Ace Idea! I'll be there! 

well, chances are I will be logged in way earlier (say: when I get home at 17:30 CET) it will be around noon in the US, and late night in India and beyond. I'll stay till late though
if I don't run out of wine too quickly (and pass out) 

would like to be there... I have to work at 28th and 2300 gmt is 2400 eut. But I try to be there....
funny |
Funny btw, that even though the larger part of Spain is farther to the west than Great Britain and even Ireland, it follows CET instead of GMT). Portugal however DOES follow GMT. Most of France too is lined up with GB but follows CET.
edit: frakk... even The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg should be using GMT instead, geologically speaking! but we don't! they make us go to bed early!
edit: frakk... even The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg should be using GMT instead, geologically speaking! but we don't! they make us go to bed early!
you can come early! everybody can come early! ... right?