#1January 24th, 2011 · 06:09 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
BandAMP people.....
Moving on.....

"Well good morning everybody and uh.. welcome to day 255,642 aboard the Axiom.
As always the weather is a balmy 72 degrees and sunny and uh...O! Hay I see the ships log is showing that today is our 700th anniversary of our 5 year cruse...well I'm sure our forefathers would be proud to know that 700 years later we would be doing the exact same thing they were doing....
So.... be sure next meal time to ask for your free "Sep tu a centennial" cupcake in a cup!    Well look at that!
Also today we have a.....

Hey Auto what's that flashing light?" 

I was driving through town today when I noticed they still had billboards up for the New Year Party.....honestly!

What could be a good subject for the front page at the beginning of 2011 I asked my self.....The coming of 2012?
Well I WikiWikied around for a few hours and came out a wiser man, I set to writing a short piece but it became a short novel....so we'll leave that subject to further discussion at members discretion... you know, on a 'Want to know bases'.

So apart from welcoming our newer members who've been uploading some excellent music all I could think of was ridiculing a few members on the front page, that always works, but alack I am undone, you dudes are to cool to fool.....so cool indeed most of you seem on ice
......waiting for something...........peeping in..........

So I say to thee... Log in,
     make your presence felt where it is appreciated.

After all bandAMP is a very unique music site and you make it so, hovering in the shadows of 'the visitor' wont break the ice...or cook your cake or fry your bacon or pop your crusts or what ever idiom you need!

So...Is there anybody out there into 'Global Awareness' ?          hm?
#2January 24th, 2011 · 06:38 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
1,932 posts
Well if that doesn't butter my toast...

In reality though I don't know what you're talking about. I'm assuming it has something to do with members needing to contribute to this site more instead of just letting it sit here, coupled with the fact of enviornmental issues based on Wall-e? a genius plan. my comprehension is still at like .0003% but hey, whatever spills your beans

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its starting to come together now. this post is on the main page. ok. ignore my retardedness.
#3January 25th, 2011 · 02:55 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling. 
#4January 25th, 2011 · 05:25 AM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.
Denis wrote…
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.  ;)
That´s true!   No bubbling nowadays, what a pity. More like a lukewarm soup .
 Before I decided to join this community last year , I´ve listened a lot and read a lot and been impressed about the activity when I read all the comments per song . So many reviews .Wow. But the reality is different these days since I´ve joined . There´s a "hard core" of protagonists who´s keeping it up here , but it seems to me that this core has been melted down to  ~ one or two dozens of members over the time .One can be happy if he gets
4, 5 or 6 reviews per song . And "2-words-reviews " aren´t really helpful.
Another example for me is : there was a lot of action and a bit hectic about "VOL:2" album (the same hard core was active but no other members) . Discussions about rights , licences , quality , coverdesign , voting deadline, date of release............................and so on.    Only , since weeks I didn´t hear anything about the progress or the actual state . Is it on ice ?????
Just some comprimized impressions of mine .
regards     U.L.I.
#5January 25th, 2011 · 01:18 PM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
re: when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.
ULI wrote…
Denis wrote…
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.  ;)
That´s true!   No bubbling nowadays, what a pity. More like a lukewarm soup .
 Before I decided to join this community last year , I´ve listened a lot and read a lot and been impressed about the activity when I read all the comments per song . So many reviews .Wow. But the reality is different these days since I´ve joined . There´s a "hard core" of protagonists who´s keeping it up here , but it seems to me that this core has been melted down to  ~ one or two dozens of members over the time .One can be happy if he gets
4, 5 or 6 reviews per song . And "2-words-reviews " aren´t really helpful.
Another example for me is : there was a lot of action and a bit hectic about "VOL:2" album (the same hard core was active but no other members) . Discussions about rights , licences , quality , coverdesign , voting deadline, date of release............................and so on.    Only , since weeks I didn´t hear anything about the progress or the actual state . Is it on ice ?????
Just some comprimized impressions of mine .
regards     U.L.I.

I did post something in December about The AMP Vol II.
Yes to anwer your question it's In The Freezer at the moment. The builder who was working on my house (my daughters boyfriend) was given work form an agency which he had to do, So that left me to re-decorate 75% of my home in- between working full time, plus I was not feeling well, I'm still not 100%, but much better. The decorating has finally finished. I'm taking it easy at the moment, I hope to get back on it in February.
#6January 25th, 2011 · 01:42 PM
117 threads / 27 songs
1,057 posts
re: re: when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.
Denis wrote…
ULI wrote…
Denis wrote…
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.  ;)
That´s true!   No bubbling nowadays, what a pity. More like a lukewarm soup .
 Before I decided to join this community last year , I´ve listened a lot and read a lot and been impressed about the activity when I read all the comments per song . So many reviews .Wow. But the reality is different these days since I´ve joined . There´s a "hard core" of protagonists who´s keeping it up here , but it seems to me that this core has been melted down to  ~ one or two dozens of members over the time .One can be happy if he gets
4, 5 or 6 reviews per song . And "2-words-reviews " aren´t really helpful.
Another example for me is : there was a lot of action and a bit hectic about "VOL:2" album (the same hard core was active but no other members) . Discussions about rights , licences , quality , coverdesign , voting deadline, date of release............................and so on.    Only , since weeks I didn´t hear anything about the progress or the actual state . Is it on ice ?????
Just some comprimized impressions of mine .
regards     U.L.I.

