#1October 7th, 2006 · 01:49 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
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United States of America
Im your man
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This song is not in a battle

This is one of the first songs I ever wrote. I did it when I was...oh never mind! It was forever ago. Back then it was really a rock tune with a 3 part harmony guitar solo a la Queen. I listened to it last spring for the first time in a while and YIKES!

So I thought I'd try to make it a little more palatable. I can't remember if I posted the old version and pulled it or what so I'll post this again.

I couldn't do this one in my regular studio so I had to use some lousy equipment. Anybody remember tape? 8 track analog. Nuff said.

If it's worth it, I'll re-do it on my stuff at home since I'm home for a while now. The bg vocals are way over the top but I'm searching for something to do there, so I'll leave them in for your comments. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

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#2October 7th, 2006 · 02:54 AM
66 threads / 55 songs
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United States of America
ehhh I disagree. vox not over the top. well I guess it depends on your point of view. but I don't think so.

they're so great! the strong melody (and it sounds plenty strong) plust the soft backing... sweetness.

nice guitar solo. and by nice, I mean it's simple, and works well with the song.

the song, by the way, is great. it's got a really nice vibe.

I liked the ending as well...

I liked everything! jeez... are you a famous person? really now?
#3October 7th, 2006 · 04:57 AM
24 threads
319 posts
hehehe...i like it
#4October 7th, 2006 · 05:28 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
ok, well, the song is good. the bg vocals are awesome, the main voice imo is a bit importunately (babelfish translation ). I dont like the drum pattern all over the song. I would like to hear a break at 0:50 for one 4/4 bar. I think this would spice up the song totally. But thats a matter of taste.
Anyway a good song and a perfect guitar solo.
#5October 7th, 2006 · 05:38 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
8 track analog or not, this is your scripture sound, and it sounds really well mixed. I actually prefer analog over digital really - I have an attic full of analog equipment, a secret backup sound corner that is.

About the backing vox, yeah, there is one of the backing voices jumping out a bit, taking the lead of the backing vox, which I think is unnecessary, a bit over the top. also I would have loved to hear a 3 part harmony solo a la queen in here, as the short solo in here isn't coming on quite convincing enough. I know you can do much much better! other than that good construction, nice minimal instrumentals.

is that a keyboard produced bass? that end riff you do with it is really on the edge of cheezyness! then again not all cheese is bad.

Really relaxed groove right, a nice one to start my ears up with, this um, brunchtime
#6October 7th, 2006 · 06:56 AM
55 threads / 30 songs
1,558 posts
United Kingdom
I like this - a simple clean sound that works really well.
The harmonies are spot on for me, so I wouldn't want them changed - although I think perhaps the main vocals could do with a bit more punch somehow.
Instrumental sounds are rally nice.
I don't hear the Queen influence of this one at all - but it has a type of Rungren feel to the vocals.

All in all, another very decent bit of music from you.
#7October 7th, 2006 · 10:07 AM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
Thank you all for the feedback.
I myself thought the bg vox were too much, too often but if the genereal concensus is that they're ok, I won't screw with them.

Taka, thanx for the positive vibe, it means a lot coming from you.

not sure what importunately means but I take it it's not good!  
Now that I hear it again I think you're right - when I re-do this, I will definitely break up the song and make the percussion trak more interesting.

Hoo MAN! I just realized that while we were bouncing all those tracks, we left one vocal on the L drum track somehow! It's like this one guy way out on his own! Shit!
Btw, I agree about the analog sound but in only 8 tracks, when you have to bounce so much, the aggregate sound deteriorates. Better to have a 24 trk deck and not bounce.at all! The bass is me playing a guitar synth with Roland GR-20 sounds.

the original was such a shameless (and inept) Queen rip-off I cringe when I thinkof it. That's a tape that must be destroyed. This new version side-steps that completely.

Thanks for listening.
#8October 7th, 2006 · 12:24 PM
160 threads / 88 songs
1,666 posts
United States of America
You really should run into that Falsetto a bit more, that is your main catch in this tune... I really wanted to hear it go into Falsetto more, esp in the chorus....  Otherwise, It is ready for the radio!... This is incredible.... 

    I truly enjoyed listening to it....  THe style, the quality, all top notch in my opinion..... 

              Thank you for sharing this gem...

 p.s. I voted...
#9October 7th, 2006 · 12:43 PM
17 threads / 16 songs
148 posts
United States of America
Thanks Jim
I sang baritone all through my time high school and my time at music school. When I left school to go on the road with a band, they really needed someone to sing the girl parts on all that '80s music. I had the highest voice, i got the job. Now all I ever seem to do is sing the high part. My voice is not really an Axl Rose or Robert Plant high voice, it's more of an Alvin, Simon, Theodore kinda voice ( at least to me ) but thanks for the encouragement. When I re-record this, I'll try to riff in a higher register more often.
Thanks again.
#10October 7th, 2006 · 06:36 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
265 posts
United States of America
this is brilliant! I love your voice, and it has a great groove. Solid playing, solid mix and solid recording.

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