#1October 7th, 2005 · 05:23 PM
29 threads / 21 songs
75 posts
United Kingdom
White Lies
This is the placeholder for a new MP3 player

This song is not in a battle

I could have sworn id uploaded this already but... oh well. This is something i wrote recently tis nice and soft and melodic so... hope ya like it

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#2October 7th, 2005 · 09:23 PM
13 threads / 1 songs
408 posts
United States of America
I'm pretty sure I've heard this before. The server crashed last week and I believe a good bit of posts were lost. Anyway, I like this song. This is my opinion: Your voice is aggressive and great. My suggestion is to make sure you don't push yourself too much and let it flow naturally, like some other songs that you have, ie Be Aware.
#3October 8th, 2005 · 10:28 PM
13 threads / 7 songs
167 posts
I'm stumbling for words, "wow" and "wow" seem most appropriate at the moment.  I didn't even notice the production, I reckon because I was completely blown away by the maturity and confidence in your songwriting abilities. 

This really is excellent stuff, I wish I was that good when I was 16 but unfortunately I was too busy trying to learn how to play bass to bother writing a song.

Keep it up
#4October 8th, 2005 · 11:25 PM
1 threads / 1 songs
12 posts
I truly love your music. Your voice is very similar to Missy Higgins (Australian Artist) She has the same type of style. I would honestly buy your album if you had one. I think you're an amazing artist with an amazing voice and instrumental back up. Brilliant.
#5October 10th, 2005 · 02:20 AM
31 threads / 1 songs
434 posts
United States of America
the good the bad and the ugly
first I wanna say: very nice song, you've got lots of potential here so most of my comments are less about your song and more about it's production quality - and yeah production quality goes a long way towards getting you where you wanna go... for a demo to show booking agents this is fine... but if you just did a few key things it would be even that much better...

so, artistically I like it a lot - and artistically it was your creation so I usually try to leave that judgement alone... only philistines become art critics... technical gurus can become technical critics but an art critic is just a bogus name for "hater"

so that's the good news, your song is well written... so now time for the ugly stuff which is what i noticed

so I find the beginning of this song to be lacking - i don't know exactly what, i can't quite put my finger on it, and I'll try to detail it here in this post... i think it was a combination of playing techniques and recording production techniques - who recorded this and who played on it by the way?

for starters i'll list out point by point some of the things that really stood out from a time perspective

1:34 great high note on vocals
1:54 good transition and the song doesn't "lack" as much
2:20 chorus fills out a lot better and sounds how I feel it should
3:10 good harmonies

overall I find the sound of the song rather "strained" and i don't mean to say you were straining when you made it - but i think this could be solved with a number of the things i am going to propose here... one of which might be raising the volume during the mastering phase.

use the sustain pedal on the piano - the beginning sounds a little choppy and the sound isn't very full because of it... using the sustain pedal (the one on the right) will help make the sound much fuller and flow better...

add some reverb here and there to help give it a roomier and more spacious sound - this will also fill it out and add more to the overall feel

turn up the bass just a touch - most music is too bass heavy, I'd say this one is the opposite - it could use just a little extra oomph on the bass during the middle part of the song.

the rhythm/backup guitar is a little too soft as well, esp in the beginning i can barely hear it - it starts out with this great little strumming pattern and then it sorta drops out and goes away - i know it's there and i can HEAR it but it's not "up there" where it should be in the mix.

vocals a little loud in the mix - they should usually sit on top of everything but esp in the beginning they're too loud. the vocals are good though - a couple off key things here and there but that can be worked out with a vocal coach

also on the vocals - you've got a lot of syllibance happening - that means that when you hit the letter "P" or "S" or "B" or "T" there's an extra blast of wind which hits the microphone and it sounds like you just got slapped softly... to fix this take your microphone and position it above your mouth pointing downwards - a good rule of thumb when experimenting is that the mic should touch your nose and be pointing downwards.

  |       * <
0     0

like this where the picture is the mic stand and * is the end of the mic that you talk into and < is your nose

the reason for this being that when you hit syllables like P and S there is a blast of wind from your mouth that goes downwards towards your chin and that's usually where most people have their mics, a good solution for this is to position the mic as i just showed you - and another good thing to do is get a wind screen - one of those fluffy colorful foam things that you can put over the microphone to keep the blasts from being so blastish.

there's some minor distortion caused i think by the bass - not sure the exact issue on that but it's in there - so perhaps you had that issue and that's why the bass wasn't loud enough... the best rule of thumb is record everything at super low levels and then raise the overall volume in the mastering phase... e.g. if the bass isn't loud enough don't raise the volume of the bass, but lower the volume of everything else

good guitar solo, not sure if i like delay on it - i think i'd rather hear a wide reverb or a very short jazz-vox delay - or I'd rather hear a tempo delay and I'd like to hear the guitarist really make use of the tempo delay as a musical instrument - currently it sounds kinda cool but then just ends up sort of half muddy

i don't like the flutter strings - i'd much rather hear regular strings and if you like the flutter effect try to find some other instrument to create it - i wouldn't mind hearing the flutter on a synth type sound in the background to compliment the strings but I'd much rather just hear... well... strings

a note on the lyrics that strikes me... is that you repeat the word "work" twice within a very short period and my brain would like to hear this instead:

"gotta work it out - that's how the game GOES around here"

and to boot it gives you alliteration on the G

anyway, that's what i heard... overall nice song but the production needs some work IMO... keep rockin
#6October 10th, 2005 · 06:24 AM
5 posts
Hong Kong SAR
Great acoustic guitar and also strong vocal,the solo is also playing well.But the melody is not so good,though the starting part is good......the chorus part doesn't sound melodic.......keep on working!!
#7October 14th, 2005 · 09:06 AM
61 threads / 57 songs
163 posts
nice,love your voice..
#8October 14th, 2005 · 09:26 PM
37 threads / 25 songs
237 posts
United States of America
really like your tunes tess,,,,im new to this site...but yours is best by far for me
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