#1October 13th, 2006 · 09:03 PM
10 threads / 7 songs
78 posts
Trinidad and Tobago
Fatl Senses 2

This song is not in a battle

Okay the first one had some kinda thing that Bandamp didn't like if you c this any of the admins and it acts wierd plz try 2 fix it but i am relaunching it 2 c if that helps thx.  OH yeah and this is a song 4 my gf and if anyone can write some lyrics cuz i can't sing i would apprecitate it thx.

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#2October 13th, 2006 · 10:34 PM
12 threads / 6 songs
36 posts
United States of America
Fatl Senses
Sound quality is pretty good but I would remix this.
Seperate some of the tracks by panning.
In other words, take one guitar part to the right and one to the left
You will have a fuller sound this way. 
Bass is good and so are the drums but the guitar sounds somewhat distant
#3October 16th, 2006 · 03:24 AM
21 threads / 20 songs
59 posts
i'm sorry but you should record it again with another drumstyle and maybe a bit more pan
it could be a good one
Schubbi from UNGEBREMST
#4October 16th, 2006 · 01:46 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
heh, what they said, but you got something here you can work with.

hhmmmmm.... I really suggest throwing yourself to the lions and write some lyrics - especially if it's for YOUR girlfriend you don't want anyone running off with the credit for a tune you wrote for your girl, now, seriously?

and... as moderator (or admin, whichever) there is no way to change a tune's properties after you upload it. so if there's a problem with the file, you need to fix that yourself - the only thing we could do is check it's properties and tell you that you need a 44.1 kHz sample rate mp3, anything else will play too slow or too fast.

anyway this is a good start at something. once again go for it, write some lyrics, sing, and if you don't like the result remember WE ALL had to start somewhere, someway, somehow!
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