#1April 6th, 2008 · 12:53 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
1000 Dead
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This is the other song I finsished along with "Feel my Pain"...I like my vocals alot more on this track...I ts kinda fitting my mood right now...I've been generally pissed off with alot of things lately...I still hate my voice overall and I know sometimes the lead guitar peaks...still alittle rough...I am as always open to suggestions.

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#2April 6th, 2008 · 01:19 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
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Puerto Rico
I bit of guitar clipping....The chucking guitar are great and the detailing is awesome.Yup better vox on this indeed..I like the groove on this take...Man we need to work on your drums they don't you song justice..i hate to keep bring it up but you have great potential and I would love to hear this like real solid!!!!
#3April 6th, 2008 · 02:44 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
I've been asking everyone like crazy man about my drums...for some reason as I've told you before my click never lines up with the measures on my program...It can;t be lag cause I don;t get lag on any other instruments...what is a better way? what I've been doing...(I don;t knwo if this is the right way) but i set the song tempo in the program (this is supposed to make the measures line up with your beats right?) then I record the click from my drum machine in the tempo i want for about 6 minutes(never know how long the tune is gonna be) then when I'm done I try to drag the track along so each beat will match up and it never does so i just leave it.I then record a scratch guitar track along with it.Then I do a track of kick and snare, followed by a track of hats and cymbals...I mix them,add effects if needed then combine them.After that the click is useless cause it don;t match up anyhow so i mute it or even delete it.I know my drum sound sucks ass man but all I got is an old Boss rythym dr....I'd like to get a set of vdrums or soemthing so I can put them away totally when I'm not using them cause I have no room for a big set.I played drums in church when I was little for like 5 years so I know I could manage most stuff maybe?? LOL...I'm clueless on my drum sound man.I have a close friend who has a awesome pro tools studio and puts out great sounding stuff with a old piece of shit drum machine like mine,it leaves me scratching my head.

Any help in this area would be awesome...If I had the manual I would try to program it or something.I woudl liek to be able to do some fills and stuff with it but without the click being in sequence it woudl be impossible to spot where the kick needed to go and so on and so on

#4April 6th, 2008 · 05:05 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Drum machine
I've got an alesis SR16 drum machine. I midi it up to my workstation and set it up so that it works with the sequencer on my workstation, don't know how this would work with your set up? does your boss have midi?

I know that Marino uses Fruti loops with cubase, he is a master at programming the drums.

Your vox sound OK to me, so keep at it dude.  I think rock vox are the hardest to record, I'm no expert, If I remember somewhere The compression is set in a certain way. Toastedgoat is the master at this.

Anyway nice job, keep 'em coming!!

#5April 6th, 2008 · 09:04 PM
177 threads / 27 songs
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United Kingdom
drum manual............boss
maybe this will help goto this page ...........
there is a link on that page on the left 'more resources' to the boss drum machine manual.....
hope it helps ........
man the sound u gettin sounds fine to me

i vote


the fish
#6April 6th, 2008 · 10:10 PM
373 posts
recorded right, your voice would rock!  Sounds great in the rough right now...

Hai Ke Yi!
#7April 7th, 2008 · 12:33 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
Hey man. this is a cool song. brilliant guitar playing

about the drums, it sounds quite similair to a problem i had (and still have really). My tempo on my korg synth is slightly different to the tempo on all the pc programs i use. This problem would always get more noticable the fatser the tempo. I can only change the tempo on my korg in whole beats per minute (e.g. 60 bpm), but in FL you can set the tempo to anything  (e.g. 60.365 bpm). So in songs that i needed to use the synth, i would listen to both the synths beat, and the metronome on FL and if they went out of sync, I'd adjust the tempo in FL accordingly.
 This is pretty fidely, which is why i try to just use drums from FL and play along to them. (there are some pretty good sounding metal drums in the Fruity Loops FPC plugin; check out my song "pedal to the metal" to see how they sound. The loops are really easy to put together, the hardest part was finding where the metal loops were kept (because metal is a sub-catogory in the rock loops, i didn't discover them for ages)) btw, If you dont have FL, you can get a free demo of it, which lets you export wavs (i think) but not save... just type FL demo into google

Again, ace song

#8April 7th, 2008 · 12:43 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
Is fruity loops easy to use? I'm not too bright when it comes to programming drums!!! LOL....is the full version expensive? If its easier to use and it keeps better timming I think I should get it.

thanks everyone for the comments
#9April 7th, 2008 · 01:34 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
Wow....  Seriously heavy.... 

     I agree with Marino on the drums....  Just don't do it justice....  Great vocals...  Way heavier than the stuff I do...  I used to be into this kind of stuff back in the 80's.. but now, I have gone the way of the folky... haha

    Anyway, the guitar playing is awesome...  Very cool...  Nice tone.... 

                  I wish I could get this heavy sometimes... 

                                     Rock on....
#10April 7th, 2008 · 03:30 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
Everything's been said....just would like to add that in all your tracks I hear a heavy Zakk Wylde influence...big time in your choice of rhythms and your usage of artificials and fills.....which Zack is the master of... Rock on bro!
#11April 9th, 2008 · 12:56 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
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United States of America
I know....I like zakk alot...I also like alot of other stuff too.Hopefully now that I satisfied my heavy vein for a moment I can get to some other stuff that isn;t so influence-tied....its just the only type of metal sound I really care for.!!I was doing lighter stuff for awhile maybe I should go back

thanks for all the input
#12April 9th, 2008 · 03:13 PM
15 threads / 12 songs
171 posts
United Kingdom
One maybe taking drum samples or using the samples in a sequencer like fruity loops or cubase. (they sound good btw) and then programming them from the midi source or manually.

That way you can quantize to a time measurement and adjust the tempo (even automate it).

Then from there you can either ->
1. mix out the whole drums into one wav
2. mix out individual channels
3. use the sequencer for effects and recording guitar parts.

As for the guitar parts, they sound like they lack presence and some mid. It sounds way too bassy, trying putting a filter and taking everything from 90hz and below or 120hz. If you multilayer guitars you should be able to achieve a thick sound without needing bass.

I like the slapping bass drum btw but it'd be very well complimented with a louder snare, just make sure you have some velocities/dynamics in there. If they all sound the same it will sound fatigueing and boring, as well as having a repetative drums (fills, offbeats and triplets/swings are good, infact there's a good change at the beginning already :P). Don't compress it just bring its volume up in the mix. It'll definatley help give that drive to the song.

As for the vocals, I love them. They're more punky than metal and that's the reason why I like it. Anything with punk or harmony in metal sound better than death metal lol ;D.

Anyway, I've got to run! See ya later.
#13May 2nd, 2008 · 10:05 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Sounding pretty decent...Maybe a lil touch up on the mixing...But, all in all..Its sounding ok to me...You and Basket case should bang heads together and do a collab...


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