#1June 16th, 2010 · 12:03 PM
121 threads / 56 songs
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It's interesting to see what happens if spammers are allowed to stay around

But enuffs enuff if you ask me

intances like this make me miss my ban button 


bomb away
#2June 16th, 2010 · 01:13 PM
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United States of America
re: http://forum.bandamp.com/Events/29853.html
PuppetXeno wrote…
It's interesting to see what happens if spammers are allowed to stay around

But enuffs enuff if you ask me

intances like this make me miss my ban button 


bomb away
Easy there big fella! I can take a hint! however, there has been some intelligent disagreement on the site about simply banning spammers. If it were up to me I would "put the button on 'em" at first blush,(because I simply don't like 'em and I feel the risk of predation outweighs any potential benefit. I feel it is far safer to go out and shop for products or services than it is to respond to solicition online, but I've said this before) but not everyone feels that way. (Maybe I should just make unilateral decisions and do away with 'em?...oh hell...why not!) If there is any real love for spammers here, speak up and help figure out a way to corral 'em! Meanwhile, I'll be eliminating them one by one....This particular guy is repeatedly spamming us, and whether we see potential benefit or not, it is becoming increasing intrusive and clearly needs intervention. Our usual rule is that people can be allowed a mild solicitation on occasion if they are contributing members (uploading music, providing critique, etc.) and barring any formal action otherwise, I'll be moving to delete them until a significant number of us decide otherwise. Mr Sketchy will get these posts deleted and will get a pm warning. Without satisfactory correction, his account will be deleted.
#3June 16th, 2010 · 01:39 PM
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It don't bother me too much, so long as they don't dominate the site, if that were the case I'm sure we'd all have the BIG RED BUTTON 
#4June 16th, 2010 · 01:59 PM
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Well, there can't be any harm in "tidying up" somewhat. We have a default policy (as I stated above), and if we want to formally revisit this and establish a new policy, fine..otherwise, I will be operating by the existing one....(I've been holding off acting on these spammers, due to the fact that we had some some discussion of alternatives, but these discussions never seemed to get anywhere.. thus we have spam distributed throughout the site and people do seem to get generally annoyed by it...)
#5June 16th, 2010 · 05:45 PM
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Cymru (Wales)
29853.htm must have been a new one......I took out banner and links from the others.

I'm not into annihilating things completely, so you can blame me for not deleting them,
mixcloud is a music site where you can upload mixes......I'd call that someone trying to "spread the word" albeit their own word!
They are simply putting a "flyer" through the letterbox at the pub....walk over it or let someone somewhere do something with it. 

I'm no spamlover but I would like to see a discussion on what members consider to be spam and why
Surly not all 'spam' should be stamped on and spat at immediately, some musical content is some at least and this is meant to be a site to help musicians...what ever they want to do and wherever they want to go.

There's a guy with a site somewhere who comes in and tells us of the latest video he's put up....on his musical site.....it's not as professionally set up as mixcloud.....so that's ok?

I dont find it good policy to close your doors too much....you miss fresh air !
#6June 16th, 2010 · 06:31 PM
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United States of America
kings wrote…
29853.htm must have been a new one......I took out banner and links from the others.

I'm not into annihilating things completely, so you can blame me for not deleting them,
mixcloud is a music site where you can upload mixes......I'd call that someone trying to "spread the word" albeit their own word!
They are simply putting a "flyer" through the letterbox at the pub....walk over it or let someone somewhere do something with it. 

I'm no spamlover but I would like to see a discussion on what members consider to be spam and why
Surly not all 'spam' should be stamped on and spat at immediately, some musical content is some at least and this is meant to be a site to help musicians...what ever they want to do and wherever they want to go.

There's a guy with a site somewhere who comes in and tells us of the latest video he's put up....on his musical site.....it's not as professionally set up as mixcloud.....so that's ok?

