#1August 27th, 2007 · 09:10 AM
19 threads / 15 songs
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United States of America
Estudio Brillante 2
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Reposting the same piece by Tarrega. Trying to soften this one up a little w/o losing the texture. Still clinging to that vintage synthesizer sound: wish I had access to something truly modern and sophisticated, but if wishes were fishes I'd be all wet...

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#2August 27th, 2007 · 09:19 AM
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Puerto Rico
wish I had access to something truly modern and sophisticated, but if wishes were fishes I'd be all wet...

Sounds good to me !I like wow the notes pitch up to the next note.It gives it self for a better flow.
I do believe Avi offered you some help with the sound fonts if you wanted!Im personally fine with this sound!
good Job
#3August 27th, 2007 · 01:53 PM
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United Kingdom
yeah, i like that effect at 1.45. the sliding notes are cool. nice composition, but again, the synth by itself does get abit samey. u need some variation in sounds.
 so what vintage synth do u own then?

#4August 27th, 2007 · 02:06 PM
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United States of America
No vintage synths owned anymore

I have not owned a real synth for some time. When I did it was a Prophet VS. I still regret its passage into the great beyond. So I use freeware vst's at the present. As for variation in sound I am working on incorporating effects into the mix. Too often my PC will freeze when I try to do too much, so it is a major issue...
#5August 27th, 2007 · 02:46 PM
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As a musician the most important thing is that your happy with your sound, as this effects the way you approach your music, unless you can blank it out. I respect any musician who is searching for the right sound , even though it comes accross well to others.

The chord structure arrangement is lovely, the melody is nice, although as the chord arrangement is so nice, personally I would have allowed more space for the melody, infact you could add some vox to it.

Hope you find the sound your looking for.

Will rate.

#6August 27th, 2007 · 02:47 PM
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United Kingdom
technology, eh. without it non of this would be possible, but sometimes it drives u mad. 
 well, im not very familiar with old synths but if i had the money i would deffinitly delve into that world. i know theres a korg prophet but thats modern isnt it?

#7August 27th, 2007 · 02:55 PM
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United States of America
The engineer's who used to work for Sequential Circuits went to work for Korg after S.C. went out of business. Currently the people managing the Prophet VS and the Prophet 5 are Wine Country Productions. The Korg Triton isn't really vintage but is a superior synthesizer for those with the budget to indulge in such. The Korg Karma is also a worthy addition to the world of keyboard. As it is, freeware vst's are what my pocketbook can handle...
#8August 27th, 2007 · 04:05 PM
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United Kingdom
cool, so its all about the korgs? well, im glad cos i went and bought a korg Z1 before i really knew anything about synths.

#9August 27th, 2007 · 04:39 PM
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United States of America
Oh, there are plenty of Nice synthesizers that are not by Korg, I just happen to want them less. Also, the Korg Triton, despite it's flaws is the one you are most likely to see in a commercial studio. Industry standard doesn't always mean good, but it does mean available. If you want cool and have a nearly unlimited budget, start searching for a Buchla 200   

I could get really obnoxious and list a dozen more I have no hope of affording, but I will forbear this time...
#10August 31st, 2007 · 05:11 AM
17 threads / 3 songs
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United States of America
This is a excellent piece
This is one of the songs coming up in my list of classical pieces to learn.. finished the bach  doing a 19th century piece and then  going to learn this one..

here is a video of this on guitar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D7aMGCFaLw

I think you did a fine job on this ...I found out I can take guitar pro and save it as a midi file ...move it into a sequencer and assign voices to it  to do something similar.....how cool is that....

I can tell you spent some time with this cause I have messed with midi and it takes longer for me to write it there than to just play it...

great job on this piece

#11August 31st, 2007 · 08:24 AM
19 threads / 15 songs
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United States of America
Cleaning up midi
Guitar Pro is pretty cool if it can do that for guitar. The performance on YouTube is very nice, in that it is an advanced student tackling it. Handled too fast, but as a long time guitarist, the temptation to speed pieces like this up is almost impossible to ignore. I looked at a performance by Julian Breem where he is tackling this at breakneck speed. Like a professional race car driver he did not crash and burn, but overall even he lost some of the fine articulation that is the joy of this piece.

Cleaning up midi is very hard unless you know exactly how the piece needs to go. Editing in a program like finale can be lifeless, but ensures accuracy. Using a piano roll like FL Studio's allows great control of dynamics and, of course, direct access to softsynths and the controllers. My biggest hint is that the softsynth I use to preview my edits and the one I finally choose to render are very much not the same.

Which Bach, by the way? I prepared a version of the fourth 2 part invention that (as an MP3) is less than 1 MB so the AMP won't let me post it. 
#12September 1st, 2007 · 07:05 AM
17 threads / 3 songs
185 posts
United States of America
the E minor section of the Bach 4 lute Suites  most people are familiar with the 996 V E minor Bourr'ee
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