Bravo Kalpazanke.S malki zabelejki pesenta mi haresva mnogo.Nali sam kritik sega. Moje da sloji6 i "Miau Pisi Miau" davidim kakvo ste kajat 

I understand why you don't wanna live down here anymore cause i have the same problem a bit, the world is just f**t up to much these days.
It's time for changes.
Oh ermm about the's crystal clear, sweet voice to.
I enjoyed the listen to it, you have some serious talent.
Grtzz ScanVoice
It's time for changes.
Oh ermm about the's crystal clear, sweet voice to.
I enjoyed the listen to it, you have some serious talent.
Grtzz ScanVoice
The best music is always the songs that are not in English. Many females overseas have much more prettier voices then Americans do. Some of our American accents sometime ruin a song. I like many accents over seas. Especially since they are thick and they sound whole. Plus, that's why in choir classes we are pushed to say our ah's, oh's, and oo's round and more noticeable. And people overseas usually have the natural ability to do this.
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