#1December 15th, 2006 · 06:48 PM
119 threads / 90 songs
258 posts
United Kingdom
As Long As...
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Didn't plan these lyrics at all. I decided to avoid the typical verse/chorus/verse layout cause I didn't want to overcrowd it with my voice.
Debating weather or not to put vocal harmonies in on another day.


Trapped inside a song,
From someone elses head,
Wishing it was me,
Who thought of it instead...

Well as long as I have ears,
And as long as I have a voice,
And as long as I can feel,
Well I don't have a choice.

I'll never be the type with a mortgage,
Three kids and two cars
Up the drive, cause I wont survive,
I'll never be the type with a steady job,
I'll never be the type with a clean house,
I'll never, never, never...

Well as long as I have ears,
And as long as I have a voice,
And as long as I can feel,
Well I don't have a choice. (X2)

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#2December 15th, 2006 · 07:17 PM
31 threads / 19 songs
612 posts
I think this might just be my favourite from you. I really like the instrumentation. Is it all computer generated besides your voice? It's cool as is.... I think however it needs that something to make it memorable..what that is Im not sure. Am I making any sense? LMAO
#3December 15th, 2006 · 08:15 PM
13 threads / 7 songs
167 posts
You know I like your stuff but I really think you should write more stories, avoid the first person perspective, only when it's absolutely necessary.  You've got an innate feel for putting dramatic melody on a scale that feels right and proportionate.  But the first person doesn't suit it - you have a knack with the vernacular that you can turn into fine observational lyricism if you try it.  i'm so mean.
#4December 16th, 2006 · 05:55 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
well, I think, here, this type of lyric actually does make sense; though first-person, it's not an uncommon view on things, I think there's lots of young women who can identify with it.

I like how you're holding some of the notes here, PD. that would be great with a slowly fading in harmonic, and even cooler: a long note seemlessly blending into a synth sound! I find the atmosphere in your tracks very appealing - a mellow pastel blue on a dark neon background. feels like saturday night in the big city.
#5December 18th, 2006 · 11:17 AM
113 threads / 58 songs
464 posts
great voice
Wish I could work with such a good singer as you!
love the song and the arrangements will listen to more of your songs
#6December 18th, 2006 · 01:56 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
great music like always.
drums are chosen very smart. Vocals real porcellainish.

Cant say any bad about the mix.... except.... the harp is a bit too loud imo.
#7December 18th, 2006 · 03:30 PM
66 threads / 55 songs
697 posts
United States of America
great song. I really like the lyrics.

harp might be a bit loud. not much though.

yehhh... this one's for the playlist.
#8December 18th, 2006 · 08:38 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
this feels like it`s in response to your blog posted about knitting...

good job!  i like the first person style here.  had you done it in third, i would have felt too removed from it.  there are simply certain songs that you can "mourn" with while playing them in your car, and I like this one the way it is    I hope you don`t have to look back on this song one day and wish it didn`t exist...  This song should be the soundtrack opener to "The Life and Anticlimatic Stories of Tonight`sLastSong".

props for not using the verse chorus verse chorus pattern.  you executed this one well, i think.

hey, maybe... read Simon`s blog about "Make it your craft, not your life"

#9January 14th, 2007 · 07:44 PM
9 threads / 9 songs
33 posts
United Kingdom
I seem to like all your stuff and this is my favorite.  Sounds nicely produced, do you work with anyone else or do it yourself?  A sly and mysterious harmony would have been a nice suprise on this one.  Superb effort.
#10January 14th, 2007 · 09:47 PM
119 threads / 90 songs
258 posts
United Kingdom
re: Superb
bowlieboy1978 wrote…
I seem to like all your stuff and this is my favorite.  Sounds nicely produced, do you work with anyone else or do it yourself?  A sly and mysterious harmony would have been a nice suprise on this one.  Superb effort.

Nope, I do everything myself in my messy bedroom, with my ilegal copy of FL and USB headset thing that frequently gets trodden on. LOL 
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