#1August 15th, 2012 · 03:03 PM
90 threads / 73 songs
263 posts
United Kingdom
Paint a Picture(Acoustic)
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For my band's upcoming acoustic EP! Our guitarist has mixed and recorded, so tips on mixing would be awesome!

I personally don't like the piano in the bridge, think we'll change that.

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#2August 15th, 2012 · 07:22 PM
6 threads / 4 songs
25 posts
Noice! There were a few tempo mistakes but overall it sounds pretty good, I can imagine hearing something like that on the radio. I haven't done much acoustic+vocals so I won't be able to provide tips on mixing, but composition vise I think the piano in the bridge does not go well in the context of the song simply because it's played too low. I'd get that melody an octave higher and play it with notes ringing out. I'd also harmonize the lead guitar in the ending, but that's a matter of taste. It's been such a long time since I've listened to something like this... Keep it up!
#3August 16th, 2012 · 01:11 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
I'd experiment with the tempo, I sense slower.

The acoustic rhythm is strong and nicely panned, did you use the 'haas effect' out of interest, something I recently posted on the AMP.  I would add a little more reverb on the acoustic rhythm so that it gives the the illusion it's further away from the lead vox, it will bring the vox more to front. The lead acoustic is drowned, if you apply the hass effect on this too, but adjust the time on the opposite channel to the rhythm guitar, pan them in between the vox and rhythm guitar with less reverb than the rhythm guitar, but more than the vox, it will make all the tracks clearly defined in their place in the mix.

Piano sounds OK, strings always sound nice with acoustic guitar, cello could substitute the Piano - try it out see how it sounds.

The only other thing a feel that would suite the song is to have some grunge guitar in the chorus with drums and bass, or introduce them half way through the song - I thing it will blend well with your vox tone.

The making of a quality track - keep it up.
#4August 18th, 2012 · 06:00 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
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United Kingdom
re: Paint a Picture(Acoustic)
Petermoncrieff wrote…
For my band's upcoming acoustic EP! Our guitarist has mixed and recorded, so tips on mixing would be awesome!

I personally don't like the piano in the bridge, think we'll change that.

ok im listening to mp3 .....
the guitar sounds dumbed down .....not alive ..top missing???
no stereo spread?? all in the middle??

could always be what im listenin on but
play with panning???

left right fish

fantastic voc ... think ive said that before...haha
#5August 20th, 2012 · 03:49 PM
90 threads / 73 songs
263 posts
United Kingdom
Thanks for the reviews all of you! They're really helpful - as always! Passed your tips on and I'll be sure to post a link to listen to the EP when it's done
#6August 24th, 2012 · 02:45 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
65 posts
United States of America
The tempo thing I only caught an off feel in the intro, being this has a live feel the Reverb piano bit after 2:30 like a hall preset with 30%wet, just a touch of reverb maybey a bit more sustain, piano through me off a bit. vocals are clean, for more Air maybey use a parametric eq and sidechain the High's to a send then slight delay and ofset phase to change spacial position feel. I dont make any cliams to know what im doing but thatsw what i would try. Oh by the way I think you did an out standing job on this piece. So can I ask how you recordede this one. What software? If you say 4 track tascam im gonna shitbricks. Good job, I would be peoud of this one, yeah just two things that stick out, The into tempo is fast and will detour the listener and the piano is dry a bit.    fix these and your good to go. if you wanna make it pop, read about vocal "AIR" the crisp clean Air. High or sonic freqs. It changed my whole recording world.
#7August 24th, 2012 · 02:50 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
65 posts
United States of America
Woops, being this has a live feel the rest of the tempo offs are slight enough to really go unnoticed to the average listen. and being there are alot of audio buffs on here we catch the little things. Besides the last thing you wanna do at this point is downbeat sync all your sampled bits, anyways man I dig

#8August 24th, 2012 · 03:33 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
In a short form:

Cool track
great composition
Voice way too loud, too dry (no fx), barely hits the note, too much under pressure
But good expression. Needs dynamic compressing
Gives me raw vision of a
GREAT song
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