#1April 23rd, 2007 · 08:23 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
13 posts
United States of America
Murphy Switch
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

A kind of fun song I wrote. I had to record everything alone and I know nothing about recording.My first expereince with Cubase SE3.

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#2April 23rd, 2007 · 08:46 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Sounds like a song with good potential for a kick but.. song.I also use cubase but an older version Im not to familiar with yours.There is though some post that my help you out on the recording tab you would have to do some reseach in it.Also i know if you type Cubase tutorials on you tube stuff pops up.Anyway just sharing some info.Is a good job for a first experience with cubase.And a good song with great potential for rocking out.!!!
#3April 23rd, 2007 · 11:11 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
13 posts
United States of America
hey thanks for the feedback.I'm constantly learning more stuff on cubase I've been told it can put out high quality CD material.
I love the song even though the guitar solo came out a little out of time,Just haven't had time to redo it.
#4April 24th, 2007 · 12:49 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
hey now..
this get's a high rating from me... on my grade scale that is..
the vocals are extra hot..  I luv it when someone finally
goes the other way with vocal tracks.. I stress on here that
vocal tracks are never near mixed hot enough!!!  I was
always taught "Sing it out very loud, that way if I screw
up there is no way to miss it and it can be fixed.. pussyfoot
around with wimpy vocals and the mistakes go undetected
until it's to late and embarrasses you!!".. or just simply
sing out, screw up, hear it and fix it!! ;-)
I am only now diving into the pdf files of the version
of cubase I have.. will have the newest version soon..
my aunt is getting me the tascam us122 audio-midi to
usb interface for my home studio.. it has cubase and
gigastudio with it... bundled.. but her boyfriend's son
has a brand new copy in the box that he doesn't want..
so I'm making out like a bandit for all the years of patient
help I've given her on puters...   I hate it when they bundle
SE and LE watered down versions of software with things..
but I come from the days of "extended demo versions"
of programs and games...  so I get so mifted at the greedy
software companies..   but this much I do know. find one
program you really feel comfortable with.. cubase since you
already started it, and stick with it solely!!!  I am spread
out very thin right now trying to learn several programs
all at the same time and trying to keep up with a website
I am the webmaster on, and one that contracts me out
from time to time to follow up on a site I finished a
while back.. oh well I digress... break a leg.with the program
and hope you master it to your liking.. 
 Oh LES PAUL FREAK?? me too!! have owned several
of them...  started out when my dad got me a 1958
three pickup black beauty on my 14th birthday..
I've been hooked ever since.. have had and lost more
gibsons then any one person should have.. really miss
my black beauty, my ebs 1275's and mostly my 1972
hummingbird 12string.. was my very first guitar!!! the
58 (original issue) was my second gibson.. had a yamaha
fg-175 then got the black beauty... right now have a
first year hand made lp custom copy... was a very nice
guitar till a crack head tried to steal it, and scratched the
finish off behind the bridge with a pocket knife... it's
still an awesome player!!! just gotta find a way to get her
refinished...  oh well you'll find I sometimes seem very
wordy because I type so fast, I look away and when I
look back again there's five paragraphs on the screen..
I'm a pianist, not a guitarist!!



Blueyes - Dan
#5April 24th, 2007 · 07:05 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Yes rockin out song lol, I find the vocal way too dry and you've only got the two tracks, brain says that a drum track should kick in ANY minute now........LOL
A the wonders of Cubase SX, I've got three version and not one of them saves my final mix downs!!!!! And I've not found a solution for it yet so CubaseVST it is then!!
#6April 24th, 2007 · 07:13 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
13 posts
United States of America
Yeah this song screams for drums but my drummer lives 40 miles away and is a busy man, as am I.
One day I'm gonna get a job where all I do is play guitar.
I've also am considering redoing the song with a few power chords in the verses to really bring out the chorus.
Anyway I don't have much expereince in recording but cubase is extremely easy to use the only thing I don't like is that, to me the finished product never sounds finished.
But I don't know.
thanks for the  help

#7April 24th, 2007 · 09:42 AM
5 threads / 5 songs
590 posts
United Kingdom
wise words from blue about singing.
 This song has real potential. It needs bass and drums. If you dont own a bass guitar, turn up bass on the eq, and record the bassline from a normal guitar, its not perfect but it will give a fuller sound. also, pick the string with your thumb to get a better sound.

good song tho

#8April 24th, 2007 · 01:56 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,848 posts
my heart is bleading since I've given away my les paul (golden edition) and a marshall tube combo (15 watts)
for a fender rhodes 88. man.....
I love that sound of this song, some mp3 issues but a good listen to it.
so ask one of this members for a drum track !?!?
hey you need a bass player too
#9April 24th, 2007 · 07:33 PM
12 threads / 10 songs
65 posts
The vocals are brutally cool.  Great guitar.  Like everyone else said, drums and a bass are missing but you know that.
Cheers and thanks for the good tune.
#10April 24th, 2007 · 08:46 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
13 posts
United States of America
Thanks guys umm triton keyboarder (love your music by the way)could you fill me in on my mp3 issues I sure would like to know what I could do.

PS what does it mean when the vocals are too dry?
#11April 25th, 2007 · 06:43 AM
3 threads / 3 songs
31 posts
i really like that! the vocals are cool, really... very good job on that!
the guitars could have some more variation.. it sounds like a perfect
first sketch for a song.. like the first riffs you write for it.. but the
power, the mood, the loudness... you know... always stay the same.
except of the solo, which is great!
if there were some bridges or brakes in it, it would have been top-rated
by me anyways: very, very good job! respect for the singing!
add bass and drums... i'll love it!

to your first cubase experience:
if you plan to record some more stuff in the future,
i can tell you that it's not only a good software like cubase you need..
i mean.. cubase is a hit, but without a bit of good hardware you'll
never get what you want.. believe me... you don't have to pay a lot
of money.. i bought me a mini-mixer (behringer xenyx 802) for about
60 euros, which is cheap! The mixer is great! it hast perfect mic-preamps
and british EQs... easy to use... its small
and i bought a mic that was only i bit better that something you could
buy for 10 euros... i payed ca. 35 euros for it..
now i am surprised what i can do with these two things and cubase..
i swear i dont have anything more for recording!
#12April 25th, 2007 · 04:40 PM
55 threads / 30 songs
1,558 posts
United Kingdom
Typing as I listen
A couple of issues over the sound recording: EQ, clipping, and mixing - and some sloppy vocal timing too (I'm good at sloppy vocals - just ask Blueyes!!!).
Sorting out the software and recording is the main battle that you have to contend with really, and once you get to grips with Cubase you'll be flying with the best I should think.

Musically, I like this song.  It's fun, dynamic, and has buckets full of potential.
Bass and drums are a must on this I'd say., and the variation that JohnnyM suggests for the guitar seems like a good idea too....... but good work never the less.

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