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#1March 8th, 2008 · 08:50 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Abusive member!!!
Just read my review on this and you'll get the info!
#2March 8th, 2008 · 10:59 AM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Hmm.. I see what you're saying.  (To recap for anyone not having read the thread, dopplershift is seemingly deleting old songs in order to post new ones, all of this with only 9 reviews.  Since he can't have more than 3 songs uploaded [due to the 3:1 ration for reviews to uploads] he keeps deleting songs and uploading over and over.)

Technically, he's not breaking the up-front rules, though this might qualify as "abusing" the system, as Marino's pointing out.  I know for a fact that dopplershift has had many many songs posted, yet his count is only 3 now, since he's getting rid of them so he can post more without giving more reviews.

(I guess that's the point in all of this.  He's trying to get around posting reviews.)

Looks to me like he's probably more active in a different community, and uses BandAMP as a suppliment.  There's nothing wrong about that, of course, but consequently, he's not putting the time that ought to be required of him to review songs.  He's probably trying to get as much exposure as possible by posting things on as many websites as he can.  (Again, nothing "wrong" with this, but it raises an "abuse" question about the lack reviewing of songs.)
#3March 8th, 2008 · 12:51 PM
65 threads / 2 songs
1,062 posts
United States of America
Well, just from the looks, it does ,indeed ,  appear someone is cheating the system.  I just cant imagine someone being that adverse to listening to someone else's music and leaving a few words of positive criticism or encouragement.  What a shame.  Id like to hear what Doppler has to say for himself and again how administration will handle it.  Overall, the infraction defeats the spirit of the site and shouldn't be taken lightly in my opinion.
#4March 8th, 2008 · 04:54 PM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
Marino has 3 songs up
MindsAtPlay has 1 song up
Denis has more than 80 songs up
think about it
#5March 8th, 2008 · 05:23 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Triton with all do respect ,i think if theres any thinking it should be you ...I have  over 1400 post here so I think that should more than qualify me for over 40 songs....See the difference he has 9 postings and I have over 1400.Again the issue is not deleting is the lack of reviewing for the songs his posting and deleting with out reviwing...I know for a fact he has had more than 3 titles in here Ive seen them,,and I'm 100 % sure. I already addressed this to him in the past and he keeps doing it
 I guess you misunderstood or I'm not clear enough...If you need clarification let me know Ill be happy to over explain for you....

By the way those members have over 600 post big difference...
#6March 8th, 2008 · 11:25 PM
117 threads / 20 songs
1,422 posts
United States of America
Yes, i think the point that Marino is making is simple:

Denis may very well have more than 80, but that's because he's honest about it, and he reviews others' songs, thus earning a real right to have 80-something songs.

dopplershift on the other hand, has uploaded many songs (maybe not 80, but "many" shall suffice for this arguement) and only has 9 posts to show for it.

Bottom line:  He's uploading and uploading, and he's not reviewing, as he should be in order to upload as much as he does.

I think this is a simple point to see, and frankly, I'm with Marino on this one.  Let's not ban him or anything drastic... I don't even think he knows this abuse thread exists.  Can an admin make an attempt or two to email him / PM him to ask him nicely, that he must put in the effort to make honest reviews of peoples' songs in order to earn the right to upload so frequently?
#7March 9th, 2008 · 10:52 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
TonightsLastSong wrote…
Yes, i think the point that Marino is making is simple:

Denis may very well have more than 80, but that's because he's honest about it, and he reviews others' songs, thus earning a real right to have 80-something songs.

dopplershift on the other hand, has uploaded many songs (maybe not 80, but "many" shall suffice for this arguement) and only has 9 posts to show for it.

Bottom line:  He's uploading and uploading, and he's not reviewing, as he should be in order to upload as much as he does.

I think this is a simple point to see, and frankly, I'm with Marino on this one.  Let's not ban him or anything drastic... I don't even think he knows this abuse thread exists.  Can an admin make an attempt or two to email him / PM him to ask him nicely, that he must put in the effort to make honest reviews of peoples' songs in order to earn the right to upload so frequently?
Couldn't have said it better.....
#8March 9th, 2008 · 03:42 PM
14 threads / 14 songs
232 posts
United States of America
lol i fyou take a closer look at your numbers triton, Marino can -almost- drop almost 500 songs, and map close to 300.

If they so chose, because they comment on so many songs.

The ratio we're seing between Marino and Dopp

1:1 - Songs Posted
156:1 - Songs reviewed

Of course marino uploads and deletes some songs, I am sure we all do, but what you have to consider more redily is that Dopp obviosuly doesn't care about the community. Why should we care about bim :/
#9March 10th, 2008 · 02:40 AM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
Oh ffs come on, are you just trying to find someone to pick on? So he doesn't participate as much, that may still come, atleast he's recording and uploading his own stuff, and not spamming on the forums.

No action will be taken.

The mechanism 3 reviews to get 1 upload should be restored if this isn't functioning properly. I remember when I first signed up it worked like it should alright. Other than that, I see no reason to do something about dopplershift. Honestly.

PX (mod)
#10March 10th, 2008 · 07:07 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I don't know who you think I am PX but I'm not looking for people to pick on I have no necessity for that. If thats what you think then so be it....Sounds to me like wanting to have a better site is out of the question for now...I guess the issue will be fixed once the 3 song review is fixed but at this point with that response PX I'm thinking this is going to turn sour if I keep going so I'm letting go of it..."BUT"To be known I don't agree with you PX and yes you are the Mod so its your call.Also I don't think you need to be coming down on me for taking action on someone abusing the system....Anyways end of topic for me.....
#11March 10th, 2008 · 12:54 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
3,098 posts
My apologies, that wasn't what I was trying to say. With "you" I meant the plural form; aimed at most of the posters to this thread. Please, chill out a bit...

Anyway, to cut things short: the review vs upload thing should be as follows:

- One is granted 1 upload privilege per every 3 reviews. Removing a song from one's account does not reset this privilege (currently it IS being reset). Reviews to one's own threads do not count.

It is up for a programmer to fix this.. TK? Can you do something with this?
#12March 10th, 2008 · 07:41 PM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
Px no worries man I was a bit of an ass too.So I apologize!!!...Anyways I guess if he gets to read this he'll change his ways if not well his loss.....He did loose a listener!!!
#13March 11th, 2008 · 02:33 AM
12 threads / 8 songs
70 posts
South Africa
My experience and I was told this when I joined the Amp is that the more you participate in the community the more feedback you will get. I'm trying to do this and besides - I love listening to the tunes people post here and if I have something to say I say it, regardless of its importance. I agree that its hard to enforce rules like the three for one but like Marino said, if someone does not participate they will only lose their own audience!
#14March 11th, 2008 · 06:28 AM
190 threads / 27 songs
2,846 posts
PuppetXeno wrote…
It is up for a programmer to fix this.. TK? Can you do something with this?

this goes straight to my to-do-list

Hello from Austria, btw !!!!  
#15March 11th, 2008 · 07:22 AM
128 threads / 44 songs
2,814 posts
Puerto Rico
I guess he deleted the link on the header..Point made!!!!
 New upload!!LOL For those who need it proof!
Anyways I'm done with this...
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