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#1October 13th, 2010 · 11:08 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
The Cookie Store
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

here is one of the newest ones I've written...  recently recorded on the new alesis adat hd24 24 track hard disk recorder and the rest of what mekes up our newely equipped 24 track recording studio...   I am going to start all over and re-record everything  now...  put together a couple of e-cd's for independent release and all.. 
 Anyway, this is just one of the ten or twelve new songs I've completed and working towards getting them recorded and all..
 please let me know what you think!!

peace, luv and blessings,


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#2October 13th, 2010 · 11:18 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
honestly now guys..
even with the new studio, there are some minor recording flaws.. I can pick that part of it apart... But I just want to know what you think about the song itself??  would you cut it?? etc etc...

peace, luv and blessings,

#3October 14th, 2010 · 01:37 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Stunning track bluey...Absolutely awesome..Cross lullaby/irish folk and you get this...Yes you should redo the vox for the purpose of tightening it up some but wow this is just an amazing track..Good one sir!
#4October 14th, 2010 · 02:27 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
oh my...
thank you sir... that honestly means a whole lot
coming from you!!!  and I appreciate you letting
me know exactly where it is lacking....

peace and blessings,

#5October 14th, 2010 · 02:42 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
NP Blue your quite talented..So where have you been?
#6October 15th, 2010 · 03:09 PM
177 threads / 27 songs
2,345 posts
United Kingdom
re: The Cookie Store
Blueyes wrote…
here is one of the newest ones I've written...  recently recorded on the new alesis adat hd24 24 track hard disk recorder and the rest of what mekes up our newely equipped 24 track recording studio...   I am going to start all over and re-record everything  now...  put together a couple of e-cd's for independent release and all.. 
 Anyway, this is just one of the ten or twelve new songs I've completed and working towards getting them recorded and all..
 please let me know what you think!!

peace, luv and blessings,



Hi CASS!!!!


bit of panning might be good just to split the guitar from the voice ......nothing radical...

maybe take the guitar trak and copy and relay it with 1st trak slightly left 2nd slightly right with different eq settings and set back a bit???

u get it i know...


#7October 15th, 2010 · 04:09 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
Het Bluey, I miss you where you been.
Lovely relaxed vib.

You could play this to children at night - for sure they would get a restful sleep.

Hope to hear some more
#8October 15th, 2010 · 08:40 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Yes! Childrens nursery rhymes. This is so nice and totally chilled, something I would play for the kids.
#9October 16th, 2010 · 04:54 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
Many Thanx Guys!!
Denis, I missed you guys a lot too!!  To answer yours and Marino's "where ya been" question..
I've been under the weather deep lately...  doin the Rip Van Winkle thing tryin just to survive
it!!!  Seriously, dying is something I do not want to do right now, no more then I cherish the
idea of loosing a limb or something, due to diabetes...  I've come real close to loosing my
eyesight as it is.... honestly, it seems to come and go when it gets a notion... Ya know what's
funny is, I keep my levels checked two and three times a day, take my insulin exactly as I a
supposed to, and try to eat right down to the fresh fruits in the mornings, veggies and a hand
tossed salad six nights a week...  I just have the salad, soup and a sandwich the seventh...  Yet
almost a month ago, I had spent four days fighting a fever that stayed up around 100.3 to an
almost brain frying 103.8...   on that saturday, my arthritis in my back had gotten so bad, and
I was so delirious, our friends said I started eating 800mg Ibuprofen like placebos...  And went
into a stooper... they took me to the ER, there I ran my wheelchair into a spiked on the outside
of the building cutting a five inch long and three inch deep laceration in my leg...  they admitted
me and by Monday I had contracted a M.S.R.A. Staff Infection.. (from the hospital no less) so they
ended up keeping me almost two weeks till I believe they got so tired of me being the bad Lil patient
and unhappy Lil camper from being cooped up, until they set it up where I could be released and
finish my final treatments at home!!!   You see, even almost nine years after my cardiovascular
events, I am still just hanging on!!  I won't give up any time soon though...  As you see by the latest
installment... I should have a couple of more soon...  well as soon as I can get my son to share
my studio with me! He thinks it's his den because his sister stays in the den/living room most of the
time..  almost impossible to get anything done with the death metal music going full blast most of the
time!! I am sorry guys, "Heavy Metal" in my day, even had something going for it...  but la mo-scream
and scowl in-growl in  are no more music then gangsta hump yo momma thump thump are!!!  (sorry,
shameless hit on the primitive jungle junk others like).....
 Denis, Kings, thanks for the boost guys!! I really need that!!! The lullaby feeling was a part of it as the attempt at an old Irish folk Lullaby...  when they came out with a shoot'em up construction set and other  computer game construction set, maker softwares way back in the day, I watched as more "modulated" music - song construction kits came about...  I was, and still am, so afraid the days of our kind "the troubadours of story, song and verse" are becoming slowly numbered!! Then when the movie demolition man came out where they idolized commericals, I felt a definite weekening in the force!!!
 Fishy, funny baby, only has a takamine acoustic-elec. classical, a bass and vocal..  both the guitar and bass are done on two tracks each since I came out of my digitech rp-255 stereo l and r each into it's own channel on the board...  and same with the bass...  I recorded vocals on channel 7...   panning the guitars to about nine o'clock left, the basses almost 4pm right and left the vocal at 12noon...  vox were done with out any effects of any kind... just dry as a bone...  as I've still not gotten the new system completely setup still...  I just have more then I can do...  it gets so overwhelming, that dredding it lends to narcolepsy in which it's still there when I come to....

