#1April 8th, 2007 · 06:25 PM
2 threads / 2 songs
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United States of America
Nothing Really Matters
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It’s in the battle 2007-04

This is just a simple verse and a chorus.  Just me playing acoustic and singing.  The singing, not so good, the guitar playing not so good either =)  I was just wondering about the quality of the composition really.  For my singing I used a little bit of an auto tune program around the rough edges, so please don't judge me for that   Anyway, thanks in advance for the comments!

I'd live for you
I'd die for you
Give everything inside for
You and I
Could be
The only ones who know

I'm there for you
I'm here for you
I'm anywhere you need me to be
Anytime you want me
There with you


Don't you worry
About the future or the past
All that matters
Are the times we've made the best with what we do

When we're together
I'll make sure to carry through
Cause nothing really matters
Without you

Edit:  If you don't care let me know what genre this would really fit into, I'm kind of stumped on that one.  Thanks 

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#2April 9th, 2007 · 04:03 AM
97 threads / 43 songs
500 posts
Thirsty Merc
This strongly reminds me of a band called Thirsty Merc, and, consulting the all knowing all seeing body of visions that is wikipedia, it said that they were an Australian Rock band. So I guess, you're aussi rock. However, I think this is what you call soft rock or something like that.

But forgetting the genre for a moment, I think this song is beautifully phrased, with the right words to finish this off, it should be quite catchy and sure to get under your skin.

Welcome to the amp!


#3April 9th, 2007 · 04:36 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
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United Kingdom
Swap Chorus
Interesting that I thought the verse was more of a chorus, not that it matters anyway. Actually I didn't think your voice tone is that bad., in fact it's pretty good. I'm a great believer in positive attitude, getting comments form this site will hopefully give you that, boost your confidence, which will show in your voice. Keep working at it.

#4April 9th, 2007 · 07:38 AM
37 threads / 19 songs
618 posts
United States of America
son said to tell you, ya gotta keep your voice up like that.. He actually liked it too..
I thought it was superb!!! only thing I would change was repeating the first part
to take it on home and give it some extra time and body!! Nice song, great vocal
and decent guitar!


Danny - Blueyes
#5April 9th, 2007 · 08:29 AM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
THis is really good man....  I would classify this as a Soft Rock Ballad..   So many rock bands have done something similar, From Counting Crows to Motley Crue, to Aerosmith.. I mean, It's a nice simple melody, it's a pretty cool Idea...  Way too short...  You need to expand on it a bit...  And don't worry so much about using the auto-tune...  Though it is a neat thing, I have just begun to play around with one myself...  I Think this song deserves your real natural voice..  If you go off a place or to, I think it will lend to the emotion of the piece, and make it better, not worse...  Just my thoughts..

Welcome to the Amp..
#6April 9th, 2007 · 09:07 AM
16 threads / 15 songs
108 posts
I like it too! Really nice song.Simple structure and sounds great!
#7April 9th, 2007 · 11:00 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
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United States of America
I really appreciate all of the comments, I think I'll finish the rest of the song by tomorrow.  I'll lose the autotune this time 

The problem I was having trying to finish it, was trying to find what kind of melody to use for an actual verse.  The verse and chorus at the top are more like a chorus and a bridge.

But I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Edit: And by the way, this is the first time I've heard of Thirsty Merc, I think I might have to buy their cd now    Thanks!
#8April 12th, 2007 · 11:59 AM
55 threads / 30 songs
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United Kingdom
Way, way, way too short.

Add to it, build on it, so as you suggest to it.
The auto-tune on the vox gives it a interesting effect, which is very reminiscent of the ring modulation used by Cher in one of her songs (something like "I believe in love", but don't exactly remember the name of it).

Playing, singing, and composition all decent as far as it goes, and I like the lyrics - but you need to build on this one.

#9April 12th, 2007 · 08:53 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
This has a Peter, Paul & Mary feel to the style of the song
Nice recording
Nice vocals & Lyrics

Will Rate

#10April 12th, 2007 · 09:44 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
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United States of America
great first post. You are a good pop songwriter. I would really love this song if it were done in the right way (going more towards bye bye miss american pie instead of good riddance, both of which it sounds like)

gets my vote mate. I agree with swapping the chorus and verse. Extend this out and you have an instant hit.
#11April 14th, 2007 · 08:32 PM
17 threads / 15 songs
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United Kingdom
cant wait to hear more 
#12April 16th, 2007 · 02:29 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
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United States of America
Again, I appreciate everyones comments and suggestions.  I'll upload one of my finished songs next, so be listening for it.

Thanks again.
#13April 20th, 2007 · 01:54 PM
7 posts
as Theotherguy89 said: pop .. but don't fear making
a finished version of it.. sounds good for me!
#14April 20th, 2007 · 08:43 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
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United States of America
Theotherguy89 wrote…
great first post. You are a good pop songwriter. I would really love this song if it were done in the right way (going more towards bye bye miss american pie instead of good riddance, both of which it sounds like)

gets my vote mate. I agree with swapping the chorus and verse. Extend this out and you have an instant hit.

 I disagree alot with this one...  It's not pop...  It could be pop, If you want to redo the music and make it pop.. But, to tell the writer of the song, it is done wrong, that's silly. He wrote the song, this was what he wanted, Give him help with structure, sure, say it might sound better, but not If it was done correctly more like this song than that song, and I really don't think it sounds  that much like Bye Bye Miss American Pie... I think it definitely falls more in the soft rock ballad category.. But, we could go on and on and on debating that... The main thing I disagree with is the sentence "done the right way".. And I couldn't let that pass without commenting..  

#15April 20th, 2007 · 11:22 PM
13 threads / 12 songs
149 posts
United States of America
nice tune
has a nice feel,good vocals,nicely written lyrics.
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