#1January 13th, 2010 · 08:37 AM
30 threads / 25 songs
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United States of America
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

This is a collaboration effort between my self and my good friend Byl (aka: Reboot). Byl is responsible for the composition, keys, synths & drums! I added the guitars, and the guitar solos as well as the video production. And believe me a Huge Thank You goes out to Denis for the help with the video!!! Absolutely could not have done it without him * Thank you  brother! Anyways, here is the "instrumental"  * Hope you enjoy!
As always any and all comments, critiques, replies and or ratings are extremely much appreciated!
~ Peace ~

ps: for those who would like to watch the vid on youtube here is the link:

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#2January 13th, 2010 · 02:49 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Nice collab
Watched your first green screen hifi vid, not bad for the first one, you just need to make the cut of you bigger in cyberlink, so that you get all of you in it.

My, that axe looks I nice guitar to play for this type of music, the sustain is unbeliveable.

Nice music to relax and listen to.

Well done!!
#3January 14th, 2010 · 10:55 AM
30 threads / 25 songs
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United States of America
Thank you!
Hi Denis, ..... my 1st "grn screen" vid production came out pretty good for my first attempt, thanks to you! I had an issue with lighting... If I moved further back from the camera then dark shadows would appear on the back drop... also if I didnt zoom in at all I wouldnt have had the whole back-drop so the effects wouldnt have come out like they did. I had to find a happy medium as I am sure you have experienced while creating your own. But one thing I am pleased with is ,,,if you notice the guitar neck picked up the effect on certain frets. This actually came out kind of cool because the frets have mother of pearl inlays... but they are the exact same green color as the back drop.... so the green inlays picked up the effect.. and that wasnt planned at all *lol. I am just happy it came out ok...... and  I think the music (instrumental) is in Hi-Def. and I'm very pleased with it. And, yes..... my Ibanez is one "hot" guitar with 2 double coiled humbuckers and a single coiled humbucker. *what is nice is I can have the volume at a very low level and still get the same sustain.. I love that!!    *well onto bigger and better projects buddy!   Thanks a million, once again!
~ Peace as always ~
John aka: Fiddlah
#4January 14th, 2010 · 07:52 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
More than a song this sounds like a very very long improvisation.
The production is pretty good. I just don't like the flanger in the guitar; it makes the notes lose definition. Also I think it's sounding a bit "plastic". Did you recorded it directly into the computer or you used a microphone in front of the amplifier?

           > Iszil
#5January 14th, 2010 · 08:29 PM
30 threads / 25 songs
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United States of America
It is a long improvisation..... but you didnt hear any hooks?  The recording was professionally mixed with Adobe Audition.... there's nothing plastic about this...... are you listening to it through your pc speakers?
 Thanks for the critique.
~ Fiddlah ~
#6January 14th, 2010 · 08:47 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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It's probably the flanger that ruins the sound.
And I didn't hear the hooks. I mean, they just sound like some licks you repeat every now and then but they don't make a melody you could say "OK, so this is the main line in the song". I guess using the same chords progression through the whole song doesn't help much.
Maybe bringing the guitar more to the front would help to tell exactly what's the melody and the solo, but still it doesn't convince me as a song.

          > Iszil
#7January 14th, 2010 · 09:41 PM
30 threads / 25 songs
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United States of America
cant please all....... but I do have one question for you.... what keys are being implemented?  If you feel its the same chords over and over again,,,,, then what "same" chords are they..... because I'll be honest...... there are  four different key progressions instituted throughout the song. . So can you please elaborate on what specific chords are you referring to when you mention they are played over and over?
 Music is to one's ears and like I mentioned not for everybody.
~ peace ~

