#1May 22nd, 2007 · 03:43 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
birthday song
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Every Lady should have her own song
for her own special Birthday.. So why
not a crooner pulling at your heart strings?

Happy Birthday  Miss Saskia!


Danny - Blueyes

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#2May 22nd, 2007 · 10:25 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
Glad you liked it bro..  Hope this
helps Saskia have a happy birthday!


Dan - Blue
#3May 22nd, 2007 · 01:06 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,399 posts
United Kingdom
What a lovely gesture, I'm sure this has touched the heart strings for the special person you wrote it for.

Blessings are with you.

#4May 22nd, 2007 · 01:27 PM
50 threads / 43 songs
130 posts
Hey mate!
Hey man!

It was awesome!! You should have seen the smile on her face when listening to this tune, she thought it was beautiful!

Hope you feel better soon and get your recording studio set up, this song screams to be finished!!!

If I can help you in any way, you know where to find me

The voice is just beautiful, we'll work on timing and building more around it just you had in mind

#5May 22nd, 2007 · 01:29 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
doors are always open.. feel free to visit on
holiday any time bro...

thanks too!


#6May 22nd, 2007 · 01:53 PM
31 threads / 1 songs
434 posts
United States of America
classic ballad style
very poigniant

i know it's supposed to be a free flowing song, but i'd still like to hear something beat-oriented behind it... maybe give the strings more movement. take off the DX7. that's just my personal thing, can't stand the DX7 tone

finding a better strings sound would be good too

in the end though, as they say, it's the feeling that counts... i'm sure she'll be pleased as punch with this
#7May 22nd, 2007 · 08:38 PM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
wow entheon... 
  I appreciate it bro..  say it's not
bad for a ten minute start to finish
recording huh?  Yea I completely
agree about the strings and the voice
choir sounds..  the grand piano does
come out awful muddled in there to
doesn't it...  will make alot of difference
when I get this mess put together a
little better..
thanks guy!!!


Dan - Blueyes
#8May 22nd, 2007 · 11:25 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
265 posts
United States of America

Efverythign is panned to the right, which is a shame. High vote.
#9May 23rd, 2007 · 10:29 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
yes sir..
need help setting this place up right,
so bad... tried to use an old mono
mixer to be able to hold more then
one instrument at a time, into a
pre-mix.. used monitor out for
the right side and mains out for
the left side.. was getting signal
through the interface in both of the
channels.. right and left.. so not
sure what happened really, but
by the time it turned 3am, being
on a deadline for Wiz, I just left
Thanks for being the one to say
something about it.. even though
we knew. I appreciate someone
noticing and bringing it to my


#10June 4th, 2007 · 01:03 AM
76 threads / 5 songs
529 posts
Cook Islands
wow briss!!!
Very nice!!!!
Good intonation(lol)
very well done!!
keep it comin!!
Love always Briss!!
#11June 4th, 2007 · 05:07 AM
64 threads / 13 songs
669 posts
United States of America
I don't like the string sample--it sounds too artificial and tinny for my likes.

Obvious recording issues aside, this is good--I think you miss a few notes, but no biggie.

The lyrics are very poignant, and the piano is beautiful.
#12June 4th, 2007 · 08:10 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
thanks guys...
I appreciate your critiques as much as I do
the compliments.. it helps when trying to
put together things for the next attempt...

blessings and thanks again,

Dan - Blueyes
#13June 8th, 2007 · 01:32 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
thanks bro.. tha's my grand on the
korg m3r.. I think if I remember
right, the yamaha ts100 has a grand
sound that compares or may even
be just a little better.. has been over
10 years since those pieces have even
seen daylight, much less had power
electricity running through it.. just
wish I could get it all up and running
now.. it's torture to have this caliber
of equipment and just sit and look
at it...  oh well I digress bro.
again thanks for your kind words!
#14June 8th, 2007 · 01:40 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I though I posted here I guess not .Well this is really well written.Vox a bit flat on the hi note (just I tinny bit).Blue maybe drop the key half a step.Recording is preatty clear but it clips a bit but I know you're working on your gear.Are you recording the vox while you play? It sounds like you get close to the mic and then far...
Good job all together!!
#15June 8th, 2007 · 02:27 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
Man Marino!!!
Bro, that was awesome!! you have captured
the kind of critique I need.. along with the
other comments, my efforts can take the
exact direction needed!!!

Thanks again and Blessings bro!

Blueyes - Dan
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