#1February 16th, 2022 · 05:15 PM
30 threads / 30 songs
91 posts
Keep On Dreaming (2022)
In collaboration with: Ailyn Mondragon, Tihomir Vucajnk, Vladimir Sostaric, Boris Mrzlecki, Johannes Then, Marcus Hauck
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

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"Keep On Dreaming"
Interesting fact about "Keep On Dreaming" is that the main melody came to me in a dream, many years ago... And then I wrote the song around it... I always liked that intro riff... And I've been working hard on this song, wanted to make it sound special... I think that's what we did. Thanks to these amazing people and musicians,
Ailyn Mondragon: vocals/back vocals
Tihomir Vucajnk: rhythm guitars
Vladimir Sole Sostaric: bass guitar
Boris Mrzlecki: keyboards/organs
Johannes Then: piano, organs, and production
Marcus Hauck: drums
Ludwig Maier: Mastering
and me, Goran Vedris: lead/rhythm guitars, songwriter, arranger and lyrics writer...
We were gonna release this single in December of 2021, but due to working schedules, Corona complications etc. release was delayed until now....Hope you guys enjoy listening as much as we did recording.
Soon we will have our first studio album ready.
Graphic design by Ivana Svasta
#goranvedris #tihomirvucajnk #ailynmondragon #vladimiršolešoštarić #borismrzlecki #JohannesThen #marcushauck #kheops1 #kheopsone #keepondreaming #keep #dreaming #newsingle #hardrock #forthosewhohope #dreamscometrue #bayern #bavaria #deutschland #germany #kroatien #croatia #phillipines #distrokid #rockmusic #hardrock #hardrock #newmusic #inthisworld #inthisjungle #nothingsasitseems #justtearsandlies
Song lyrics: written and arranged by Goran Vedris
In this world I live
In this jungle I go on
Where nothing's as it seems
Just tears and lies, the truth is gone
Forever trapped in this mess
Going down
With only one thing on my mind
Keep on dreaming, for me for you
For those who hope dreams come true
And when this world I leave
Traveling at the speed of light
Every second that I miss
Spreads across my broken heart
Forever trapped in this mess
Going down
With only one thing on my mind
Keep on dreaming, for me for you
For those who hope dreams come true

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