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#16June 17th, 2006 · 12:32 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Hypnosia wrote…
nice drum beat and vocal
really bad ass

but something can be added like a synth at the starting...

Thanks, but I think I'm pretty much done working on this tune...
#17June 21st, 2006 · 04:50 AM
6 threads / 6 songs
327 posts
United Kingdom
oh,!! i don't know what to say,i've led a simple life,this is definatly heavy, i am liking it though..maybe i could learn something,he he..great,cool,fab..          
#18July 19th, 2006 · 05:37 PM
3 threads / 3 songs
18 posts
Lovin the vocal effect.The beat is awesome 2!
#19July 19th, 2006 · 05:41 PM
151 threads / 150 songs
265 posts
United States of America
hardcore man! Really agressive and awesome.
#20October 28th, 2006 · 03:51 PM
13 threads / 12 songs
57 posts
United States of America
I like this one, it's really nice
#21October 28th, 2006 · 09:49 PM
13 threads / 12 songs
57 posts
United States of America
This is my favorite song of all of yours, it's awesome, that's all...
The vocals, the bass, the beat, the synths even, you just did this really good, and the quality ties in to it, so don't critisize it for being "bad quality"
#22October 28th, 2006 · 11:33 PM
6 threads / 6 songs
30 posts
I like it
I like it
#23December 28th, 2006 · 11:26 AM
2 threads / 2 songs
13 posts
#24December 28th, 2006 · 01:05 PM
17 threads / 15 songs
271 posts
United Kingdom
yeah! I like those distorted vocals, did you use an overdrive?
The drums as perfect as usual in your work.
I like the demonic, fiendish atmosphere, well achived actually, it got me frightened 
666th post? I thought you'd had way much more than that.
anyways....Happy 2007 PX
cheers Geo
#25December 28th, 2006 · 01:19 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Geo wrote…
yeah! I like those distorted vocals, did you use an overdrive?
The drums as perfect as usual in your work.
I like the demonic, fiendish atmosphere, well achived actually, it got me frightened 
666th post? I thought you'd had way much more than that.
anyways....Happy 2007 PX
cheers Geo

when I came to my 666th I posted this one to "celebrate"

I used a Zoom 1010 for guitar, bass and vocal effects. It's an outdated mono-output, but very effective multi-effects with analog distortion circuitry. I still have it, and used it on Atticboy aswell.

Thanks for listening, and Best wishes for the New Year to you too !
#26December 28th, 2006 · 02:43 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
Yes PX your an intellectual anarchist!

Demonic indeed.

I actually wanted to add that I've understood recently that 666 is actually a typo by the guys who wrote one of the versions of the bible, in actual fact (according to older manuscripts) the number of the beasty is 616.

Sorry! My apologies to all devil worshipers out there thinking of their posters, books, records, tattoos and prayers.

I'm sure you've created your own version of the 'light-bringer' by now who answers to 666

Shit, this song sure is demonic, love it.
God created fools for a laugh!
#27January 17th, 2007 · 05:49 PM
65 posts
nice dude, I like your style

keep on Rocking


#28January 17th, 2007 · 06:13 PM
42 threads / 1 songs
556 posts
United States of America
Oldies324, The Church of Bandamp thread wrote…
This rule only applies to Ampists who have not yet made a 666th post. When you do so, it must be a horribly satanic, evil, or otherwise malevolent song.

It was my idea! Wow I'm proud of you Pup you remembered the rule
or it was a coincidence
#29January 17th, 2007 · 06:35 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Oldies324 wrote…
Oldies324, The Church of Bandamp thread wrote…
This rule only applies to Ampists who have not yet made a 666th post. When you do so, it must be a horribly satanic, evil, or otherwise malevolent song.

It was my idea! Wow I'm proud of you Pup you remembered the rule
or it was a coincidence :o

Hehehe, look at the date marks: I posted this song March 3rd... (03/03/06... but I just didn't want to lay dormant for 3 months... ) you posted rule 46 on April 17th... I beat you to it
#30January 26th, 2007 · 12:40 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I know this is an older post but I'm figuring out who is who and who plays or writes what. Anyway this song makes me want to pick up the guitar and play along with it.
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