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#1April 9th, 2011 · 10:05 AM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
The Terminal ....
People come and people go, we're all passing through one way or another.
Some come to go, some come to stay
But we all stay a while in some way

And in that way we all have a lot in common....
We all love the Muse, the music and the magic
And all of us here love bandAMP, for what it is, a place to share your latest 48hour creation or to upload some stuff you made 20 years ago.
A place to come to ask advice on guitars, fruity loops, microphones, vst plugins, studio setups, recording drums, sound cards, album covers ..... and the beat goes on !
It's also a place to come and hang out, chill out, shout out and get completely wound up about !
Whether your following a certain subject or conversation, listening to a certain artist, randomly going through the Audio Review or listening to the Hall of Fame in the Amp Player we all spend time at this wonderful site.

As to an end to bandAMP ....... I dont think so !

Mud is being contacted in different ways and is being asked to join in the discussion if only to enlighten the community to his plans.
When Mud does further explain his intentions the members who are ready to take over the site can then make the necessary decisions.

Otherwise it's business as usual to be honest with you ..... 

And now for some personal requests...
Tim: No changing code ... OK!
Denis: Where are you ?
Swordy: ...... Breath!
#2April 9th, 2011 · 11:18 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
This site , bandAmp , is my very first experience with music platforms, communities , virtual communication. This site was the firstone I introduced my music to .  In this short time I used the chance to practice and improve my "mlrfgknvbp-english" a lil , get some feedback to my work and meet some very impressing people and special characters.   

After observing and participating  the discussions over the last few weeks I just like to say following words :
Especially I´d like to mention the moderators here who have absolutely earned this "title".
I salute and respect the way how you , kings , use words to encourage & support people, to cool down upset discussions / people , to commiserate in peoples troubles , events and fates . And I can say the same things about ´Catty ` , TK  and a few other "old" members .

I just say this as an intermediate result cuz I think the effort and activity from you guys is not natch and should be mentioned sometimes.        That´s all I wanna say .

As ya´ll I hope that bandamp will survive as a small , special & unique musians "island" and community .
At this point in time we just can wait and see , I suppose .
U . L . I .
#3April 11th, 2011 · 04:37 AM
74 threads / 5 songs
441 posts
United States of America
Hello BandAMPers.  It's been a long time, it's amazing how time passes.  It appears my last song posted was aptly (and unintentionally) titled "Missing" back in 2007...

I mentioned to CK a few weeks ago that there is a chance that by the end of this year, I wouldn't be able to support the BandAMP servers.  I want to keep you all in the loop, in case things do, in fact, go sour for me on the financial end of things—giving you a chance to take the server into your own hands.

The server is costing $1200 per year (this is much cheaper than it's been in the past).  All in all, the server might be overkill for what we're using—I've never been much of a sys-admin.  We have unmetered bandwidth, which most likely hasn't been an issue in the recent past.  Bear in mind, it would be quite expensive to switch to a new server (in time and labor), and there is a chance the new server wouldn't be able to handle the load.

One option would be—donating this website to an established non-profit organization that has the resources to push BandAMP forwards.  Please let me know if anyone knows of a quality one that would be interested in taking us on.  Some of you might remember, I tried to setup a non-profit years ago, but ran into some legal walls.

Again, there is the chance nothing will happen, and the server will continue as it has—this would mean that one of my companies became successful.  I'm working on two at the moment, wish me luck

I'll keep you all up to date.  Please do not stress, things will not change over-night.  I will give at least three-months warning—and in that time, somehow we'll figure out a way to work things out!

#4April 11th, 2011 · 06:08 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
mud wrote…
Hello BandAMPers.  It's been a long time, it's amazing how time passes.  It appears my last song posted was aptly (and unintentionally) titled "Missing" back in 2007...

I mentioned to CK a few weeks ago that there is a chance that by the end of this year, I wouldn't be able to support the BandAMP servers.  I want to keep you all in the loop, in case things do, in fact, go sour for me on the financial end of things—giving you a chance to take the server into your own hands.

The server is costing $1200 per year (this is much cheaper than it's been in the past).  All in all, the server might be overkill for what we're using—I've never been much of a sys-admin.  We have unmetered bandwidth, which most likely hasn't been an issue in the recent past.  Bear in mind, it would be quite expensive to switch to a new server (in time and labor), and there is a chance the new server wouldn't be able to handle the load.

One option would be—donating this website to an established non-profit organization that has the resources to push BandAMP forwards.  Please let me know if anyone knows of a quality one that would be interested in taking us on.  Some of you might remember, I tried to setup a non-profit years ago, but ran into some legal walls.

Again, there is the chance nothing will happen, and the server will continue as it has—this would mean that one of my companies became successful.  I'm working on two at the moment, wish me luck

I'll keep you all up to date.  Please do not stress, things will not change over-night.  I will give at least three-months warning—and in that time, somehow we'll figure out a way to work things out!


