#1May 28th, 2009 · 12:40 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Club 999

This song is not in a battle

So I've been toying with my new computer/audio interface, a Tascam US1641. It's a single 19" rack space unit which can take up to 16 simultaneous inputs and send them seperately to a software recorder of choice. Bought it for the band, so now we can use multiple mics on the drums and stuff and record our jams in a somewhat more decent fashion.

Anyway, because I have the unit at home right now, I thought I'd take the opportunity to transfer some old 4-track tape recordings into the laptop and do some cool mixing work.

This song came out really well! The original unprocessed version sounds nothing like what you have here! And sure the drum track sounds dated but I think the processing turned out really well on it's original mono source.

This is a fun song, dated 1996. Somehow this remixed sound reminds of Iggy Pop's "Instinct" album, and the Sisters of Mercy's "Vision Thing". Well, thats what I was listening to at the time.

Hope you enjoy!

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#2May 28th, 2009 · 04:57 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,396 posts
United Kingdom
Was this recorded Live?? sure sounds it.

Great atmosphere, can feel a big club [pardon the pun] venue rocking their socks off to this.

Would have liked the vox a bit higher, but still great performance by all.
#3May 28th, 2009 · 07:55 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Yeah cool track..Totally punkish in feel...I'm liking that Tascam...Theres a bit of Eq that could be adjusted but nice one though..Thats you on solo?Woa PX awesome.....Can't wait to hear the new tracks recorded with this..How did you do the filter vox effect with out a PC?That sounds great!
#4May 29th, 2009 · 11:46 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
@Denis, thanks! I'm glad the atmosphere came through and summon the images they were supposed to, but it's not live. Well, the instrumentals were 1-takes but it's all done on Fostex 28H 4 track tape recorder before going in the puter.

@Marino, yep that's me on the axe, the effects all came from a Zoom 1010 multi-effect (a mono device) still have it, loving it for the analog distortions in there. My old 15W practice amp had a mic input, so I could amplify the vox before routing it through the 1010. On the puter I did the stereo reverb, compression, a short stereo doubling for the guitars and such and some eqqing for the bass which was dubbed together with the rhythm guitar.

#5May 29th, 2009 · 03:45 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
907 posts
United States of America
oh, CRAP! This ROCKS! Very different (IMO) from your other works (those that I have heard)...this one has a more traditional hard-rocking quality underneath that slightly industrial drum-beat. For some reason,(to me) there is something vaguely reminiscent of Iggy Pop in there...also, I've never heard you shred (like you did here)on guitar before...some soaring guitar runs there! This one's a keeper, too!

(edit)...you're not going to believe this, but I hadn't read your description (above) when I made that comment about Iggy....that only confirms it!
#6May 30th, 2009 · 10:28 AM
30 threads / 25 songs
219 posts
United States of America
I love the early Rock sound and I in awe in how you got this to sound like this from a mono track. It does have that iggy pop sound and it does sound live. *I as well cant wait to hear what you can do with it  going forward.
 Love the solo.......  sounds like you're in a huge concert stadium... could possibly use a lil highs in it..... but hey for what you got out of it..... it's grt ~ !
#7June 4th, 2009 · 11:26 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Thanks yesh lol I'll be uploading a track from last weekend's band rehearsal in a few! Made via the Tascam.
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