#1December 24th, 2007 · 05:41 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Baby, Shine(Paganscradle_Flyer
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle


Nice working with you once again Hayley
Merry Christmas!!!!

Total copyright protected work

"Baby, Shine"

Verse 1 
I can see by the look in your eyes
the pain you trying to disguise
you keep telling me sweet little lies
trying to make me feel good inside

Verse 2
those secrets you keep can be mine
you can share yourself, all in time
to tell of your heart,is no crime
the suns of tomorrow,let them shine

let the sunshine
It won't Shine
with out your smile

secret's that weep
we will keep


Baby, baby
Its no crime
let it shine
let it shine

secret's that weep
we will keep

Verse 3
for the you, I want to know,
It takes time for a rose to grow
echo's in mountain's, sing tonight
I hear your voice,
so beautifully

Baby, shine
let it shine
Baby, shine

Baby, shine
let it shine
Baby, shine

You are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are grey
you'll never know dear
how much I love you
Please don't take my
sunshine away

Lyric's By:
Paganscradle & Flyer

Total copyright protected work

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#2December 25th, 2007 · 10:58 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Wow this is very nice from the Pagan and Ralph team.I would definitely consider putting a CD together you guys, some real good works together.Some Mixing issues in this track and some quality recording issues,but apart from production this a quite good song!!!Good job guys!
Merry Christmas!
#3December 25th, 2007 · 12:36 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Thanks Marino....We are cutting a CD....so far I have 3 of our songs at the Studio having the songs being mastered

Thats my weak point thus far Marino, the mixing....
The songs should be more along the lines of a better quality  by having the Studio do the mastering...
Hopefully in about 6 months The Cd will be ready to fly

Thanks for the comment Anthony and your continued support

#4December 27th, 2007 · 03:35 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
327 posts
United Kingdom
Thankyou for asking me to join with you in this lovely song.your a great musician and its great to work with you..thankyou..xxxxxx
#5December 27th, 2007 · 06:19 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Thanks Pagans   nice  working with you again...you did a nice job ..as always...

#6December 27th, 2007 · 08:55 PM
177 threads / 27 songs
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United Kingdom
re: Baby, Shine(Paganscradle_Flyer
yahoo................sounds very sweet...flyer u should be so lucky.........u know whats coming.........
the song needs a remix to throw the voices 2 the front....u now where im comin from
u sound like u singing in the back yard!!!!!pagan cool
enjoy yerself at the mix desk
the drum beat is very tame

ker diddley slang sploosh

the fish
#7December 29th, 2007 · 11:27 AM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Thanks Fish..I know that my vocals are in the back to much...But, I really wanted Pagans Vocals to be in the front more than mine...I was going to add another track of Vocals for a layer..But, I couldn't get the tracks to line up....so I'll have fun at the Mixing desk one day with the tons of other songs  that need to be redone..lol
Maybe you can do a remix on this for us , Fish..like you did before....you know that mixing is my weak point...
so ..splash on   


#8December 29th, 2007 · 08:09 PM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
amazing job you two! :]
One of my favorites from you two!
but you knows the problems.I won't go over them.

I love the sunshine bit at the end.Nice little end to the song itself.
Dunno...I think maybe at the end of the song have both of you laughing?I have no clue why...but I think that might sound good
Overall,amazing job,both of you!

will rate

and cd?hurry up lol
#9December 29th, 2007 · 08:41 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Thanks Chy...actually I was laughing at the end   I just cut it from the recording....
The CD is going to take a little bit of time..there is so much involved..I'll let you know when Its ready...I'm hoping to get it done as soon as possible...3 songs are in the studio right now...so Those have to be mastered first..then I'll get 3 more then 3 more to the studio and see where we stand at that point ..the studio has separate tracks...so they can do a better job with the mixing......Hoping to have anywhere from 9-12 songs on it...Pagans is remarkable...I'm really fortunate to be working with her

Thanks for the comment Chy  and Rating...

#10December 30th, 2007 · 04:18 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
Ralph!!  You are a brilliant songwriter! Pagan accents your work so well!!  It was meant to be.  You know, Ralph.  You should seriously consider writing or even "blogging" about your studio experience.  Alot of us are looking into or considering doing the same and I think it would be a great help and inspiration to know what to expect and to hear about the ups and downs of studio recording.  This is just brilliant, and even thought the recording and mix arent quite there, I can hear trmemdous improvement! Great one, Ralph!
#11January 1st, 2008 · 04:13 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
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United States of America
Thanks Minds... I'm not going to into the studio to record...I send the files of the song(s) for the CD, to the engineer at the studio for mastering.... I have been to a studio to record before though, Tom.....I would say I went to do the song I was doing at that time maybe 7-8  times before it was to a final cut....I know very little about studio recording except for that one song that I did....I would be happy to answer any questions to the best of my knowledge about studio recording ..the ups and downs...I do know that it is expensive....and it takes a lot of patience....because you have to do multiple takes ....Usually 3 tracks of everything(Vocals, Harmony,Instruments..ect...)...then out of the 3 tracks you take the best parts from each of the 3 tracks to make combine it into one track....and that's the way I record my tracks at home...It works out well that way....

If anyone has a question about ...you can Pm me   or email me



Thanks again Tom....The compliments are very nice...I think Hayley and I work well together...shes a very good collaborator to work with...and as we all know, she is one of the best all around talented musician on Bandamp
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