#1December 20th, 2006 · 04:39 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
My Friend
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Uploaded this a few minutes ago... found some mistakes... fixed, uploaded again... found more mistakes... fixed, uploaded a third time. Third time's a charm? I hope so.

This was written/recorded yesterday. Mixed well into the night...

I'm particularly proud of my "African" drummery, via my "African" drum that I purchased years ago and then never touched... until now.

Turn this one up loud, if you don't mind.

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#2December 20th, 2006 · 05:51 PM
48 threads / 7 songs
429 posts
United States of America

wow this makes me dance in my seat my style as of late,  i dont know man but this kinda stuff makes me think of going to the park and playing on the swings out side of my house with the kids and homemade black and white movies. im not intirely sure why though.. but it does... and i LOVE it. keep it up your on the right strack (always have been lol) nothing i can complain about exept the lyrics are a bit hard to make out but other than that i LOVE it spechilly the ending with the stings going oh man i love them strings keep it up. and i dont know why you never tuched that drum your a natral!

flying high
the paper doll
#3December 20th, 2006 · 07:14 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
I played it loud, just like you said.
Was that intentional? Now that its stopped I've got it stuck in my head. I'll have to play it again I'm afraid.
What an awful lot of instruments and an awful lot of styles.
Your African drummery has done you well, though there is a lot of it.
Don't know if you've ever heard of the Celtic-African connection, it is a known phenomena, well this is where this song of yours takes me, it in deed has that Afro-Celto feel to it.
You must have worked pretty hard to pull this off in such a short time, so your rolling now then? 
#4December 20th, 2006 · 08:11 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
Rolling now? If only it was that easy...

#5December 20th, 2006 · 09:32 PM
24 threads
319 posts
this is cool....

finally something frm taka after awhile. I like this stuff. The drums, the violin.....awesomeness.
#6December 20th, 2006 · 11:37 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
Very Full....   Awesome stuff....

      You should put a cd together and put it out there on CD Baby...   Make some $$$$

#7December 22nd, 2006 · 01:02 AM
48 threads / 7 songs
429 posts
United States of America
this song is the first on my ipod. feel loved. now. moveing on to the next peice of bussyness. my mom still thinks you rock infact i cought her dancing to this song (erm yeah..........) so i camand you to put out more of the danceing mom style paper doll statuse fave on band amp and put a fire under it im already haveing with drawls.. and kings your are not alone >,< i just got done replaying it........... for the tenth time today. hi fives all around for the taka., now. MORE!
please and thank you
#8December 22nd, 2006 · 01:10 AM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America

And Jim - checked out CD Baby... very cool. I'm impressed. And very interested. Thanks for the tip
#9December 22nd, 2006 · 01:54 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
81 posts
for now i played it in the speakers of my laptop , and its already peasing my ears , how much more in my sound system....Well my friend , still a very good work...
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