I dont find it good policy to close your doors too much....you miss fresh air !
I don't totally disagree; however, I think we need to have some agreed-upon policy as a site so we as moderators know how to respond and our members can at least feel we're not neglecting our duties here...I've found that this is a site where opinions of established members weigh more than fair play. Thus we will have continual "back and forth" around this issue unless we settle on a policy. Maybe we should put it to a vote?
#7June 16th, 2010 · 07:24 PM
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Cymru (Wales)
As a member I tend to agree with Denis, that it doesn't really bother me, as long as it has musical content, is not false or misleading and it does not offend me.
As a moderator I consider the above.....
I think The Kunadiun had voiced something on two of those threads otherwise there were no concerns...we've had spammers threads turning into pages of heated discussions.....these didn't.....so I took out the links     

Anyway I think a site as quiet as bandAmp needs more links...it cant rely on WillyDKs FL tutorials to keep up the traffic indefinitely.

Why cant we just turn the News and Evens Forum into a Marketplace Forum?.....it's just a matter of re-typing the title!
Anything like mixcloud.com, members with stuff to sell, up and coming gigs etc could all go there.....based on musical content, legitimacy and whether or not it offends.
#8June 16th, 2010 · 08:23 PM
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United States of America
The probable reason for the lack of heated discussion is that there is a definite lack of discussion, period, these days. Anyway, this discussion sounds like a good opportunity for people (if you're really out there) to weigh in on this issue. Can we, (shall we) convert the seldom-used "News and Events" forum into such a Marketplace? Let's decide, for once and always....(and for the love of God, get on to raving about something else!) OH, by the way, TK would probably have to contribute to discussions of changing a forum, no?
#9June 17th, 2010 · 02:49 PM
181 threads / 54 songs
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kings wrote…
As a moderator I consider the above.....
I think The Kunadiun had voiced something on two of those threads otherwise there were no concerns...we've had spammers threads turning into pages of heated discussions.....these didn't.....so I took out the links

It brings joy to my day when I see newly posted spam's cause I like giving them what-for. In all honesty I'm not mad at them or anything I just like attacking the spammers  
I don't know what I said on those threads as they are closed but I'm sure it was epic.

Yeah rename it do whatever, I think a little bit of spam keeps this site kind of fresh and on our toes. Unless something huge outbreaks we don't need to take huge costly measures...do we?
#10June 17th, 2010 · 03:00 PM
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United Kingdom
I trust the moderators decision, if you think a spammer needs to be banned, DO IT! 
#11June 17th, 2010 · 03:22 PM
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#12June 18th, 2010 · 11:54 AM
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TheKunadiun wrote…
.... Unless something huge outbreaks we don't need to take huge costly measures...do we?

Yeah there's a point there...

I thought about it some more, maybe a renaming of the News & Events forum to Events & Advertisement or something (or something like "Promotions") will direct these "spammers" there (the Marketplace idea), and it will be OK to promote your band's homepage, new release, musician's site or real world event there (like gigs and festivals and what have you). Actually it may be what the News & Events forum originally was intended for.

I merely responded to the thread title post because it's poster has promoted that site two times before, and that's just a bit bothersome. I mean, OK we read it, we now know of the promoted site... No need to repeat...

Or maybe we should return the favor.. Make accounts on all spammed sites and promote BandAMP. And enlist in banner exchange programs... that would be sweet.
#13June 18th, 2010 · 05:22 PM
341 threads / 59 songs
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Cymru (Wales)
PuppetXeno wrote…
And enlist in banner exchange programs
I like this idea a lot.....it is a way to 'get the site out there' but without being wan....sorry...spammers!
If I remember correctly I came to bandAmp through a banner on a lyrics site......it could well have been the lyrics site that's connected to the Amp.

Glad you like the idea to change the News and Events...The Marketplace was Minds idea and I think it covers everything that could go there.
I like "Ads and Events" , but 'Promotions' is a bit vague.

I also like the idea of 'following spammers home' and seeing 'what they can do for us'  
#14August 4th, 2010 · 06:26 PM
50 threads / 32 songs
292 posts
Just read the contents of the thread... I definitely support this banner sharing idea. However, I would prefer it if these ads were a bit "out of the way", rather than some websites which use the same concept, except with seizure-inducing animations and flashy colours.

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