Well, sad that it has lyrics at all
Guess that's not what the world wanna hear....
I'd suggest to work out the lyrics a bit better
Guess that's not what the world wanna hear....
I'd suggest to work out the lyrics a bit better
This is a family show my firend, someone might find this offensive, in certain situtation the F word can sound non offensive. Mind you it sounded funny when you couldn't reach the high notes, as I said in certain situations the F word can be OK.
This is a family show my firend, someone might find this offensive, in certain situtation the F word can sound non offensive. Mind you it sounded funny when you couldn't reach the high notes, as I said in certain situations the F word can be OK.
like iz said...this guys back???? delete his account before theres trouble...
sometimes I think it helps to get one of these songs out, I know it helps me when I sing my She's a B**** song when I get frustrated. Thou I will never let her hear it.
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