welll a little more then I wanted to get into, but there you have just part of the never ending saga...

peace, luv and blessings,

Danny  -  Ol Blueyes
#10October 16th, 2010 · 06:37 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
re: Many Thanx Guys!!
Blueyes wrote…
Denis, I missed you guys a lot too!!  To answer yours and Marino's "where ya been" question..
I've been under the weather deep lately...  doin the Rip Van Winkle thing tryin just to survive
it!!!  Seriously, dying is something I do not want to do right now, no more then I cherish the
idea of loosing a limb or something, due to diabetes...  I've come real close to loosing my
eyesight as it is.... honestly, it seems to come and go when it gets a notion... Ya know what's
funny is, I keep my levels checked two and three times a day, take my insulin exactly as I a
supposed to, and try to eat right down to the fresh fruits in the mornings, veggies and a hand
tossed salad six nights a week...  I just have the salad, soup and a sandwich the seventh...  Yet
almost a month ago, I had spent four days fighting a fever that stayed up around 100.3 to an
almost brain frying 103.8...   on that saturday, my arthritis in my back had gotten so bad, and
I was so delirious, our friends said I started eating 800mg Ibuprofen like placebos...  And went
into a stooper... they took me to the ER, there I ran my wheelchair into a spiked on the outside
of the building cutting a five inch long and three inch deep laceration in my leg...  they admitted
me and by Monday I had contracted a M.S.R.A. Staff Infection.. (from the hospital no less) so they
ended up keeping me almost two weeks till I believe they got so tired of me being the bad Lil patient
and unhappy Lil camper from being cooped up, until they set it up where I could be released and
finish my final treatments at home!!!   You see, even almost nine years after my cardiovascular
events, I am still just hanging on!!  I won't give up any time soon though...  As you see by the latest
installment... I should have a couple of more soon...  well as soon as I can get my son to share
my studio with me! He thinks it's his den because his sister stays in the den/living room most of the
time..  almost impossible to get anything done with the death metal music going full blast most of the
time!! I am sorry guys, "Heavy Metal" in my day, even had something going for it...  but la mo-scream
and scowl in-growl in  are no more music then gangsta hump yo momma thump thump are!!!  (sorry,
shameless hit on the primitive jungle junk others like).....
 Denis, Kings, thanks for the boost guys!! I really need that!!! The lullaby feeling was a part of it as the attempt at an old Irish folk Lullaby...  when they came out with a shoot'em up construction set and other  computer game construction set, maker softwares way back in the day, I watched as more "modulated" music - song construction kits came about...  I was, and still am, so afraid the days of our kind "the troubadours of story, song and verse" are becoming slowly numbered!! Then when the movie demolition man came out where they idolized commericals, I felt a definite weekening in the force!!!
 Fishy, funny baby, only has a takamine acoustic-elec. classical, a bass and vocal..  both the guitar and bass are done on two tracks each since I came out of my digitech rp-255 stereo l and r each into it's own channel on the board...  and same with the bass...  I recorded vocals on channel 7...   panning the guitars to about nine o'clock left, the basses almost 4pm right and left the vocal at 12noon...  vox were done with out any effects of any kind... just dry as a bone...  as I've still not gotten the new system completely setup still...  I just have more then I can do...  it gets so overwhelming, that dredding it lends to narcolepsy in which it's still there when I come to....

