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#1May 2nd, 2007 · 10:29 AM
13 threads / 13 songs
84 posts
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Talk to me softly
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It’s in the battle 2007-05

Mladen Konecky - Talk to me softly

Hey, I'm sure you know how the story goes,
But here it goes again, one more time,
Same old words you hear, again and again,
But baby what I say, I really mean...

So hey, don't you just stand, give me your hand,
and let's just fly together...

Talk to me softly, whisper in my ear,
Use the words of love that I wanna hear,
Tell me that you love me 'couse u know I love you to,
All that I want is to be with you...

Hey, I know, it sounds cheap, yet another guy,
That wan'ts to turn you on, and leave behind,
But I realized, if there's no love,
There's not really much to tell,
And I wanna talk to you forever...

So hey, don't you just stand, give me your hand,
and let's just fly together...

Talk to me softly, whisper in my ear,
Use the words of love that I wanna hear,
Tell me that you love me 'couse u know I love you to,
All that I want is to be with you...

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#2May 2nd, 2007 · 12:38 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
913 posts
United States of America
Hey Spoony! Great to see you back on the site!. This song is (as usual) well-crafted, very polished, well-produced. Nice song structure. Sounds like you're not emphasizing the guitar in your work as much as you once did. (however, I was glad to hear the nice little guitar lead in there...good guitar tone and delivery as usual). Nice work!
#3May 2nd, 2007 · 03:49 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
22 posts
Nice work !
Hey man, nice finish ! Clean recording, decent solo, ...
What else can I say ?
Lend me your equipment, will ya ?
#4May 2nd, 2007 · 05:14 PM
34 threads / 17 songs
581 posts
There's a lot of great ideas in here...the lines of all the instruments are good...but some of the tones sound a bit "dated" (but who am I to talk - everyone says my stuff sounds like Jefferson Airplane  ).  If you wanted it to sound a little more modern try using a different synth sound..something edgier maybe?  Love the lead guitar - would like to hear a longer solo!  Vox are good..harmonies are good...lyrics are simple and straightforward... good work! 
#5May 2nd, 2007 · 06:49 PM
8 threads / 8 songs
37 posts
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Pozdrav. Ovaj put ću samo na hrvatskom...

Još jednom si dokazao da si vrlo talentiran mladi gitarista, i ne samo to, već je i cjelokupan tvoj dojam kompletan, vrlo jak, i ništa drugo ne mogu reći osim riječi hvale....Gitara mi se sviđa, bez pretjerivanja, vrlo uglađeno i po mjeri, sviđa mi se kako si upotpunio prazninu među stihovima-keyboard...Jedina zamjerka koju imam je kraj...ne znam da li ćeš me skužiti šta mislim, ali trebao je biti više energičniji i srčaniji, i odrezaniji kraj...i solo je mogao bit malo duži.Ostalo sve +5.

P.S. Si promjenio gitaru (čitaj Ibanez)

#6May 3rd, 2007 · 07:53 AM
13 threads / 13 songs
84 posts
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Tnx for replays
Lend me your equipment, will ya ?
Hehehe, man, you don't want my equipment, you don't know what are u talking about...my equpment sucks. You don't wanna know what I have, or should I better say, what I dont have.. Cheap amp, cheap guitar, but good soundcard...
Jedina zamjerka koju imam je kraj...ne znam da li ćeš me skužiti šta mislim, ali trebao je biti više energičniji i srčaniji, i odrezaniji kraj...
Znas o cemu se radi...raid se o tome da sve sto radim je vrlo amaterski, mislim na snimanje i produkciju...recimo vokal snimam tako da mikrafon spojim u efekte za gitaru i direkt u komp, ni predpojacala i sve....tako da...znam da nema te energije, ali ja ju sa opremom koju imam ne mogu naprosto dobiti, jer to ti je razlika izmedju studija i ameterskog kucnog snimanja...realisticnost, energija, prisutnost... Kraj je odrezan, to je i mene malo mucilo, nisam bas u potpunosti sa tim zadovoljan ali eto, tako je ispalo... Gitaru sam promjenio, da. No gora je od Ibaneza kojeg sam imao tako da nisam bas s njom zadovoljan..moram si kupit vise nesto sto valja pa mozda onda bude i bolja snimka... pickupovi su prejeftini da bi dobro zvucali, drvo je jos dobro...ali Guitar Rig 2 izvlaci stvar, dobri efekti...

#7May 3rd, 2007 · 12:33 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
913 posts
United States of America
guys, please do me a favor...please post in English. I might be able to learn something from your exchange if I can understand it.
#8May 3rd, 2007 · 02:07 PM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
hey man, this rocks. very classic rock style, I think this song would be very successful in the late 70s .
  its a very pro sounding recording, and the melodys are very cacthy,  and that solo kicks ass. well done.

#9May 3rd, 2007 · 05:07 PM
8 threads / 8 songs
37 posts
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Ma nisi me onda skužio, mislim bar...i da, je odrezano, i ok je al fali mi nešto u tom odrezanom kraju a očito ti ne mogu objasnit....a sama pjesma ima i te kako energiju i super je...no i dalje sve 5 bez obzira na kraj pjesme...za Guitar Rig 2 znam i imam ih ali sam deinstalirao jer mi nešto nije štimalo...budem opet...

A za tu tvoju opremu, hm, znam šta si imao prije tak da sad imaš vjerojatno samo bolje...

P.S. Jel uopće znaš tko je s druge strane??? I javio bi ti se na mail da malo pročavrljamo al ne znam gdje da ti ga inkognito ostavim 

#10May 3rd, 2007 · 05:56 PM
50 threads / 43 songs
130 posts
No words for it..

in playlist
and on repeat all night

Very high vote from me!
#11May 3rd, 2007 · 06:02 PM
1 threads
42 posts
hey is very nice to see you again and is a good song
#12May 3rd, 2007 · 06:05 PM
1 threads
42 posts
ah, and you have a very good voice
#13May 3rd, 2007 · 08:09 PM
10 threads / 10 songs
37 posts
You rock!
You are definitely one of the best musicians here on bandamp! Respect!
#14May 3rd, 2007 · 10:50 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
AAAH spoonman Ive always loved your music...this is no exception.......
dunno what to say, you do amazing things with the equipment you have!
#15May 4th, 2007 · 08:34 AM
13 threads / 13 songs
84 posts
Croatia (Hrvatska)
Heh, guys, I just wanna say that you really make me happy, with your positive coments, I really respect you all and it's really nice feeling, to share music with you and to get feedback like that. One day I will try to go pro with my music, wish me luck. And when I say I have bad equipment, I really have nothing special. But I would like to share my knowledge of recording and doing stuff my way wit all of you. I'm last year on university and I will soon make a book that will integrate my knowledge, and there will be also DVD that will show everything what I do...But I'm from Croatia and fist version will probably be in croatian, but surelly I will make english version to. That's what I will work on this year, should be finished in December or so. Anyway, tnx everybody, I will upload much more songs soon, I'm really short with time but I will try to be more active. Respect all, make music, have fun, see ya around...

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