#1June 4th, 2009 · 01:34 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
3 posts
United States of America

This song is not in a battle

Hey guys, this is my first post.  Looking for feedback and constructive criticism.  This song was recorded at The Cutting Room studio.  Thanks

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#2June 4th, 2009 · 02:19 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Quite lovely, crisp production. Maybe the drums are an oddly electronic choice in comparison to the rest, but it surely works for the song. I do think the sound could be stronger with a more acoustic sounding drum, jazzy brushed drums or the like.

Other than that it's a very minimal arrangement and at that seems fragile in world of flashy ads and hyped up stage acts, but it's really beautiful. Like having breakfast outside on a lovely spring morning, in a garden laced with dew. (the day ahead might not be as pretty)
#3June 4th, 2009 · 02:36 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom
Nice Vox, nice acoustic guitar, great arrangement.
The vocal melody needs a bit of work, it's pretty much the same as it goes through, so perhaps a bit more variety.

Hmmm the drums are OK, I would be interested to hear it without any drums at all, Or as PX suggested, try an acoustic kit, just to keep it organic, the cello nice, you could try some more strings, perhaps in the chorus.

Overall it's a lovely song, I quite enjoyed listening to it. It's one of those songs that you have to listen to a few times as I'm doing. Certainly your vocals shine through in this song, hence my suggestion of varying the vocals a bit more.
Welcome to BandAMP, thank you for sharing with us.
#4June 5th, 2009 · 10:14 AM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
excellent crisp production. great quality, and excellent singing. overall a great song.

welcome to the amp! great job!! im looking forward to more!
#5June 5th, 2009 · 05:17 PM
50 threads / 32 songs
292 posts
A very beautiful song!
The beginning of the song really gave a "latin" feel to it - when the drums kicked in, I definitely got an R&B vibe; maybe you should try making more upbeat stuff? Your voice is sounding fantabulous (if that's a word ).

Very good recording in general and the sound quality sounds great... Though, I'm wondering if you should maybe work on how you end your songs; it sounded a bit "empty", as in there felt like there should be more (because it's such a well-performed piece). If I were to re-write the ending, I might just end it off light, like it started. So basically, cut out drums, then cut out guitar (or vocals), and end with vocals (or guitar). But then again, I'm known for not finishing my music and writing them using "electronic" instruments anyways, so yeah...

Anyways, it was definitely a beautiful piece to listen to. Very well done!

#6June 5th, 2009 · 05:24 PM
15 threads / 14 songs
140 posts
United Kingdom
I would agree with PX's comment about the drums. I also would prefer to hear something a little more real sounding in this department. The cello, violin sound great as, of course, does the vocal. It does end rather abruptly, which is a shame. I would second XFactor's opinion in regards to a more drawn out and subtle ending.
This is a beautiful song, really well performed and produced. Well done!
#7June 7th, 2009 · 06:53 AM
23 threads / 14 songs
515 posts
this is beeeautiful!! the vox is really soothing and almost healing.  i love it so much, i am listening to it over and over. i don't know why, but this song reminds me of Catherine Deneuve 1960's films, dim street lights in soft rain in Paris. Great work. Thanks for sharing

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