#1February 7th, 2015 · 02:37 PM
61 threads / 57 songs
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This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Hey ampers.this is one of  my latest tracks.electronic as usual.enjoy or hate it.

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#2February 8th, 2015 · 10:02 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
The rhythm feels Africa - I like it - I could just imagine going through a jungle looking out for predators or tribes.
Would be cool if you could get or create some animal sounds to add to it
#3February 8th, 2015 · 04:14 PM
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United Kingdom
re: on top
grainshifter wrote…
Hey ampers.this is one of  my latest tracks.electronic as usual.enjoy or hate it.

ENJOy .....
Just a quick Tip .......I find Electronica that includes some input of human voice much easier to digest ... say autobahn et al by kraftwerk ..... use electronica full on but anchor it with a a voice of some description ...
just a thought....

#4February 9th, 2015 · 06:26 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Aye, I enjoy this too, the multi-layered pulsing waves of audio goodiness, electronic but with a deeply organic feel about it. I agree with the fish that human voice helps set a focus, so that otherwise fully instrumental tunes become easier to digest. A few well-placed vocal samples can introduce a storyline, or at least a rudimentary theme to the scenery crafted with the music part.

For this, I would try and rip some David Attenborough talking about hatching snake eggs or something - it would vaguely reference to the somewhat reproduction-themed title of the track 
#5February 15th, 2015 · 12:29 PM
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I agree with Puppet and Dennis. This would be better with some vocals and animal sounds. Good start though.
#6February 28th, 2015 · 12:24 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
PuppetXeno wrote…
it would vaguely reference to the somewhat reproduction-themed title of the track  :razz:
How very observant PX .... very funny!

Cool track, put it under 'enjoyed', must agree with the suggestions, it would 'complete' it for the masses looking for 'complete' songs.
#7March 29th, 2015 · 06:20 PM
21 threads / 12 songs
517 posts
Very good groove , like the swirling percussion textures & electro sound scape fills & wobbly bass sweet . I agree any sort of off the wall human voice , telephone fx e.g would really expand what is already a ready piece for world domination. Thanks for posting enjoyed listening
#8April 2nd, 2015 · 09:02 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
327 posts
United Kingdom
ooohh I love different and this IS different. I could listen to this and do many things whilst listening. Loving it. glad I listened. Sabres of Paradise comes to mind.
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