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#1October 14th, 2007 · 01:24 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

I'm home for a few days. Just killing time.

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#2October 14th, 2007 · 01:57 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
You're a genius as per usual , what a lovely song, love the open hat and the whole sweeping highland / celtic feel to it.
You're one of those people who can keep your crowds attention, as continuous as the beat is, you've got me glued to the song all the way through.
#3October 14th, 2007 · 05:24 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
327 posts
United Kingdom
love it..love it..love it... is all i can say....will rate....xxxxamazin!!!!
#4October 14th, 2007 · 06:06 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Though I can just listen thru' the right headphone ( sound system problems), this, dude, blew my mind!
I mean, you just just one progression during the whole song, but you make a lot of variations making it so interesting.
I love the way you mixed all those different styles to build this up.
Completely amazing. And, man, that violin rocks!
I wish i had 1% of the talent you have.

         > Iszil
#5October 15th, 2007 · 08:33 AM
29 threads / 14 songs
355 posts
Are you planning to do anything with your music as far as going pro is concerned? I believe you should do sth to promote it on a much bigger scale that just bandamp which, let's face the truth, is a small and "closed" community. As for the tune, it reminds me a little of Sooglenifty (Scottish band). And I love their music.
This one is a very catchy melodic folk type instrumental and I believe it would sell good if you brought it out.
I especialy love the whistle!!!
Thanks for sharing - it's great.

BTW, what bass guitar r u using?

#6October 15th, 2007 · 11:47 AM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
what a great song.. love the melody , the bass line  is very cool  very clean recording . excellent panning technique
violin work is amazing .. your one of the most talented musicians around .. what with all the instruments you play and the quality of your writing and recordings are amazing.

great job on this
gets high vote

#7October 15th, 2007 · 12:51 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
Now listening with my sound working properly...
Taka, as soon as I get enough money, I'll but some tickets to get where you live. Then you tell me what to do and I'll work with you.
I'd love to make music with you.
You're a genius, dude! You'll go really far!

        > Iszil

PS: I really don't know WTF I'm doing playing games... should be making music as beautiful as this.
#8October 15th, 2007 · 02:38 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
amazing music... very irish..
guess these are your true roots?
anyway... this is a pro music...
if there is a bandamp award, this song would be the first to nominate...
thank you for your music
#9October 15th, 2007 · 02:40 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
I liked it when it started playing...another nice effort here Ben...
The only thing missing is your vocals...Nice violin...yes, this does have a celtic sound to it..this is really nice...I enjoyed listening to this...one for my playlist also and a download


Will Rate
#10October 15th, 2007 · 06:06 PM
49 threads / 42 songs
493 posts
United Kingdom
I agree, the melody and arrangement in this song is beautiful. The production is also very nice and clear although it does seem a tiny bit mechanical in places - although I think the percussion is the cause of that. Overall I think the violin parts are the real genius in this piece - although it is all great.

Well done... and get out there!
#11October 16th, 2007 · 09:39 AM
20 posts
United States of America
More ego boosting I'm afraid :)
I have to say I am once again amazed at your music, this is almost as good as 'The Printer' and that makes me cry sometimes. I would love to hear some vocals to this, it would make it perfect I think.

I really do hope you do do something bigger with your talents, a lot of people are missing something if you don't.

P.S. Rated, of course
#12October 16th, 2007 · 10:19 AM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
wow, foojucking amazing man!
 when i listen to how good your music is, it inspires me to improve.

 Youve got a brilliant ear for melody lines. I really like the structure of this song. Nothing to criticise im afraid.

keep em coming

#13October 16th, 2007 · 02:45 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
It's hard to write any additional things that have already been noted apart from DITTO.

So enjoyable to listen to, I want to keep listening to it over and over, there is so much to hear.

I hope you keep on writing stuff like this.



#14October 17th, 2007 · 12:08 PM
24 threads
319 posts
yeah... you really should expand your horizons........ because, well, you are FRIGGIN AWESOME!

this is a real cool song! very relaxing... i notice it has celtic AND raggae sounds in it, which is wicked!
#15October 22nd, 2007 · 06:28 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
Many Thanks
Holy cow.. thanks guys.

As far as promoting myself... na, I'm not doing anything really. I guess I'm just not sure where to start. It would be cool if an opportunity just presented itself.. but in all reality, that's most definitely not going to happen.

But that being said, this site in itself (specifically all of you guys) really makes me happy. As long as someone's listening and getting something out of my music, I won't complain.

Best regards,
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