#1April 3rd, 2015 · 02:38 PM
8 threads / 8 songs
127 posts
The Return
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

I dreamed about this song, I heard it in my dream I mean. The story was about a young man who leaves his house to do some kind of a trip. He returns after a week or two and he's totally changed. His hair is grey, his face has become like a dead-man's face, he is twitching and he has tremors, hiss voice became quiet and deep, coming from other worlds full of dark forests and fear. He says "Hi, I came back, I came back home... Please don't ask where I've been and what I've seen". It was exactly like that in my dream, the words, the melody. And the Bridge part, where comes the phrase "And its' F-e-e-e-ar". In the dream this word was pronounced with anything BUT human voice. It was an enormous and beast-like roar. I couldn't sing it like that, I really tried, but I didn't succeed.
It was a one-time dream though.

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#2April 3rd, 2015 · 03:55 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
Great Drama again - So you lived the dream...and what a dream it was.
Have you ever thought about teaming up with a film producer?
OMG that vocal sound at 2.00 mins was so amazing, it must have hurt.....
The vocal production is probably a little too bright, but other than that, it sounds great.
Well done, you have great songwriting skills - very entertaining.
#3April 3rd, 2015 · 04:56 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Hehehe nice and eerie story there.

Good thing you managed to translate your dream-vision into actual physically recorded goodiness. I am also glad that you came back to BandAMP to share your music in all it's intensity, drama and darkness. You mentioned in a comment to another recent song of yours that you would love to have your music professionally produced. I don't know how you currently record your stuff - is this a solo thing? In any case, the production quality is really decent - though it is a good thing to want to get better, since you have strong ideas about what you actually want to achieve (dreaming in music, no less!) investing in a pro studio with producer might actually backfire. Surely a pro studio knows tricks and has access to equipment you don't have, but you will also sacrifice creative freedom which in all cases I think is much more valuable. Rather invest in better equipment and take time to master it than deliver your ideas to a time-constrained, monetary-motivated, over-confident, dull-sensed, cloth-eared and probably hungover coke addict who thinks he's seen it all but actually hasn't and has forgotten how disappointed he has become about his own carreer so trying to make a quick buck out of an aspiring musician whom he will quickly drag down into the slump with him by delivering a far subpar service under the pretense that you just have to get used to it, and given the psychological mechanism of "sunk cost fallacy" you might even accept as tolerable (assuming you can't afford Flood or Eno).

OK enough of a rant! In other words: keep it pure 
#4April 5th, 2015 · 09:02 PM
23 threads / 14 songs
515 posts
Interesting concept really well delivered , very atmospheric in sense.The vocal has arresting powerful  essence . Good production & instrument voicing , dramatic .
Funny I am reminded of a story that came out of chile south america , a bunch of soldiers out on patrol witnessed what would best be described as a UFO landing ,they proceeded to the landing site only to realise one of the patrol members just disappeared from amongst them . They spent the next 15 min looking fro their comrade then just as suddenly he re appeared amongst them .Only now he was a blithering basket case , though he shaved that morning there was a 3 day growth plus his calendar watch was 3 days in advance.The only thing they could get out of him was " you don;t know who we are or where we come from but we are coming back "
#5April 13th, 2015 · 05:07 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
The Return
WOW ...

Its a great song with structure and thought...

Lyrics deliver
#6April 13th, 2015 · 05:22 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: The Return
swordfish wrote…
WOW ...

Its a great song with structure and thought...

Lyrics deliver

extra notes as i listen 6th time
So i review as I hear ..... ok?
voc overpads good
voc over riff good
backing singers aaah static stuck in one place
centred in mix
its not moving to get the panic of not breathing!!!

It might be an an idea to create movement in the panning mix to install panic/urgency  in the listener

just an idea

gulp... fish
#7April 16th, 2015 · 10:14 PM
2 threads / 1 songs
13 posts
holy shit! I really like this, i've actually experienced something very similar to what happened in your dream/song, so its weird how i can relate to it. it reminds me of Muse. I liked it so much that I downloaded, hope you don't mind!
#8April 24th, 2015 · 02:54 PM
15 threads / 14 songs
140 posts
United Kingdom
Wow! Remarkable> Dark and eerie, just the way I like it. I love the layered growl over the vox at c. 2 mins.

Listening  a second time- Your voice is great; strong and evocative, the accent works brilliantly for this style too.

Similar to what Swordfish was saying, I think some pandemonium-like sounds panned hard left and right and moving about over the crescendo part would really top that part off nicely.

I kind of like the sudden ending, kind of don't...

On listening a third time, I suppose it's not that sudden. Maybe it's just that the song should be longer and take a little detour somewhere else before finishing, for my taste.

