#1February 8th, 2007 · 11:52 AM
50 threads / 43 songs
130 posts
Older, Wiser

This song is not in a battle

"Question" with vocals..still working on nice lyrics


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#2February 8th, 2007 · 12:08 PM
1 posts
Prima liedje !! Echt waar, een van je beste composities die ik van je gehoord heb Zelfs het zingen klinkt leuk Moet je vaker doen
#3February 8th, 2007 · 03:22 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Older, Wiser
this bobs along real 'poppy'

smile when u sing it might just change the feel...........................no joke...............can lift the dynamic
your voice hits the lively sound like a sock full of custard......sounds like u should be having fun
hey get rid of her........
maybe a retake on the lyric????
get a bit looser over this fun track........a bit of shouting and laffing
send me the backing track if u like ?
#4February 8th, 2007 · 03:49 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
swordfish wrote…
smile when u sing it might just change the feel...........................no joke...............can lift the dynamic
It's true, It's true!
I thought of this very thing two days ago! Even tried it out in the mirror! It looks totally stupid, but it works.
I was told this too years ago by a singing instructor, but hadn't really tried it out!
You end up putting all the facial muscles not being used to frown and be down into expressing the lyrics and the song. So 

As for the song it's really good but the music's so happy and your not!

Pol123 : pardon! Even if you did come in only to comment on Wisdoms song, there are a lot of people who'd love to know what you've got to say about it!

Had to....
swordfish wrote…
your voice hits the lively sound like a sock full of custard
Laughed my custard filled socks off!

to avoid confusion I wrote…
(the above is an appreciation of the literal comment not of the personal one...OK? I make no reference at all to Wisdom and might not even agree with it, but fuck it's funny)
#5February 8th, 2007 · 04:02 PM
50 threads / 43 songs
130 posts
haha It says: Fine song! Truely, one of your best i've heard from you so far. Even the singing sounds fun, you should do that more often!

(thanx dad LOL)
pol123 wrote…
Prima liedje !! Echt waar, een van je beste composities die ik van je gehoord heb Zelfs het zingen klinkt leuk Moet je vaker doen
#6February 8th, 2007 · 04:32 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Aa! Maar dat mag!
Speelt je vader ook muziek?
#7February 8th, 2007 · 04:38 PM
50 threads / 43 songs
130 posts
Hehe ooit gitaar gespeeld (acoustisch) in zijn hippy tijd ofzo

Maar verder niet nee

kings wrote…
Aa! Maar dat mag!
Speelt je vader ook muziek? :D
#8February 8th, 2007 · 04:40 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: Older, Wiser
idont understand the language........... hey pup dont like that 
#9February 8th, 2007 · 05:13 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Me : Aa! that's alright then!
Does your father still play music?

Wisdom : Well he used to play acoustic guitar in his hippy days you know

But no not any more 

God! you uneducated English people!!!!!
Except for the Scots who no one can understand any way, nearly every country around you speaks more than one language, for most of them the second language is English just to keep you bloody people happy! 
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