#1March 20th, 2006 · 12:50 AM
12 threads / 12 songs
43 posts
United States of America
to hell with it
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

Here is another one we are working on. I wrote this song about justice and regret.  I am not happy with vocal track but who cares I will fix it when I am not sick and have the compressor. 

I went to a place in my dark soul
without a candle I had lost my way.

There I cry. for years gone by
and before it kills me I must numb the pain.

With all of the lies, inside my mind
In my rage I shall arise....to rule the world.

 Suddenly under siege of blinding light
with words of terror streaming.

They spell my doom, displace my throne
and leave my conscience screaming.

The bitter venom in my veins
it gives way to fear and trembling

and beneath His awesome shadow I brace to bear the death stroke

You should tell the sea to drown me
Send lightning down to strike me
with famine you should starve me
I curse you....yet you spare me!

With coals of fire upon my head
I know that justice wants me dead

but perhaps if mercy knows my name....
Oh. remove the bloody curse of Cain

To Hell with my woundedness
To Hell with my woundedness

It's the opiate of the damned
Oh, now I understand. To hell with my woundedness.

The opiate of the damned
now I understand , to hell with my woundedness.

and beneath His awesome shadow I turn into the bliss of
grace, marvelous grace, Your grace, wondrous grace.

You are my law, my love my delight crushing my rebellion with glory and might!

Hallelujah hallelujah how good to be free.  Free from rebellion hallelujah indeed.

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#2March 20th, 2006 · 04:58 AM
1 threads / 1 songs
7 posts
good work on the song. the only suggestion i would have is to turn the guitar up or add another one to make the sound thicker.
#3March 20th, 2006 · 01:22 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
well, nicely done. nice vocal sound.. remind me of some of the old post-grunge alt rock bands... nice screamin here and there

some mixing issues - the guitar tone needs work, although it seems to work, raw as it is. I enjoy the raw drum sounds -

try mixing the whole more in stereo next time will you? just pan the instruments apart and such. I AM hearing some stereo effects on the vox and guitar right?

so the music is ... interesting...



the lyrics....

would you care to elaborate what they are about?? as they seem the most pretentious load of bull I have ever read and heard

and that does the song and you guys talent no justice!
#4March 20th, 2006 · 05:56 PM
77 threads / 59 songs
929 posts
I needed to say that I'm very impressed, especially by the composition! Style is great to me!

Love the singers voice too.

As raw as the recording/mixing may be, the sound did work for it, so there is something you should remain in a remix, but it can be far better ofcourse.

Get the bass more presence, get the guitar more different sounds(or give it a better 'place', whatever;do something!) get the drums 'bigger'
And get that new vocal track cause I'm very curious!


(so i can rate it higher      no really , the song deserves it)

By the way.., do I hear some Tool influences?

#5March 20th, 2006 · 09:51 PM
92 threads / 12 songs
913 posts
United States of America
agree with my chums above... love the energy and the potential this band has...the vocalist is quite strong, the compositions are elegant, the raw energy of the band is compelling. In terms of production this sounds more like a live club date than a studio recording. Everything except the drums sounds rather dry (meaning no effects added). The guitar can be a little too raw...and it seems that taming this guitar sound could profit the recording....but don't tame it too much...this is some of the charm of this piece. Drummer is quite good, particularly considering he has been playing only eight months. The bass loses all tone and pitch in places and seems to just go "thunk". In terms of "rawness" this reminds me of an old video I saw of "Black Sabbath", (energetic drumming, raw guitar) ever seen that?....with the guitarist playing through one of those old "Orange" amps? Agree with PuppetXeno about the lyric content...you might want to consider re-writing those...as they do come off a bit "over-the top" and thus do not help the song at all. However,  love hearing this band on this site and look forwards to more!
#6March 20th, 2006 · 10:45 PM
I'm forced to disagree with puppet and battlecat about the lyrics. I love them! I don't really think they're that difficult to understand either. Newbreed, forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think the song is written from the perspective of someone who has done something he regrets. He sees his actions held up to God's holiness and realizes that there is nothing to stop God from giving him the ultimate punishment. He knows that rightfully, according to the laws of justice, God should strike him dead:

"You should tell the sea to drown me
Send lightning down to strike me
with famine you should starve me
I curse you....yet you spare me!"

The latter part of the song is about this person discovering that God is willing to bypass justice in favor of mercy, and asking God to take away the bad things that he has done:

"You are my law, my love my delight, crushing my rebellion with glory and might!"

Sin is basically rebellion against God, so he is relieved that God is "crushing his rebellion" and in awe of His power.

Otherwise, I agree with everyone else. I think this song is awesome. Vocals are on point, and the whole thing has great energy. However, at this point, I think it does sound a little, well, empty, for lack of a better word. A stronger bass would be could, and maybe another guitar as well. I could see you adding some eerie keyboard effects too.

Overall, a very good song. I think I'm putting it in the play-list!

#7March 21st, 2006 · 01:10 AM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
You guys could be writing for Spinal Tap.
Arrangement,   vocals ,guitars structured well,on my little mac speakers sounds ok .
Hope you feel better soon
#8March 21st, 2006 · 01:18 AM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
You guys could be writing for Spinal Tap.
Arrangement,   vocals ,guitars structured well,on my little mac speakers sounds ok .
Hope you feel better soon
#9March 21st, 2006 · 01:25 AM
30 threads / 5 songs
757 posts
You guys could be writing for the next  Spinal Tap movie.Arrangement,   vocals ,guitars structured well,on my little mac speakers sounds ok .
Hope you feel better soon
#10May 18th, 2006 · 11:25 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
17 posts
United Kingdom
vocals are good!so is the guitar, but the lyrics do need a wee bit of work, well structured tho!
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