#1March 11th, 2007 · 07:44 PM
16 threads / 15 songs
44 posts
United States of America
Thus Spoke the Sea
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This song is not in a battle

hrrmm i'm trying to write some more chord-driven guitar songs for when i go busking this summer so i came up with this.

Slacker, hacker, why are you always bringing me down? It's always empty on the other side. I want more. My mouth is open to receive pieces of cognitive information, bits and bites of life, bits and bites of who I are. Tell me. Condense leather into packets so it's cold and hard, smells like a car. Condense your mind into packets so it's cold and hard, smells like a bar. It's slick like vasoline. It bounces like rubber. It tastes like dirt. It's cold outside. I want to go home.

It's claustraphobic, the lights are strobing, I'm seizing in my mind.

It's a dynamic disaster, the crumbling of plaster, the ending of empires.

It's the fall of a nation, Romantic Revolutions, where all the blood is fake.

I'm drowning in oxygen, my feet are asleep, I'm numb and I'm beat.

I don't know where I'm going, I don't care where you are. I know I'm here right now. I know I'm going somewhere, or nowhere. Does it really matter either way? You're still the same. I want to be lost.

Song basically describes a transformation in my personal philosophies over the past couple of years, I guess.

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#2March 11th, 2007 · 09:11 PM
373 posts
it takes a few rounds to digest that rythmn....
another lofi go-go...

i think it was one of your other songs that reminded me of Lou Barlow...
basement recordings are fun for the whole family!

Hai Ke Yi
#3March 12th, 2007 · 02:01 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
265 posts
United States of America
Bring up the vocals in the mix, they're kind of lost right now. That is an interesting rhythm 
#4March 12th, 2007 · 04:02 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
So you want to busk this stuff?
Cool idea, will you put the flute/backing on a CD and play along?
Yes I also lost the vocals in there.
But you've got some funny rhythms too! very cool!

O! I shouldn't worry about wanting to be lost!   lol
#5March 12th, 2007 · 04:17 PM
16 threads / 15 songs
44 posts
United States of America
Yeah, I kind of buried the vocals, on the first part especially, down in the mix because I thought they sounded terrible and I didn't really like the lyrics (I wrote the music first and the lyrics for the first and last parts were basically just an afterthought). I couldn't write a good vocal melody in 5/4 lol.

When I play it this summer I'm going to play it all on acoustic guitar, no backing, except maybe the harmonica. Maybe I'll re-record another version like that.
#6March 12th, 2007 · 04:27 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Yea maybe you should, and post it too!

After posting my last comment (which took bloody hour to upload!!! ) I reread the lyrics and came to the conclusion that I really liked them. Up until the last two lines, they kind of wally out off course!
But then again if after 'I'm numb and I'm beat.' you slowed it all down for the last two lines and made them all "fuck it!" it might work! lol

There are some clever twist and turns and some good imagery in the first bit!
#7March 14th, 2007 · 06:07 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
So refreshing to hear something out of 4/4 .
This is really cool rem vox style?
1.39 change is ok 2 but there were some feed back issues or some frequency squeal ...harmonica mike settling in ?
Another change back 2 5/4.
Should be fun live guitar and harp classic combo.
well done
#8March 14th, 2007 · 06:31 PM
16 threads / 15 songs
44 posts
United States of America
Yeah, the feedback was from the mic on one of the acoustic tracks. I was going to delete it and re-record, but after listening to it a couple times I thought it sounded kind of cool lol

If I ever get around to re-recording it, though, I will probably take out the feedback.
#9March 14th, 2007 · 10:06 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
As i've said before you have your own thing going.I do think you should bring up the vox.It doesnt sound that bad
#10March 14th, 2007 · 10:45 PM
160 threads / 33 songs
1,966 posts
United States of America
cool song
It is weird that you uploaded a 5/4 song . I am writing a 5/4  to 6/8 piece now  kind of a jazz/ska  rock thing. that I think a couple of other ampers are going to be playing on.  I love outside the box rythmn's .  yeah sometimes it is hard to find a good vocal melody in odd meter. I think Pink Floyd did one of the best in Money .....7/4  time and   the band Tool does some cool stuff also. Primus also does some  but I still think the way the melody in  Money is one of the most flowing and stand out melodies  in odd meter for popular radio music.

You did a real good job on this. Hats off for the cool song.

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