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#16October 28th, 2008 · 12:39 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Atleast 200 000 000 000 stars in our galaxy alone, there are over 100 000 000 000 galaxies in the observable part of the universe, each containing billions to trillions of stars....

Well, needless to say, life can't possibly be restricted to our sorry little planet only. In fact, some time ago fossils of micro bacteria were found in a meteor originating from mars, and multiple more mars meteors have been found to contain similar fossils. These were undoubtedly not contaminations or observation errors. They are found and widely accepted to be real.

So is life abundant in the universe? It's not unthinkable. Some claim that life on earth began out there, meaning that the first seeds of life fell out the sky during the first hundreds of millions of years after the formation of the earth.. Making the process of abiogenesis upon each individual planet unnecessary - skipping a large chunk of time in evolving toward something intelligent?

In that case it's not unlikely to think that there are more intelligent species in our own galaxy, even in the orion arm where the sun is located. Some species may be aeons ahead of us in technology... Having mastered space flight millenia ago and may be capable of travelling in ways that dwarf any science fiction fantasy into oblivion - I digress

the song is cool that's basically it. Great job!
#17October 2nd, 2010 · 10:02 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Nothing to say, but that.............I LOVE THIS SONG
 one for my play list

nice nice Rating
#18October 2nd, 2010 · 09:21 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Nice song, mates. Pop and catchy.
Loved the harmonies and the guitar arrangements.

            > Iszil
#19November 5th, 2010 · 02:07 PM
28 threads / 27 songs
85 posts
How much I love it! Makes me happy, makes me young!
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