#1February 19th, 2006 · 02:16 AM
8 threads / 8 songs
24 posts
United States of America
She Said To Me

This song is not in a battle

I was trying to juxtapose the desirable imagery of a kiss with the oh so wrong person.

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#2February 19th, 2006 · 04:10 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
nice, enjoyable mood this sets. It reminds me of some 60s rock... like the Kinks or so...

I do think however that you should warm up your vocals before you sing I think you know what I mean... but it's an enjoyable tune anyway.

sounds like something you could put on at 4:30 AM when only the sleepover guests from the party are left and on their last drinks...

nice minimalism - it works, funny that 2:17 doubled vocal. lyrics are great. also reminds me of Velvet Underground. there. now I've said it all.
#3February 19th, 2006 · 11:14 AM
34 threads / 16 songs
538 posts
NOthing Puppet hasn't said already... Your vocals REALLY need some work.
#4February 19th, 2006 · 12:34 PM
117 threads / 55 songs
1,540 posts
The guitar sounds nasty.
You must work on your vocals. I don't like this song, but may be if you make a better production this could improve, but please, work on your voice.

       > Iszil
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