#1November 14th, 2007 · 06:21 PM
131 threads / 114 songs
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United Kingdom
Do you Believe in Love
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I guess this is part one, cause i want to use these vocals again as this was more just a remember how to use fl again experiment... been so long... good to be back haha

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#2November 14th, 2007 · 06:26 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Intro very typical electronica,it isn't until you bring the other stuff in that it all makes a whole lot of sense)LOL).Love it man!!!!
I', not to crazy about the over vrb vocal but is still works good.Love how its put together.my only thing is that even though the mix is good and definable ,it seems a bit heavier and cluttered on one side more than the other!.
#3November 14th, 2007 · 07:49 PM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
Hey, this is pretty cool... excellent work on the beats.  Perhaps you could add something to that piano riff not taking away it's simplicity but making sublte changes during the song.... just an opinion.
#4November 14th, 2007 · 10:05 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
Yes, it has been a while...I'm glad your back..The piano is cool...would like to hear more of a kick from the keys...this is a well recorded song Devo...nice kick in at the 2:30 mark or so....nice mix of the sound effects...
I like the vocals...perhaps this would really be good with lyrics/vocals...more than what you have...nice work....good to see you back and posting.


will rate
#5November 14th, 2007 · 11:25 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
it's wild man..... I agree with Aetheris, the piano could use some diversity... otherwise, I am no real expert on this particular style, so I can't go too much into any criticisms...  But from a listener standpoint, I love the driving rhythm on this... Very intense, and the laid back piano really makes you nuts.. it's awesome..

#6November 15th, 2007 · 04:39 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Nice, simple piece of Fruity, as usual very well put together and flows beautifully.
The piano could have taken a jump up at 2:20, with more chorus , or as an organ. But then a good transient track will always do that, takes you with it and lets your own imagination soar.
As a complete track it remains as the piano and vocal dictates, simple, flowing, catchy but on one level.
#7November 15th, 2007 · 01:55 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
Ahh The Devo rhythm is back, it's umistakable, definatly Devo

Just needs some work on the mix, it does seem more on the left, and more depth in the kick Drum and bass,
This would give it much better dynamics

Nice to see ya back me 'ol china!!!!!!!!!!


#8November 15th, 2007 · 03:18 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
cant believe kings said thats simple fl stuff. lol, i woudnt know where to start on making something this good. not my style, but i really like it. piano is cool, vox are cool and etherial, and that rhythm is intense.


#9November 16th, 2007 · 05:36 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
327 posts
United Kingdom
i keep listening to this..everytime i do..i think..wow..this is really growing on me... i love how you have mixed in the vox..the piano..i like it,it kinda makes the tune.very hypnotising.am loving this...well done.. wow..xx
#10November 16th, 2007 · 06:28 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Do you Believe in Love
this is great!!!!
if done on FL its a way of working i'm not at yet!!!!!
ive got FL7 producers................and dont know how 2 do half of this
teach me????

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