ps: I always appreciate "constructive" critiques.
#8January 14th, 2010 · 10:42 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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This piece is basically an improvisation over a chords progression with a melody you repeat every once in a while.
There are a few key modulations but they carry you to the same, again: improvisation and the same line.
When you listen to a song you expect to hear certain structures; a verse, chorus, bridge, etc... well, that in popular music. Or you can expect at least A, B, C, D, etc, that's more frequent in styles like prog rock, where you have many different structures. But still, you have defined structures, pre-conceived structures that, in the end, build a song, no matter what style.
What I'm trying to say about this tune is that it doesn't have anything to identify different parts. You start with that melody, then solo, then modulate, then solo, then maybe the melody again, then solo, then modulate, then solo, etc, etc, etc. There's no dynamism. You say there are many different progressions but that's wrong: it's the same progression in different keys with some bridges to make the modulation more subtle. It's always VI, V, IV, III in C and then in D.
But that's not the point. The point is that it becomes boring after 2 minutes. This would be really good for a song ending but you can't call this a song. Sorry.
And I'm trying to be "constructive". Don't take it personal.

            > Iszil
#9January 15th, 2010 · 09:03 AM
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United States of America
#1) IsZil...... where in the world did you get in your mind that anyone called this a "song" to begin with?
 Did you read my original post? It is a collaboration  between a couple musicians.... one (Reboot) who wrote the whole backing track using FL8 and I simply added guitar solos...... and then we did a video,,, which of course was the  whole idea to begin with!  Also there is NO flange or flanger on the guitar sound whatsoever. There is whats called a slight pan (slap back) and just a hint of chorus. Please take it for what it is,,,,,, but please dont start  critiques on what it is has never been considered and that would be a "song"...... besides it's an instrumental....... thats where creativity comes from... Open your ears my friend and believe me... I'm not taking your  comments personal.
~ Peace buddy ~
#10January 15th, 2010 · 01:57 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
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OK, my bad. I misread a line and thought you were saying it was a song. So jamming it is!
And about the guitar, it does sound bad. I bet is the chorus that's ruining the sound then (not flanger, as I previously thought). It's not a good idea to use chorus in solos because you lose definition in the sound. You have a really nice guitar but you are spoiling the sound by using effects that doesn't fit. using just a delay and a little of reverb would be enough. But if you still want to use chorus, then use just a little... very little!
Sorry again for my misinterpretation. Still think you could use this for an ending, but a lot shorter cause it gets a bit boring after 2 minutes of the same.

           > Iszil
#11January 15th, 2010 · 11:08 PM
8 threads / 8 songs
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United States of America
Really Good
A really good piece of music. I was particularly impressed by the guitar.
#12January 16th, 2010 · 01:42 AM
30 threads / 25 songs
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United States of America
Hello dRony,
 I truly appreciate  the compliment........ it is similar to many of the replies I have been receiving via some well known networking sites.  I see you are new,,,, I'd like to personally  welcome you to the Amp. I unfortunately have not been on bandamp as much as I'd like to in the past couple months. Ive been busy recording and of course learning. There are so many great musicians on here and the regulars are all die -hards.....!  I personally have made many friends. Grt musicians from all over the world! I also have done some cool collaborations.  It's what you make of it as I'm sure you know!
 Once again...... Welcome to the amp, bud!
ps; any questions...... just  ask....... many of us are here to help..! and thank you for understanding the the concept of this piece.
~ Peace ~
Fidd;ah aka: John
#13January 21st, 2010 · 02:25 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Like the overall feel of the impro... a nice bit of playing going on too.
Overall mix is about spot on.
BUT.... I don't like the sound of the guitar, which just has too much of a digital distortion sound for my tastes. Actually, step back a bit from that - I think that if you could vary the FX on the guitar then it would work better for me.  Not sure what I'd do though, perhaps a cleaner with a bit of chorus in there at times.
Still enjoyed listening.

Oh, and I watche the youtube version - I know Denis has explained how he does it, but it is an impressive effect!


Jim A
#14January 25th, 2010 · 05:48 PM
7 threads / 6 songs
20 posts
United States of America
i liked the song, but i think some nice drums would get it even nicer
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