#1August 8th, 2006 · 08:55 AM
11 threads / 9 songs
37 posts
Open Our Eyes
Please vote for this song !
Current votes: 11 (needs min. 15)
It’s in the battle 2007-05

I think anyone who ever reads Orwell's 1984 gets that feeling of "Man, we are suckers!"

This song is about living in the "real" world and not concentrating on hiding within the self as so many people do and have done, me included. Its a balancing act really surviving in their world while crafting our own.

Thanks to Mick as per usual for the engineering job.Shane on Bass and Vocals, Dekki on drums.
The song went through so many arrangements that its hard to recall the original layout but this recording is the best recording of the song so here it is for your ears! I hope you enjoy.

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#2August 8th, 2006 · 04:15 PM
7 threads / 7 songs
35 posts
Yeah! I really like this song! the chorus is great, when you like.. screaming! I will listen to your other songs and hope that they're just as good as this one !
 - A little note, I would really like you to upload the lyrics to this song !

Very Nice job! Keep up the good work

#3August 9th, 2006 · 08:12 AM
12 threads / 9 songs
142 posts
United States of America
Starts off anthemic... then I got hints of Dire Straights.
Its a good concept and delivery.

I found the snare distracting. Its not balanced with the toms, and it sounds... hollow
- I don't know. Too much reverb and not enough whack! The snare sound is like an echo of an intensity that might have been... kind of the way a people oppressed might have been something else. (ha)
Anyway. I think this is well done and well mixed.
#4August 9th, 2006 · 11:36 AM
10 threads / 10 songs
37 posts
:) great!
You're a pro! I like the guitar. You should improve the sound though.. Sound quality is too low for such a great song.
#5August 18th, 2006 · 01:48 PM
4 posts
I like this kinda rockin, it will be a good number to entertain people in gatherings.
#6August 25th, 2006 · 10:26 PM
77 threads / 45 songs
2,296 posts
United States of America
not bad   nice rocker here you guys have...lil hard to understand the lyrics..also...the guitar lead is good..but I think it would have been better if the guitar lead was louder on the recording..its a good lead...nice vocals...

#7August 25th, 2006 · 10:40 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
265 posts
United States of America
I love the message, and the song is really nice.

The drumming is excellent, but you need a beefier snare. It sounds like you were using a tightened piccolo snare with weak sticks.

It would also help if you had more than one voice, and if you didn't accentuate your words so much.
#8August 26th, 2006 · 03:52 AM
7 threads / 7 songs
28 posts
The singer is the weak link of this song.
If the singer sang a bit more strong and in key the song would be a hit.
#9October 15th, 2006 · 05:16 AM
21 threads / 20 songs
59 posts
the recording is a littel bad but a great song,i would play the solo guitar not that much distored and a lil' louder
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