Very nice piece of music- reminds me of why I used to spend so much time here on the Amp- these little gems are worth digging for.
#9May 1st, 2015 · 02:16 AM
8 threads / 8 songs
127 posts
I wonder, is it worth it. Every song costs me so much pain, hopes, soon after broken hopes, total exhaustion. So is it worth it? To create some kind of "gems", linear, non-linear, whatever.
Maybe someday I'll be blessed with musical silence and happy stupidity.
So, enjoy my pain here! :)
#10May 1st, 2015 · 05:00 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
very much so
For from the ocean of thoughts and experiences these songs materialize, like beacons along the grand walk of life, sometimes as guiding lights, sometimes as warning signs; what has been dreamed, cannot be undreamed. What has been sung, cannot be unsung. What has been heard, cannot be unheard.

The artist is a medium for her creative output, the creative output is a medium to transfer the pathos from the mind of the artist to the mind of the observer, over distances to wherever data can travel, igniting flames of inspiration along the way. And this forum is a medium to provide feedback to the artist, completing the circle - burning, like Catherine wheels.

ah, I wouldn't want it any other way!
#11May 2nd, 2015 · 04:44 PM
8 threads / 8 songs
127 posts
#12December 10th, 2019 · 02:11 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
910 posts
United States of America
My infatuation with your most recent offering caused me to explore some of your previous uploads. I think I love your creative spirit, passion and intensity! I also once heard a song in a dream, and after I awakened, I realized I had never heard that song before otherwise. So I set about writing and recording it.

With regards to this piece, your story evokes (for me) a theme similar to the combat veteran with PTSD. He is possessed with an experience and an intensity that he can't hope for others to understand. He is painfully isolated and wants to reach out to others, but finds he can't - recalling the painful events of his experience bring about an onslaught of uncontrollable intrusive thoughts, visions and a sense of impending danger which feels as if  it will never cease -  thus the alarm, isolation, intrusive thoughts and  fear of loss of control intensify. At times, he becomes a monster himself which he can't control...

With regards to the composition itself, I find myself selfishly wanting to hear that section at 2:00 (where the music and your voice becomes most forceful and raspy) repeated a few times (because I wanted to ride the "wave" of intensity a little longer). I love the vocal textures you built into this composition (the use of labored breathing as the character struggles to breathe...also the use of those [possibly reversed?] vocal sounds you use to build up to the raspy voice at 2:00). You certainly know how to use dynamics to build intensity into a composition!

Nice work!
#13December 10th, 2019 · 02:23 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
910 posts
United States of America
PuppetXeno wrote…
Hehehe nice and eerie story there.

Good thing you managed to translate your dream-vision into actual physically recorded goodiness. I am also glad that you came back to BandAMP to share your music in all it's intensity, drama and darkness. You mentioned in a comment to another recent song of yours that you would love to have your music professionally produced. I don't know how you currently record your stuff - is this a solo thing? In any case, the production quality is really decent - though it is a good thing to want to get better, since you have strong ideas about what you actually want to achieve (dreaming in music, no less!) investing in a pro studio with producer might actually backfire. Surely a pro studio knows tricks and has access to equipment you don't have, but you will also sacrifice creative freedom which in all cases I think is much more valuable. Rather invest in better equipment and take time to master it than deliver your ideas to a time-constrained, monetary-motivated, over-confident, dull-sensed, cloth-eared and probably hungover coke addict who thinks he's seen it all but actually hasn't and has forgotten how disappointed he has become about his own carreer so trying to make a quick buck out of an aspiring musician whom he will quickly drag down into the slump with him by delivering a far subpar service under the pretense that you just have to get used to it, and given the psychological mechanism of "sunk cost fallacy" you might even accept as tolerable (assuming you can't afford Flood or Eno).

OK enough of a rant! In other words: keep it pure  8)
HAHAHA! GREAT rant, PX. I actually love this! Delightfully cynical...just the way I like it!
#14December 10th, 2019 · 02:42 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
910 posts
United States of America
re: very much so
PuppetXeno wrote…
For from the ocean of thoughts and experiences these songs materialize, like beacons along the grand walk of life, sometimes as guiding lights, sometimes as warning signs; what has been dreamed, cannot be undreamed. What has been sung, cannot be unsung. What has been heard, cannot be unheard.

The artist is a medium for her creative output, the creative output is a medium to transfer the pathos from the mind of the artist to the mind of the observer, over distances to wherever data can travel, igniting flames of inspiration along the way. And this forum is a medium to provide feedback to the artist, completing the circle - burning, like Catherine wheels.

ah, I wouldn't want it any other way!
Beautifully stated...
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