welll a little more then I wanted to get into, but there you have just part of the never ending saga...

peace, luv and blessings,

Danny  -  Ol Blueyes

I hear ya - I admire your spirit - Stay strong and keep writing more songs like this.
#11October 16th, 2010 · 08:35 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Hey Danny Boy...good to see you post a song. I like the song, a lot. I think that you need to tighten up the vocals a bit. I know you can sing a real good tune, not that I think this isn't good but, I know you can do better. I'm sure it has a lot to do with your health right now. Glad to see you finally have the studio all set up. I'm still game for us to collaborate some more and making a trip down your way is still a thought, as we talked about in the past. Right now I'm working on a collaboration with Schubbi that is close to being finished. Then I have a few other projects in the works with Nemo and one with Denis who both have sent me Music. If you still have my # give me a call sometime and lets see what gives. Take care of yourself now...

Your Bud

#12October 25th, 2010 · 10:08 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
thanx guys.....  made my heart feel good....  I really
need to slow down and give it a little more thought
process, rather then just throwing things out there

Marino, It's so good to be back...  with all that's
been going on I've been so busy... moving mom's
apartment to our storage, putting her in a care
facility, spending about a week in the hosp. myself,
trying to hold it together and not loose it really...
and writing a little at least...  pass our thoughts on
to your better half... I hope this finds her doin
alright too! Who was it that lived or lives in KC??
I've got a very old and dear friend of Dawn's
and mine from back in our school days...  He's
one of the guitar players for the KC Loose Change
band...  Martin Thompson...  awesome musician...
going to try to get him on here too!!   Anthony,
thanks for that, I needed it bro!!! been very down
for a while now due to all of the little battles I've
had to face...  always good to know you have
friends that care!!!

peace, love and blessings to everyone!!

#13October 25th, 2010 · 01:03 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,848 posts
this soul touching song has been uploaded at the right time to the right place.
is it difficult to put up the lyrics?
#14October 25th, 2010 · 05:52 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
No Problem Bro.. Here Ya Go..
We have popcorn and cookies and lemonaide,

was what the girl would say, here in my

humble cookie store, and they're all made this way..

First the flower, and milk make the dough,

then what I'm most proud of,

I pat each one out by hand,

each cookie is made with love...

I went home on extended holiday,

found my way to the mall.

the old local haunt looked much smaller now.

and some of the stores were gone.

an echo came ringing down the hall,

as if to call me by name.

a familiar voice from the cookie store.

the verse that I heard quite the same..

I think back and reflect on much younger days,

a time much simpler by far.

my child's games are of more complex play,

my own world has slipped to lore.

remember the girl at the local mall,

and the words she would say.

I see a mug from the old cookie store,

close my eyes and I still hear her say...
#15October 27th, 2010 · 08:27 PM
21 threads / 12 songs
517 posts
Nostalgia treats
Just love this song Bluey and the lyrical content really connects .
Catchy melody and the simple backing really suits ,though I think technically there is a better vocal take to come still the uber real performance is the dough of this piece and hence the flavor .You can't lose that it's priceless.
Thanks for posting mate

greg from

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