I did post something in December about The AMP Vol II.
Yes to anwer your question it's In The Freezer at the moment. The builder who was working on my house (my daughters boyfriend) was given work form an agency which he had to do, So that left me to re-decorate 75% of my home in- between working full time, plus I was not feeling well, I'm still not 100%, but much better. The decorating has finally finished. I'm taking it easy at the moment, I hope to get back on it in February.
Thank you , denis for ya reply . Yeah ! Work on a house must be sucking . And it has absolutely preference ,of course . And when ya health lies down the floor it doesn´t make it easier. Can understand that
very well. Hope ya´ll find back to normality.  .....................................................................................
don´t forget the pink pills and drink ya coughsyrup, oldiegoldie.      
#7January 25th, 2011 · 04:48 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
4,361 posts
Cymru (Wales)
re: re: when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.
Denis wrote…
ULI wrote…
Denis wrote…
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.  ;)
That´s true!   No bubbling nowadays, what a pity. More like a lukewarm soup .
 Before I decided to join this community last year , I´ve listened a lot and read a lot and been impressed about the activity when I read all the comments per song . So many reviews .Wow. But the reality is different these days since I´ve joined . There´s a "hard core" of protagonists who´s keeping it up here , but it seems to me that this core has been melted down to  ~ one or two dozens of members over the time .One can be happy if he gets
4, 5 or 6 reviews per song . And "2-words-reviews " aren´t really helpful.
Another example for me is : there was a lot of action and a bit hectic about "VOL:2" album (the same hard core was active but no other members) . Discussions about rights , licences , quality , coverdesign , voting deadline, date of release............................and so on.    Only , since weeks I didn´t hear anything about the progress or the actual state . Is it on ice ?????
Just some comprimized impressions of mine .
regards     U.L.I.

I did post something in December about The AMP Vol II.
Yes to anwer your question it's In The Freezer at the moment. The builder who was working on my house (my daughters boyfriend) was given work form an agency which he had to do, So that left me to re-decorate 75% of my home in- between working full time, plus I was not feeling well, I'm still not 100%, but much better. The decorating has finally finished. I'm taking it easy at the moment, I hope to get back on it in February.

If you were grumbling over my shoulder while I'm trying to wall paper I'd also conveniently get another job through "an agency"


As a very talented musician you also know how to listen.....listen to your self more than anything.
#8January 26th, 2011 · 08:10 AM
371 threads / 187 songs
3,398 posts
United Kingdom
re: re: re: when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.
kings wrote…
Denis wrote…
ULI wrote…
Denis wrote…
What it is, what it is. Change brings on new things. so we the members have to make that change, change what you may ask?
Make bandAMP more interesting to motivate members in activity. It's often talked about, but we do not have anything set-up. So it all boils down to each individual member having the self-motivation in the first place.

The one thing I think will improve things hear is restoring the Hall of fame, the battles.  Personally It would really motivate me to have one of my songs in the Hall of fame, if it wasn't for the few members here that make their contribution, not to mention their invaluable friendship, I would be less active.

Well it's a starting point, not only could we restore the battles, we can improve upon it. If I'm not mistaken when the battles were active a few years ago, bandAMP was bubbling.  ;)
That�s true!   No bubbling nowadays, what a pity. More like a lukewarm soup .
 Before I decided to join this community last year , I�ve listened a lot and read a lot and been impressed about the activity when I read all the comments per song . So many reviews .Wow. But the reality is different these days since I�ve joined . There�s a "hard core" of protagonists who�s keeping it up here , but it seems to me that this core has been melted down to  ~ one or two dozens of members over the time .One can be happy if he gets
4, 5 or 6 reviews per song . And "2-words-reviews " aren�t really helpful.
Another example for me is : there was a lot of action and a bit hectic about "VOL:2" album (the same hard core was active but no other members) . Discussions about rights , licences , quality , coverdesign , voting deadline, date of release............................and so on.    Only , since weeks I didn�t hear anything about the progress or the actual state . Is it on ice ?????
Just some comprimized impressions of mine .
regards     U.L.I.

I did post something in December about The AMP Vol II.
Yes to answer your question it's In The Freezer at the moment. The builder who was working on my house (my daughters boyfriend) was given work form an agency which he had to do, So that left me to re-decorate 75% of my home in- between working full time, plus I was not feeling well, I'm still not 100%, but much better. The decorating has finally finished. I'm taking it easy at the moment, I hope to get back on it in February.

If you were grumbling over my shoulder while I'm trying to wall paper I'd also conveniently get another job through "an agency"


As a very talented musician you also know how to listen.....listen to your self more than anything.

Yeah I'm a nightmare watching over people working on my house, yeah me is a perfectionist, - turns out the boy did good, not perfect, but near as dam it. Right now I'm. a bit f****d, as well as my general health down, very tired, need a long holiday - or it just may be now I'm over 50, need to take it easy more. Having said that taking it is easy is boring, so I'm watching what I eat at the moment, seems to be working, another week or so might take off ten years...LOL
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