You did not make any mess of it Vince :]
I love the intro. You have a very rock voice Vince.
There are just a few timing issues here and there(I think..)
I liked it a lot. Just about everything was amazing!
Great job you two :]
I love the intro. You have a very rock voice Vince.
There are just a few timing issues here and there(I think..)
I liked it a lot. Just about everything was amazing!
Great job you two :]
Good job Vincent.....Although you mixdown was in mono and the hiss noise just kills many of the frequencies and makes it cluttered...I would also maybe consider doing the verses more subtle and then pop the changes a bit more but don't strain it...just flow the dynamics more with the changes...If you send me just your voice with no Efx on I can fix all this I also have a much better mix than this version is as i had Emailed you about ....
Love your French vocal, it kind of spits in your face !!
You dont sound evil enough in English!
Everyone knows M is for Master but I liked your original 'early mornin bad mood' better, it made more sense !!
With a better recording of the music and a little more thought for the vocal production (to fit it better) I think it could be a decent piece.
Though I do think you should work on your original idea and get M to add to it.

You dont sound evil enough in English!
Everyone knows M is for Master but I liked your original 'early mornin bad mood' better, it made more sense !!
With a better recording of the music and a little more thought for the vocal production (to fit it better) I think it could be a decent piece.
Though I do think you should work on your original idea and get M to add to it.
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