Peacefull Desolation |
This is a song a wrote a long time ago, its for a girl that I knew for a while in highschool. She commited suicide the night before graduation. Im sorry to say that I never really knew her well. I call this one Peacefull Desolation. Its written in A Minor. I applogize for the improv over the chords....dont think the improv turned out that great. I hope you like it and get a "feeling" from this song.
Too bad about the hard left / right panning, this doesn't work well with headphones.
Umm no, the improv's not-so-good... you need to work on that.
Sad story... you could try some lyrics on it, add bass and drums and work it out to a complete song, could work...
Umm no, the improv's not-so-good... you need to work on that.
Sad story... you could try some lyrics on it, add bass and drums and work it out to a complete song, could work...
Let's see...hmmm...three doors down piece of crap. Hopefully it got you laid.
Like you said it does need work and practice and I think less panning. But it's a good start and sounds like it's a nice tune.
the solo would be a lot better if you just didn't drop it... as it is there are numerous pauses and sometimes they can be used to good effect but most of them are too long and there are too many of them so it seems like you don't know where to go...
one of the foundational rules of playing in a live rock band is you never stop - unless there's a specific reason and or part that you're supposed to stop for you never let the sound drop cuz otherwise it sounds like... well... it sounds like the music got dropped.
you've obviously got a modicum of technical guitar skill as regards the speed with which you can play certain licks however you now need to harness and hone those skills in earnest
the two biggest things you can work on when it comes to solo-ing are 1) rhythm and timing and 2) playing more expressively - try to make each note you play be part of a musical thought that you are "saying" and then string those thoughts together into logical phrases. the main caveat for you will be figuring out which not combinations qualify as something worth saying and which ones are just random gibberish... it's not an easy task and different ears have different perceptions but there is certainly a sort of universal musical perception akin to the way we perceive words and we can tell when someone is just spouting random syllables vs actually speaking... so too it is with music
time is what you'll need but the good news is you've got nothing but time - so use it wisely
one of the foundational rules of playing in a live rock band is you never stop - unless there's a specific reason and or part that you're supposed to stop for you never let the sound drop cuz otherwise it sounds like... well... it sounds like the music got dropped.
you've obviously got a modicum of technical guitar skill as regards the speed with which you can play certain licks however you now need to harness and hone those skills in earnest
the two biggest things you can work on when it comes to solo-ing are 1) rhythm and timing and 2) playing more expressively - try to make each note you play be part of a musical thought that you are "saying" and then string those thoughts together into logical phrases. the main caveat for you will be figuring out which not combinations qualify as something worth saying and which ones are just random gibberish... it's not an easy task and different ears have different perceptions but there is certainly a sort of universal musical perception akin to the way we perceive words and we can tell when someone is just spouting random syllables vs actually speaking... so too it is with music
time is what you'll need but the good news is you've got nothing but time - so use it wisely
It needs some work but I like the song it makes me think of some moments in my life people who died,moments I spend with them...
StrokeJohnson wrote…
Let's see...hmmm...three doors down piece of crap. Hopefully it got you laid.
Well there's no need to be a wang about it. heh.
The foundation is there for a decent modern rock track, and the Am definitely brings out the sadness - but it needs more than the riff and the solo (parts of which could be used between lyrics or a strong lead musical part).
Its not to bad though. Good tone from your guitar. And maybe now you can get the idea of what you want. The solo isnt bad, but yeah the pauses are killing you. I like the blueseyness you tried to use just would be nicer with something in the background of the solo.
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