#1December 13th, 2008 · 11:16 PM
14 threads / 9 songs
90 posts
United States of America
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Any tips or ideas would be great! I'm aiming for more of a reggaeton song with techno influences, any advice and constructive criticism is welcome.

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#2December 14th, 2008 · 05:01 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
Just needs a wicked Bass line.

I'm of Turkish origin, I always hear inluences to Turkish music when I hear this style of rhythm, so you could
try adding a melody line in the melodic minor scale [I think that what it's called]


#3December 14th, 2008 · 07:50 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
The sharp sawtooth synth puts a hard pain to my ears. But I respect the artist's freedom.
Cool and oriental rhythm feel. I once recorded a turkish guy with his Sars and vocals. It's still on my harddisk somewhere. Your track inspired me to work with it again now
I like the "hey hey hey", thought it was shouting from right BEHIND me. Great panning!
I am missing a melodic middle part as a break of the rhythm rising up again and coming back to the theme.
All in all a nice try
#4December 14th, 2008 · 12:00 PM
24 threads / 15 songs
160 posts
United States of America
this is good! I love the beat as I expected it. I think it needs some vocals. Add some vocals of yours, just even shouting or yelling words (spanish words, maybe). Yea... When I got to part where some vocals came in, it became alive all of the sudden. I think if the vocals were added through out the whole some, it would liven it up. The supporting music is awesome!, but I think it needs some vocals to lead the listeners
#5December 15th, 2008 · 02:08 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
This has a typical club-style grittiness - good! I can see the bodies bouncing and steaming through smoke machines and strobes to this.. Well it would be nice if there was a really fat bassline (or better, a sub-bass emphasizing the bass drum beat). There's plenty of room for additional samples/instruments, but so far so good! So, keep experimenting 
#6December 15th, 2008 · 02:11 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Throw in some pounding bass guitar as soon as possible.
It would be so complete and awesome I'd give you 1/18th of all my money.

But now seriously this is really cool. "Okay"

diggin th't beat
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