How often I've crashed my bike as a child, and how quickly it was over.
I did my ribs in on an indoor sky slope ... thought I was saving my hips by putting all my stuff including a bunch of keys in my coat chest pocket ... I fell over loads of course, but then I fell flat on my face ..and on the keys ... aaw !

Take your time, eat well, hang out with good friends, think positive thoughts     
#4August 26th, 2011 · 01:48 PM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Tnx for ya caring words, my friends.  Good to see having some empathic peops around me.

kings wrote…
Though you physically cant laugh you still have your wonderful wonderful humour .... you can smile cant you?
Yeah! There must happen more to loose my humor. Always when I was in a hospital in the past the nurses came smiling or laughing out of my room every time  Humor is a magic medicine..
"Despite some broken ribs always jokes are coming over my lips".
Muuhhuuhaa, what a rhyme. 

kings wrote…
Take your time, eat well, hang out with good friends, think positive thoughts
I donīt worry too much about it. It will take a few weeks and Iīll gonna be in original condition.(I hope).

Shit happens, thatīs life. Have experienced harder things in my life. So Iīll overcome this, too.

#5August 26th, 2011 · 02:16 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Don't let it stop you enjoying your life, the human body is the most advanced thing there is, it will heal, get you back on your feet for your next adventure for another story to be told to your family and friends

BTW the pain lessens each week, by the sixth week you won't hardly know it's there, this is your ribs I'm talking about.

Keep smiling      
Or screaming   ...lol
#6August 26th, 2011 · 03:17 PM
117 threads / 27 songs
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denis wrote…
Don't let it stop you enjoying your life
Tnx, Denis. I wonīt let me dicourage about this issue. I know what real pain is .
Have suffered in spinal problems (discal prolaps) for years and have had 2 surgeries. on it.
That were really hard times . When you get hardest pain in ya back every second, every minute, every day, every week of ya life more than 5 years. No matter if youīre sitting, standing, lying, moving or lifing something. And when you donīt know what  ya perspective will be, if it will normalize one day or not you need to be very strong and an optimistic soul.
Thatīs also a psychological aspect in addition to the physical problems. This was really, really hard. But I did overcome these terrible, horrible times.

In comparison to these years thisone is a "petitesse".

Haha!  Autsch!
Hihi! Aua!
Hohoho! Quiek!
#7August 30th, 2011 · 04:58 AM
77 threads / 59 songs
929 posts
have break man!
oh you did, sorry

i mean; take care!
at least till the invented bike airbags?
oh they did:

#8August 30th, 2011 · 10:48 AM
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Wellllll I know what it's like to have three ribs broken...

But nothing hurts more than a broken heart... I get that all the time (I must be a wanna be blues musician)
on the other hand, no pain no gain!
that which does not kill you makes you stronger (unless you find your extremities detached in the process)

anyways, stay safer next time!
and take your time to recover... I remember well - it took me three years to lose the cough reflex itch in my side when I breathed in deeply. What fun prospect, no?
#9August 31st, 2011 · 05:06 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
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@Max: Lol......good suggestion. I think I need a "whole-body-airbag". 

@ Pup: Please, donīt consolidate ya "long-time-broken-hearted" awareness of life. Lifeīs too short to stick in it. "No pain, no gain" is a great motto........................................................for body-builders.  
You hit the nail when you say : "which doesnīt kill me, makes me stronger". Thatīs my lifetime motto.

I feel itīs getting better and better every day. Iīm sure in 3-4 weeks Iīm goona be recovered again.
Thereīs one positive effect which I noticed: Iīve lost more than 3 kg in this week  
Since I gave up smoking 2 yrs ago I gained 10 kg weight .     Anyhow I donīt suggest suchlike injuries to lose some weight. 
#10September 4th, 2011 · 06:42 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Hi ULI. I just read the email. Sounds like you took a bad spill. Broken ribs are painful and they have to heal on their own. But, you know this by now. It only hurts when you laugh...

Take care buddy...I'll be in touch
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