#1February 14th, 2012 · 05:07 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom

This song is not in a battle

Here's a rough Blues Jam recorded with my new Tanglewood Sundance Acoustic.
I love it, best acoustic I've ever owned, the bass is so rich, I know in time it will sound even better.

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#2February 15th, 2012 · 04:17 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,836 posts
So that you're making photos of your guitar on your bed means that you're having your guitar with you while sleeping? 
And yes "she" is so beautiful 
#3February 15th, 2012 · 10:00 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
So that you're making photos of your guitar on your bed means that you're having your guitar with you while sleeping? 
And yes "she" is so beautiful  :heart:
Hmmm. I need a larger bed for three
#4February 15th, 2012 · 01:45 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Love it! Love the whole sound, the guitar, the hammond and the playing, of course! There was a lot of feeling in those notes.
Great stuff. Keep 'em coming!

            > Ish
#5February 15th, 2012 · 02:38 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,836 posts
I wrote a post to add an organ while listening but I had to delete
And suddenly.... brrrrrughhh... a fat hammond sounding organ appears.
Cool blues structure in this composition. Not easy to understand. Had to listen a few times. Sad that you faded out. This lets me think that you just practiced or you want to show us a great final, do you?
#6February 16th, 2012 · 02:17 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
I wrote a post to add an organ while listening but I had to delete
And suddenly.... brrrrrughhh... a fat hammond sounding organ appears.
Cool blues structure in this composition. Not easy to understand. Had to listen a few times. Sad that you faded out. This lets me think that you just practiced or you want to show us a great final, do you?
This is indeed just a jam, I just had some chords I threw together and hit record. It was just so that I could share my experience with my new guitar.
I have been over critical with my songwriting of late, which has caused me to think that my ideas are not ready for production, I'm now trying to persuade myself that I am without question, being over critical with myself and start recording some songs again
#7February 16th, 2012 · 01:56 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Denis, you are an experienced man when talking about recording acoustic guitars. I was wondering what microphones you are currently using and which ones you have used. Of all of them, which ones you recommend? I wanna start recording my acoustic guitar via mic instead or piezo and I need some advice. I'm a bit short on money.


            > Ish
#8February 16th, 2012 · 02:13 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom
Iszil wrote…
Denis, you are an experienced man when talking about recording acoustic guitars. I was wondering what microphones you are currently using and which ones you have used. Of all of them, which ones you recommend? I wanna start recording my acoustic guitar via mic instead or piezo and I need some advice. I'm a bit short on money.


            > Ish

I really must do a youTube video on recording Acoustic guitar, as I often get asked this question.
Lets start off with what mics do you have, what preamp/interface do you have?
You can still get a decent quality sound from basic mics, but pencil condenser mics have the edge. I like to record in stereo, I've experimented with many mic positions and my personal favorite is to have one mic left slightly pointing down at the 12th fret, then one mic right pointing at the 12th fret. mics a roughly 12 inches from guitar, then pan them hard left and right. This set-up is what I used for this recording, it gives you a big stereo field, very good if you have very few instruments like in this recording. So if you have lots of instruments playing at the same time, you would probably want to record with just one mic in mono, and the same for most instruments, then pan them in all different position giving you a more direct sound from the panned position, thus creating more separation between each instrument. You can google it, but you'll find people have varied opinions - the proof is in how you hear it or more to the point you like what you hear....
*EDIT* This is interesting discussions and video from a producer
#9February 16th, 2012 · 03:02 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Thank you very much, man!
#10February 17th, 2012 · 03:03 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
What an absolutely delicious sound .... fruits of the loom ... if your talking Jam       

If you have the separate tracks and like the live recording but want to correct the few notes you could use the Audio editor in Cubase which I know you have got into in the past.
#11February 17th, 2012 · 04:33 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
kings wrote…
What an absolutely delicious sound .... fruits of the loom ... if your talking Jam       

If you have the separate tracks and like the live recording but want to correct the few notes you could use the Audio editor in Cubase which I know you have got into in the past.
I suppose for want of a better word I'm a 'purist'.  If I have the ability to do it without pressing buttons, I'd get more satisfaction.  I've not had the house to myself for a long while - essential when I'm recording into mics.  The good news is my eldest daughter started a new job, which means an empty house on most Tuesdays, my day off. The guitar I purchased has been in it's case most of it's life, this one is solid wood, I learned that even though an advert on a guitar says it has for example spruce top and mahogany back and sides it may be laminated, it's miss-description. So my point is this guitar is SOLID wood and the sound will mature the more it gets played - in only a couple of weeks playing it every day, the sound is opening up, in other words the overtones are starting to come through more, plus more sustain. My my I'm waffling....lol
#12February 20th, 2012 · 02:52 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
Aaaah, yes. Itīs a beauty. And it sounds really rich and full. This blues is the right thing to debut here.
I must assert that your gitplay -soloing- has improved a lot. The phrasings sound absolutely convincing.

We will see how this gitti will sound in a year...........................................mmmmmmmmhhhh

#13February 20th, 2012 · 09:50 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
D like I mentioned to you via Email...Love the sound of your new guitar!!!! Also enjoyed the listen!
#14February 20th, 2012 · 10:31 AM
4 threads / 3 songs
13 posts
United States of America
Wow, what a gorgeous guitar sound. Well worth whatever it cost, I'm sure.
#15February 21st, 2012 · 02:46 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
lovely guitar! wish you lots of playing fun.
great blues!
loved the organ jam!
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