Nice to hear from you Mud, wish you well in your business activities.

I'll do some hunting around for a quality non-profit organisation, the only ones I know similar to bandAMP make money form the sales of music from it's members, may have to think lateral.

Perhaps we can speak with a music lawyer to set-up bandAMP.org? Members could contribute to the cost and take over the website or join forces with you.

You have put my mind at rest, thanks for the post.
#5April 11th, 2011 · 06:57 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Yes, this atleast (atlast) gives a much needed relief of thought. Best of luck to you, mud, as for me I can now safely let this off my mind... Until a new urgency arises. Cheers 
#6April 11th, 2011 · 12:55 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
mud wrote…
Hello BandAMPers.  It's been a long time, it's amazing how time passes.  It appears my last song posted was aptly (and unintentionally) titled "Missing" back in 2007...

I mentioned to CK a few weeks ago that there is a chance that by the end of this year, I wouldn't be able to support the BandAMP servers.  I want to keep you all in the loop, in case things do, in fact, go sour for me on the financial end of things—giving you a chance to take the server into your own hands.

The server is costing $1200 per year (this is much cheaper than it's been in the past).  All in all, the server might be overkill for what we're using—I've never been much of a sys-admin.  We have unmetered bandwidth, which most likely hasn't been an issue in the recent past.  Bear in mind, it would be quite expensive to switch to a new server (in time and labor), and there is a chance the new server wouldn't be able to handle the load.

One option would be—donating this website to an established non-profit organization that has the resources to push BandAMP forwards.  Please let me know if anyone knows of a quality one that would be interested in taking us on.  Some of you might remember, I tried to setup a non-profit years ago, but ran into some legal walls.

Again, there is the chance nothing will happen, and the server will continue as it has—this would mean that one of my companies became successful.  I'm working on two at the moment, wish me luck

I'll keep you all up to date.  Please do not stress, things will not change over-night.  I will give at least three-months warning—and in that time, somehow we'll figure out a way to work things out!

And that was a word from our sponsor ....
Thank you

Here's hoping your business venture succeeds. Though I was getting into the idea of having to care for this wonderful little place for a while.

Now that we know that the server side of the site is secure we can start thinking of ... dare I say it ? updating the code and generally developing the site in a forwardly direction anyway. It does need it.

Thanks again for clearing things up.
#7April 11th, 2011 · 02:04 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Great to hear from you mud! I hope your new business takes off through the roof! Thanks for posting these words, I'll be staying tuned to find out what happens.
#8April 11th, 2011 · 06:05 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Amen...Mud hope all works out!!! Btw KINGS tx for your visit on my video...you always put a smile on face
#9April 14th, 2011 · 03:32 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
I'll be happy to participate in a discussion about code, but if I am the one to initiate a thread on the subject, it'll come off wrong.  I'll keep an eye out for one when it starts.  I hope that such a thread would be initiated with an open assessment of our options, where we make honest evaluations about potential options (specifically outside of PHP) for the sake of making the best possible choices for the short term, long term, operational usability, and future feature changes that we don't yet anticipate.
#10April 16th, 2011 · 12:16 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,845 posts
TonightsLastSong wrote…
I'll be happy to participate in a discussion about code, but if I am the one to initiate a thread on the subject, it'll come off wrong.  I'll keep an eye out for one when it starts.  I hope that such a thread would be initiated with an open assessment of our options, where we make honest evaluations about potential options (specifically outside of PHP) for the sake of making the best possible choices for the short term, long term, operational usability, and future feature changes that we don't yet anticipate.

as I told you before:
prepare your conception, start modelling a new development and present it somewhere (but don't use the Bandamp server)
Then let's test it. If it's running fine we talk about data migration
And for the future please post in short terms. In German: Kurz, knapp, knackig!
Just start doing it!
#11April 17th, 2011 · 02:20 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
TritonKeyboarder wrote…
as I told you before:
prepare your conception, start modelling a new development and present it somewhere (but don't use the Bandamp server)
Then let's test it. If it's running fine we talk about data migration
And for the future please post in short terms. In German: Kurz, knapp, knackig!
Just start doing it!

Did you look at the URL I sent to you via PM 2 weeks ago?  The way you say this, I feel like you are unaware that I already built a prototype.  It's not *done*, of course, but I want to make sure everybody knows I already wrote the core forum from scratch earlier this month.  I already started doing it!!  But when I did that, a few people got upset, so naturally this time I asked first.  .. it's kinda like I'm destined to be scolded or something.

I can be brief when I write, but in the words of Albert Einstein, "Everything should be as simple as it can be, and no simpler."  If it takes just one paragraph to say something, then I'll write one paragraph.  If it takes 5, I'll write 5.  If you choose not to read them all, then so be it.

I will make the demo site function in a more complete fashion, and then I'll post an update about it.
#12April 17th, 2011 · 10:27 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
mud wrote…
Some of you might remember, I tried to setup a non-profit years ago, but ran into some legal walls.

