#1June 24th, 2008 · 04:05 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Merciful Moments
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It’s in the battle 2008-07

I purchased a cheap new Soprano Sax three weeks ago, it was on my wish list. Only paid £100.00 for it on ebay.

I've practiced everyday, cause I was working on this tune and felt it would be a nice touch.

Also, I'm sort of getting into finger picking on the guitar these days, I like the tone. I'm still new to this style of playing,
I suppose I was so set in my ways using the pick, I just never had the confidence or patience to practice it.

I tried putting the drum machine though my preamp to find that the left channel was not going through the High Z circuit, most annoying, so I just recorded it straight.

This was a most enjoyable project.



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#2June 24th, 2008 · 09:29 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Put together well Denis...very nice recording as always..


#3June 25th, 2008 · 10:24 AM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
very nice tune. a joy to listen to (and to solo over  ). Im no sax player, but i'd say that was pretty damn good for only having one for 3 weeks. well done.

the only thing that lets it down for me is the slightly fake sounding drums ( I also think it would sound great if the drums were a bit more jazzy and less structured), but i know you cant achieve that without recording a live drum kit, and that's a big hassle. The rest of the song is top notch

#4June 27th, 2008 · 03:25 AM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
I love this so much Denis. Has a very new wave jazz feel.
I'm seriously digging it.
And amazing job on the sax part my man! I heard a like one squeek but it's all good.[It takes a bit to build a great embouchure]
The drums or something got off somewhere,but it was hardly noticeable.
Again I love this.
I just love the guitar!
100% :]
#5June 27th, 2008 · 05:09 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
SirBorris wrote…
very nice tune. a joy to listen to (and to solo over  ). Im no sax player, but i'd say that was pretty damn good for only having one for 3 weeks. well done.

the only thing that lets it down for me is the slightly fake sounding drums ( I also think it would sound great if the drums were a bit more jazzy and less structured), but i know you cant achieve that without recording a live drum kit, and that's a big hassle. The rest of the song is top notch


I'm saving up to buy an electronic drum kit, they are coming dwon in price, I don't know if my drumming will be anygood, but I could ask some Drummer friends to come round and record for me.


#6June 27th, 2008 · 05:17 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
MeowMachine wrote…
I love this so much Denis. Has a very new wave jazz feel.
I'm seriously digging it.
And amazing job on the sax part my man! I heard a like one squeek but it's all good.[It takes a bit to build a great embouchure]
The drums or something got off somewhere,but it was hardly noticeable.
Again I love this.
I just love the guitar!
100% :]

I was wondering if anybody would notice the squeeks at the end...LOL Yeah, I have to build the muscules around the lips to maintain a steady tone and control the sound. I initally tried to play sax for the whole song, but my lips would get too tired. I use an alternative embrochure to the standard one. My bottom lip lies on the reed as opposed to over my teeth. I prefer the sound, it gives a more round tone. I got the information on the internet.


#7June 27th, 2008 · 07:24 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
I know what it reminds me of....the end of Taxi....just really long 

Listening again, and will be for a while.
This such a lovely piece of music, genius is a big word, magician a bit much , a very talented artist, that you are Denis.
Thoroughly enjoying this.
The drum track has it's 'merciful' 'moments, theres a low (loose) clap to my distant right that becomes odd towards the end.
It definitely deserve a real drum track. 

You must be one TOTALLY chilled out guy ! 
#8June 27th, 2008 · 10:21 PM
90 threads / 73 songs
263 posts
United Kingdom
Very chill song her Denis.

Nice little tune for me to listen to at 3 AM while waiting for my CD to burn and uploading a new track to the amp . haha.

I'm a woodwind player myself (clarinet) although I've never played a sax. I might have to try one day!

Can't wait for you to get your own drum kit and give that ago too!

Awesome work.
#9June 28th, 2008 · 11:58 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
kings wrote…
I know what it reminds me of....the end of Taxi....just really long 

Listening again, and will be for a while.
This such a lovely piece of music, genius is a big word, magician a bit much , a very talented artist, that you are Denis.
Thoroughly enjoying this.
The drum track has it's 'merciful' 'moments, theres a low (loose) clap to my distant right that becomes odd towards the end.
It definitely deserve a real drum track. 

You must be one TOTALLY chilled out guy !  :razz:

Thanks Kings, Yes I must get some live Drums on my songs, it seems I'm destined to record with real instruments, well I'm going to get an electronic drum kit soon I hope, pending on my on my cash flow, but even drummers give good reveiws on them, that must be saying something.

Thanks for your vote of confidence


#10June 28th, 2008 · 12:00 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
Petermoncrieff wrote…
Very chill song her Denis.

Nice little tune for me to listen to at 3 AM while waiting for my CD to burn and uploading a new track to the amp . haha.

I'm a woodwind player myself (clarinet) although I've never played a sax. I might have to try one day!

Can't wait for you to get your own drum kit and give that ago too!

Awesome work.

Do you have any songs with clarinet??

Thanks for listening


#11June 28th, 2008 · 01:38 PM
4 threads / 4 songs
22 posts
wow, that was really good Denis. Your sax playing was great. guitar progression was really nice as well. could definitely be a TV show theme!!
#12June 28th, 2008 · 02:50 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Nice Denis ..You've got this knack for real good sounding progressions..love the make me feel good mood of the track but more than that the unison arrangement of sax, and guitar really works for me....Yeah drums will be an awesome add on to an already awesome performance..great work Denis!
#13July 12th, 2008 · 04:28 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
47 posts
United States of America
Very soothing and relaxing, almost like what you'd expect to be playing in a restaurant or a dentist's office or something. I don't mean offense by that, it's just so chilled out.
I would maybe encourage a little more variety in the track, as it's all good but a little same-y throughout, except for the one unique element of those panning clap sounds which are kinda cool.
And yeah, a real drum track would help a lot.
It's funny how different people can come up with such different moods and tones, I could never create a song with this jazzy, laid-back feel the way you have. it just couldn't happen. but you have that ability, so I applaud you!
#14July 20th, 2008 · 12:46 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
99 posts
United States of America
??three weeks??? You sound pretty damn good man lol.
Well It sounded very well put together. If you get some real drums put in there you would have an awesome piece of art here.
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