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#1January 8th, 2007 · 01:41 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
The Queen
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This song is not in a battle

was putting away christmas stuff and found an accordion in my attic.

I like 3:45...

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#2January 8th, 2007 · 03:52 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
Hmmmmmmmmmm, very different, allot of pleasing sounds for the ear.......at times I felt like I should get up and dance a jig....at first when you said accordian I was worried, I think it turned out all right..I like the guitar..even though it doesnt hang around for that long, also the breakdown at 4:24 and the outro is cool....Why is it called the Queen?

pS this gave me atari flashbacks!
#3January 8th, 2007 · 04:08 PM
176 threads / 26 songs
2,342 posts
United Kingdom
re: The Queen
i reviw as i listen......nice panning start...riff.......+accordion...cool.........enuf
where we goin............ aaaaah aloop..........misiin a melody over the top then rhytmic change compound 3s
kickiin in by 3:51
ok where did u get violin?
wow electro
this is very very cool love the 6/8 more please..............in fact thats an ask 2 all ampers
splash the fish
i vote real high
#4January 8th, 2007 · 05:39 PM
15 threads / 12 songs
171 posts
United Kingdom
Traditional (folk), Funk, Electro, Rock, what other genres are there?

Kept up the energy all the way!
#5January 8th, 2007 · 06:10 PM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
Ahhh the soothing sounds of accordian bright uplifting swings .
Like the textures with violin and of course guitar.
Hey this is really well put together the incorperation of style based around the theme.
Excellent work taka
#6January 8th, 2007 · 06:26 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
BasketCase wrote…
Why is it called the Queen?

Well... it started out as a song with actual lyrics and stuff. I was actually going to take advantage of a set I had written a long time ago and had never gotten around to developing. So I started... and then it turned into something different. But anyway, the lyrics were a story about a queen and her men and good and evil and all that. Also, when I listen to it, the accordion makes me think of something medieval.

Suppose I should have put that in the song description...
#7January 8th, 2007 · 06:32 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
takaminerbb13 wrote…
BasketCase wrote…
Why is it called the Queen?

Well... it started out as a song with actual lyrics and stuff. I was actually going to take advantage of a set I had written a long time ago and had never gotten around to developing. So I started... and then it turned into something different. But anyway, the lyrics were a story about a queen and her men and good and evil and all that. Also, when I listen to it, the accordion makes me think of something medieval.

Suppose I should have put that in the song description... :D

I get the medieval vibe as well, didn't know if there was more to it or not, apparently there was!
#8January 8th, 2007 · 06:54 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
I never knew the Accordion could sound so sweet...   This is cool.....

       I could see you and Weird Al battling it out with your Accordions on this track...  hahahaha

                 Sweet....  Definitely get a medieval/Celtic kind of Renaissance fair kind of vibe here....

                         Love it....
#9January 8th, 2007 · 11:25 PM
4 threads / 4 songs
38 posts
United States of America
It must be dangerous to leave stray instruments around you.  you floor me, too much talent, yeah, let some of it rub off, he he,   anyway this piece wasfun,  hp13
#10January 9th, 2007 · 01:56 AM
17 threads / 15 songs
271 posts
United Kingdom
Is that a real accordion?
If it is did you make a loop?
Quite a mixture here, I think my fav is the guitar and violin, not neglecting the accordion though.
It gets more interesting as it develops (as I write)
Good work
#11January 9th, 2007 · 02:22 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
Jimk wrote…
I never knew the Accordion could sound so sweet...

Well Jim, the accordion is just a non-electronic synthesizer

Geo wrote…
Is that a real accordion?
If it is did you make a loop?

Yep, it's a real accordion, and I did loop much of it.
#12January 9th, 2007 · 02:40 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
923 posts
its a miracle
didnt like the style at the start at first, but must admit you done very well, and it sounds great
then i start liking the progression more and more..
untill i love it
very nice experimental, wonderfull soundscape are the words that come up
you're a musical miracle
#13January 12th, 2007 · 12:27 AM
48 threads / 7 songs
429 posts
United States of America
lol i always thought the acordian was something old men played to pass time (and in my hometown thats ezactly what they did lol) but you actully made it cool!  who would of thought??? lol anyways great job i just was browsing threw your album (again) and stumbled apon this ^_____________^ i love it! although i would love to hear those lyrics you have... maybe in this song or not but i would like to hear thme non the less. so get on it kid! lol im a slave driver i know. if i could i would lock you up in mu closet nad make you make music 24/7 lol  but i wont because i know your parents would miss you to much ^__^ anyways pritty cool you did a great job this is some pritty off stuff man. i love it great job once again!
#14January 12th, 2007 · 09:48 PM
9 threads / 9 songs
33 posts
United Kingdom
re: The Queen
takaminerbb13 wrote…
was putting away christmas stuff and found an accordion in my attic.

I like 3:45...
#15January 13th, 2007 · 12:42 PM
20 threads / 20 songs
62 posts
Wow this is a great song. Its so interesting. I just didnt like this electronic bleeping in the beginning.
Maybe a little 'too many great ideas' in this song, if you know what i mean. Its just too buffed up with awesome ideas. For example do i think the accordeon wass cool enough (nicely played too), then you dont need that killer bass riff at 5:00.
The title is so random that it makes me interpret the song
3:51 is killer.
High vote for a great tune.

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