Are there any specific parts of BandAMP that prevent it from becoming its own non-profit?  Discussions have come and gone in the past about how "open" the site's code is or ought to be.

I'm not convinced that "open source" is exactly the right model for the site's own code, but hypothetically, would that be legally possible?  There are obviously components of the site that are taken from elsewhere (the Flash player, for example) which can be attributed properly, but I find myself wondering what it is about BandAMP that might have caused those legal barriers.  Is it anything we can eventually change?
#13April 19th, 2011 · 06:18 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,845 posts
Site moving and new programming techniques
TLS, I've seen your well intentioned work. I've seen how it looks like. But by clicking the links I mostly found "to dos". That's not what I (!) expected to see. And as you say it's not done. There is time enough to act when Mud kicks BandAMP into space (...where no man has gone before!).
Now if you are able to present a halfway funtioning frontend simply make a concept based on the forum software and its ingredients and tell the community how and when you can move the whole thing to another place and how long it takes w/o loss of data. Don't forget adding innovative ideas what was discussed before and I don't mean technical or developing tools.

Software projects and migrations to another "product" or change requests always run through following periods and project phases:

Diagnostic > Analysis > Design > Development > Deployment > Operation

And I (just me thinking) would like to see this acting chain in BandAMP as well. It doesnt make sense to deploy a software when it's not clear what has to be done. You started acting in the development phase what didn't come to an end of course. That's in the nature of such fast solutions not wanted nor expected.

Question of mud's non-profit org
We first should define the word "non-profit" depending on BandAMPs goals and the legal stuff must be sorted out then.

In general
I am not sure about the existence of a backend tool of this foum software we are using. In some cases the code is heavily compressed in one line. I've seen those compressions in other forum software products like Joomla. And there IS a backend tool to create a frontend. Sadly my questions concerning a backend haven't been answered. If we can find an easy to use and an appropriate modern product to build a NEW forum then let's talk about it.
#14April 19th, 2011 · 02:01 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
What you saw was a big visual "to-do" because I sent it to you before you said "go".  Naturally it doesn't fulfill the requirement yet.  I was just looking for acknowledgement of my active effort.

I agree with the design flow you gave.  I didn't start at Development though, I started at Analysis of the existing features, code, and behaviors.  This time around, I'll make sure it gets to the end.  I feel like the vision is clearer this time than it was in the past.

I haven't uploaded changes to the test site yet, but the thread/post abilities are done.  I've been ignoring the simpler "flat pages" (the stuff in the About section, etc), since it makes more sense to think about the more complex items, like the rating system and submitting items to battles (I've read your post last year about the battle system).

I'm not sure what your exact question is about modern software and building forums.  If you're talking about having a professional-looking administration ability, then that's already what I plan to do for my demonstration.  I agree with having a nice robust administration page so that admins/moderators don't have to fool around with database tables or anything.  I will make sure this type of functionality is available by the next update I provide to the demo site.
#15May 25th, 2011 · 11:06 AM
12 threads / 10 songs
65 posts
Maybe I could help
mud wrote…
Hello BandAMPers.  It's been a long time, it's amazing how time passes.  It appears my last song posted was aptly (and unintentionally) titled "Missing" back in 2007...

I mentioned to CK a few weeks ago that there is a chance that by the end of this year, I wouldn't be able to support the BandAMP servers.  I want to keep you all in the loop, in case things do, in fact, go sour for me on the financial end of things—giving you a chance to take the server into your own hands.

The server is costing $1200 per year (this is much cheaper than it's been in the past).  All in all, the server might be overkill for what we're using—I've never been much of a sys-admin.  We have unmetered bandwidth, which most likely hasn't been an issue in the recent past.  Bear in mind, it would be quite expensive to switch to a new server (in time and labor), and there is a chance the new server wouldn't be able to handle the load.

One option would be—donating this website to an established non-profit organization that has the resources to push BandAMP forwards.  Please let me know if anyone knows of a quality one that would be interested in taking us on.  Some of you might remember, I tried to setup a non-profit years ago, but ran into some legal walls.

Again, there is the chance nothing will happen, and the server will continue as it has—this would mean that one of my companies became successful.  I'm working on two at the moment, wish me luck

I'll keep you all up to date.  Please do not stress, things will not change over-night.  I will give at least three-months warning—and in that time, somehow we'll figure out a way to work things out!



I'm not sure what is happening with all this, but I manage/own a high availability server infrastructure in Frankfurt, Germany (InterXion, Frankfurt) where a single server (as VM) with a reasonable bandwidth and disk requirement could be hosted.

This would cost next to nothing as the Infrastructure is already in place.  I would not have the time to maintain the site, but I could house / host the platform for free if the requirements fit within the constraints of my extra capacity. 

Of course I am aware of how many users or how much storage is necessary, or what the estimated growth of the system is, but I would definitely be open for a dialog about it, especially if the only alternative is shutting down! 

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