If I Could |
sounds like a great ballad in the making.. some really good vocals would make this soar.
Thanks everyone, yeah the drums suck BALLS...I guess I'll just have to give Neil Peart a call, then re do everything...give Jon Bon Jovi a call and then I'll have a hit!
it was realy good. just the drums need some work- like other people have said. cant wait to hear the vocals with it.
d00d |
I gotta say this is pretty sweet... I definitely want to hear this with some vox... So, get to singing biiotch
As for critiques go, right now, just the needing of vox, that's about it... I aint gunna keep harping on what everyone else has, so since it's already been addressed, I'm just gunna say, get to voxing baby...
As for critiques go, right now, just the needing of vox, that's about it... I aint gunna keep harping on what everyone else has, so since it's already been addressed, I'm just gunna say, get to voxing baby...
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